Found Sounds

Anything music related. Latest songs, good new bands, and blasts from the past.

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Re: Found Sounds

Post by silversurfer19 »

Been listening to these guys a little recently, fans of The Arcade Fire, Broken Social Scene, Architecture In Helsinki and Mercury Rev would probably find things to like here. Plus it has a cute video too.

Windmill, "Tokyo Moon"

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Re: Found Sounds

Post by Shrykespeare »

Cute video, surfer. Robots with a tinge of Wall-E thrown in. Didn't care much for the song, though... I find the singer's voice to be very shrill and grating.

My choice for today is a song by a band formed in Boston in 1987 (perhaps Geezer remembers them?). They were known for very energetic live shows and three-part harmonies, as well as stirring covers such as The Beatles' "Tomrorow Never Knows" and The Who's "A Quick One While He's Away".

They only released two albums before they went their separate ways. This song is from their first album, "Joyrides for Shut-Ins". Enjoy.

The Cavedogs, "Leave Me Alone"

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Re: Found Sounds

Post by Shrykespeare »

If you listened to any Britpop, alternative, or Madchester music in the early 90's, odds are, you heard a lot of songs from the group I've chosen for today. They may not have been as well-hyped or as famous as a lot of other bands from that genre/era, but IMHO, they were no less important. It was groups like The Stone Roses, Inspiral Carpets, Happy Mondays, The Farm, and many others like them that fused into the tapestry of music that remains my favorite era of music of all time.

Today's group formed in 1989 in Northwitch, England. And though they have made a couple of lineup changes, three of the five original members are still in the group, and they are still performing and recording today. I used to own their first two albums, "Some Friendly" and "Between 10th and 11th", and played them all the time. I didn't buy their third album because, at the time, I wasn't sure I liked where they're sound was going, or maybe my musical tastes were changing slightly. Whatever the reason, I was wrong.

I have chosen two songs from their vast array. The first is my favorite song of theirs, and the second was their biggest hit (hitting #1 on the Modern Rock Chart). They have dozens of awesome songs on YouTube, so if you like what you hear below, give them a try. My other favorites are "The Only One I Know", "Sproston Green", and a song off their most recent album, "Mis-Takes".

The Charlatans (UK), "Then" and "Weirdo"

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Re: Found Sounds

Post by Shrykespeare »

Anyone here a fan of The Church? I have spent the last three days listening to absolutely everything I can find of theirs on YouTube, and it's really outstanding.

In the early 80's, they were quite mainstream-sounding, and I could definitely hear the same Australian-influenced twangs that I hear in other Aussie acts like Midnight Oil, INXS and Crowded House. But they also had some very moody, poetic lyrics that reminded me of Dylan.

In the 90's, they moved away from mainstream stuff and more into psychedelic/electronica. And while it's nice to listen to (some of it even reminds me of classic Pink Floyd), there's not much to distinguish any one song or album above all the others. Listening to their albums from the last ten years, it's amazing how little their sound has changed, but at the same time, it still managed to stay current. Thirty years later, they're still going strong, and at the end of October, they are going to be inducted into the ARIA Hall of Fame. Well-deserved.

I'll probalby post some of their videos in the next couple of days, after I finish up my listening bender. I thank this thread for making me delve deeper into some of these groups. I guess that qualifies as "Found Sounds" after all.

If any of you are fans of this group, please share your thoughts.
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Re: Found Sounds

Post by numbersix »

I know one or two The Church songs. Not bad, but was never blown away enough to invest a lot of interest in them. Very Shryke, though ;).

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Re: Found Sounds

Post by Leestu »

I reckon it will be just you and me Shryke that appreciate The Church. I'll look forward to seeing which song(s) you choose. Apart from "Under The Milky Way", my favourites would be "The Unguarded Moment" and "Almost With You". "Reptile" and "Electric Lash" are also very good IMO.
I haven't listened to much of their 90's stuff but it's interesting that you describe their 80's era as mainstream. Not that I disagree at all, but they were a very under appreciated band down here who were embraced by the alternative/indie scene in the 80s but largely ignored by the majority mainstream market, having only minimal chart success. (it's almost like they had too much quality for the masses :? )
I hadn't heard about the ARIA hall of fame induction but that's great, and congratulations to them.

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Re: Found Sounds

Post by Shrykespeare »

Well, wait no more, leestu. Having listened to nearly 70 Church songs over the past few days, it was really hard for me to pick one particular song over another. So I decided to pick one from the beginning of their run, and one that was more recent. Not that I didn't like their big airplay radio hits (as well as precisely the ones you mentioned, leestu), I certainly do, but these two that I picked are special.

My early pick was off their second major album, The Blurred Crusade. I remember hearing this song way back when, and it wasn't until I played it that I finally realized that it was a Church song. I absolutely love the guitars in this song, the same kind of upbeat Aussie twangs that were prevalent in INXS's debut album Shabooh Shoobah.

The Church, "When You Were Mine"

My second choice was a toughie. Most of their stuff from 1994 on just kind of blurs together. But I ended up choosing this song from their 2003 record Forget Yourself. It touches on the alternative genre, but seems to have elements of classic 70's anthems as well. Again, I just love the guitar. Steve Gilbey's voice, while easily recognizable, is not especially distinctive for me. This is probably the reason why none of their songs made my Top 100. Having heard a large portion of their discography now, I consider the experience to be very enriching, but I honestly wonder how much of it I'll remember six months from now.

The Church, "Song in Space"

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Re: Found Sounds

Post by Geezer »

You're welcome
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Re: Found Sounds

Post by numbersix »

haha, Die Antwoord are crazy. Their new video is just as insane

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Re: Found Sounds

Post by Geezer »

Yup, just watched that today. Not quite as good as enter the ninja, but still crazy. Even better when you look up what the lyrics actually mean!
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Re: Found Sounds

Post by Shrykespeare »

Here's a recently rediscovered favorite of mine from 1990. Have no freakin' idea what the title or half the lyrics mean, but we all have songs like that. Love those Scottish female singers.

Cocteau Twins, "Iceblink Luck"

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Re: Found Sounds

Post by Leestu »

I'm sure I posted a song on here on the weekend (and some comments) but it's not here now. Strange. I must have stuffed up somehow. Maybe I pressed preview instead of submit. I was in a bit of a rush. :? :oops:

Good Church songs Shryke. The 2nd one was new to me and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Good picks, as were the Charlatans & Cocteau Twins. She uses her voice like it's another instrument. You're providing me with a trip down memory lane.
Loved the Windmill song Surfer, especially his voice. It did remind me of Mercury Rev.

Now on to Die Antwoord. That was some fascinating freaky shit Geezer. Not normally my genre of choice but it actually interested me enough to find out more about them, and I just noticed yesterday that they will be performing at the BDO festival next year so I'll get to see them live. I'd never heard of them before so it was a name I just ignored when I first looked at the lineup.

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Re: Found Sounds

Post by Shrykespeare »

Glad you liked them, leestu.

I particularly liked how you described Elizabeth Frazier's voice as an instrument unto itself, that's dead on. And if you liked "Iceblink Luck", check out her phenomenal trilling in "Carolyn's Fingers". It'll blow your mind.

For my next song, you might remember this guy from my Top 100, with the song "Charlotte Anne". But I just recently found another song of his that I hadn't previously heard before, and it's just too cool to keep secret.

Julian Cope, "Trampolene"

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Re: Found Sounds

Post by Leestu »

I've been listening to this Scottish band's album lately.

Dananananaykroyd, The Greater Than Symbol and the Hash (It won't embed so here's the link.) ... re=related

Or check them out having fun performing Devo's "Whip It" live for a radio show.

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Re: Found Sounds

Post by silversurfer19 »

Here's a band I've been listening to quite a bit recently, they're album Let's Make Friends is awesome:

Les Savy Fav: Comes And Goes

and a rockier number:

Les Savy Fav: Raging In The Plague Age

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