ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's Countdown

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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's: #30-2

Post by numbersix »

Boosch: Lots of Brazil love. Brilhante!

John: I didn't realise it came out the same time as Blade Runner. Who thought that was a good idea? Then again, studios released three films last weekend and barely anything is out this month, so I guess the stupidity has been inherited. As for the film, I agree it's Carpenter's strongest. The FX in that scene are incredible.

Ron: Never watched it. I know roughly what happens, but was never drawn to it. Might give it a go one day, just for Ol Blue Eyes.

Starlord: It's a shame Burton's batmen aren't talked about much anymore. They're better than the Nolan trilogy. A perfect blend of quirky goth and a dash of camp, making it fun but not throwaway. I think Batman Returns is even better, and a deeply under-rated film.

Tranny: Almost a same-day snap. Have you ever seen the Led Zep doc The Song Remains the Same? Apparently it's more like Spinal Tap than you'd think.

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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's: #30-2

Post by Buscemi2 »

The SAG strike had a lot to do with the barren September. For some reason, studios care about promoting things again, even though the year's biggest film essentially sold itself (well, that and Mattel made it a two-hour toy commercial for adults).

Meanwhile, yeah, it does feel like the Burton Batmans aren't talked about anymore. I mean, people liked The Batman and failed to point out it's basically Batman Returns with an extra hour that adds nothing. I blame Kevin Smith for why many pretend there were no Batman movies before 2005.
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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's: #30-2

Post by transformers2 »

Boosh: Haven't seen it.

John: Haven't seen it.

Ron: Haven't seen it.

six: Haven't seen it. Also, I have not seen The Song Remains the Same, but if it served as the inspiration for Spinal Tap, I'll have to check it out.

StarLord: It's definitely cheesy and dated, but Keaton is a terrific Batman and Nicholson's take on the Joker has become underrated in the wake of Heath Ledger's show-stopping performance.
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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's: #30-2

Post by numbersix »

Buscemi2 wrote:
October 3rd, 2023, 3:30 pm

Meanwhile, yeah, it does feel like the Burton Batmans aren't talked about anymore. I mean, people liked The Batman and failed to point out it's basically Batman Returns with an extra hour that adds nothing. I blame Kevin Smith for why many pretend there were no Batman movies before 2005.
I try to blame Kevin Smith for pretty much everything

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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's: #30-2

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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's: #30-2

Post by Ron Burgundy »


Paris, Texas
Ive seen this once, it has some charm of a lost soul in the American desert. But i wasn't drawn to it. 6/10
Evil Dead II
Solid sequel, if you can even call it that. I enjoyed it alot when i first saw it. 7/10

I don't think ive seen this, maybe caught bits, but only maybe. I'll get back to you. N/A
Little Shop of Horrors
That 2 maybe's actually. N/A

The Purple Rose of Cairo
Definitely started watching this, but did not finish. Im not a big Woody fan. Still should finish it. N/A
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
I agree, its the best Jones movie. Some fantastic action sequences, mixed in with great chemistry of the two leads. 9.5/10

Back to the Future: Part II
Its certainly possible, i actually prefer this one to the original. I'll never forget the hover boards! 7.5/10
Lethal Weapon 2
I'll admit, Weapons 2 and 3 often blur into one because of the Pesci character. I still enjoy it though. 6.5/10

Midnight Run
Just had this in my top, so yeah, nice one trandog! 8.5/10
Road House
For a brief moment, i considered this for my own top. Almost made even more famous thanks to Seth McFarlane and Family Guy, i have to say, i actually really dig this stuff. Over the top action, over the top bad guys and heroes, whats not to like? 7/10
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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's: #30-2

Post by Ron Burgundy »


The Terminator
Epic sci-fi action topped off with one of the best launch pads for an actor ever. 7/10
Seen it once, for sure. It didn't wow me like the next Lector movie. 5.5/10

The Man with two Brains
Im sure ive caught this on a TV once or twice, but never devoted to fully viewing. Not long ago i was a bit of a Steve Martin heckler, but ive grown to appreciate his style more today. N/A
Dead Ringers
Good choice, considered this for my top. 7.5/10

Back to the Future
Also considered for my top, but for some reason i like #2 a tad better, for me they are one trilogy anyways, as the movies begin with bits of the last film ala tv shows. 7.5/10
The Thin Blue Line
You introduced us to this doco in our top 100 movies of all time. At the time, i hadn;t seen this, since then, seen it at least 5 times. Great score also btw. 9.5/10

Rocky IV
Your choices are starting to become slightly reminiscent of Shrykes, which is a good thing, because i always felt we had many similar choices. Really glad someone picked this. I had it in my top only to think no, its a guilty pleasure (even though i have Rocky III in my top). That snow montage! 7.5/10
Midnight Run
Had this in my top, so yes, nice one! 8.5/10

Field of Dreams
Another crossover, you have some good choices tranny, but i think you need to see more from the 80s based on your comments! 8/10
Top Secret!
I wanted to like this way more than i actually did. I was a big fan of Zucker and Abrahams, perhaps i had too high expectations. Either way, this is still good and should try it again. 6/10
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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's: #30-2

Post by JohnErle »

I've talked about Brazil & Spinal Tap already, so on to the rest.

The Verdict – I only saw it once, but I thought it was terrific. I definitely should re-watch it.

Akira – I only saw it once and I wasn't impressed. I was probably too old for it when I finally saw it. If I'd seen it in my teens I probably would have thought it was awesome.

Burton's Batman – I hated it at the time because I was into Frank Miller's Batman, and Vertigo comics, so I felt like the movie was taking Batman several decades into the past, returning it to the childish, Adam West era despite the Gothic visuals, and it made me angry that it wasn't doing justice to how mature, gritty, and sophisticated comics had become. Yeah, I was young and foolish once.

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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's: #30-2

Post by transformers2 »

#14 featuring a double dose of a classic sci-fi franchise
Boosh: Die Hard (1988)

John: An American Werewolf in London (1981)
It was a painful decision to leave After Hours off my list, but I felt a bit better knowing that Griffin Dunne would still make an appearance thanks to this horror/comedy classic. I feel like Dunne only could have been a star in the 80s, in the same way Elliot Gould only could have been a star in the 70s.

Ron: Mississippi Burning (1988)

six: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
What a bold move, to decide not to direct the sequel to your original film, one of the biggest films of all time, and instead hand it to your mentor. Who ended up doing a better job than George Lucas ever did and ever will. The sequel is even more fantastical, its worlds richer and its tone darker, scarier. And what a bold move to end on a cliffhanger, and yet still feel like a satisfying movie onto itself.

StarLord: Scarface (1983)

transformers: Return of the Jedi (1983)
A rousing, epic conclusion to the Star Wars trilogy. What a blessing it is to see a franchise know exactly when to end and not tarnish its legacy with an endless parade of prequels, spin-offs and reboots that accomplish little else outside of padding the library for a Disney+ hub.
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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's: #30-2

Post by numbersix »

Boosch: Not the last you'll see of Detective McClane, I suspect

John: Surprised this one hasn't turned up yet. Missed out on my list, probably because it's one I didn't fully watch until my 30s. Actualy, it was on TV on Christmas Eve, strangely. Love the balance of real horror and real comedy. Also, had a quick google on Dunne. Didn't realise he directed a bunch of romcoms, some of which were relatively high profile, even if they bombed. He had a little role in Wes Anderson's The French Dispatch too.

Ron: I saw this really really young, and remember being apalled by the racism. But I haven't seen it in nearly 30 years.

Starlord: It's okay, I guess. Over-rated considering every rapper who thinks he's a tough-guy references this constantly. This video amuses me though:

Tranny: I think it's flawed, but yeah it's still miles above the prequels, sequels, and TV series.

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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's: #30-2

Post by JohnErle »

Die Hard – It's a classic, but my tastes skew more towards cult classics.

Mississippi Burning – An intense, powerful film that I considered for my list, but it's been a while since I've seen it. It's another honourable mention I can scratch off my list.

Empire – It was all downhill for Star Wars after this. I remember begging my Dad to take me to see it in theatres, but once I discovered Star Trek I lost all interest in this franchise.

Scarface – Al Pacino as a Cuban is about as convincing as Chuck Heston as a Mexican. I also blame rappers for keeping this film in the public consciousness.

ROTJ – I fear that the top 10 of this countdown might be a tad predictable. I know I have some surprises left, but now that Shryke's gone I'm pretty sure I'm the only one old enough to actually remember the 80s, so there might not be many hidden gems to come.

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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's: #30-2

Post by transformers2 »

Boosh: A damn near perfect action movie and one hell of a coming out party for Bruce Willis the action star.

John: Haven't seen it, but from what I've heard about it, it definitely seems like it would be in my wheelhouse.

As for your concerns about predictability in the top 10, they'll more than likely be validated as a lot of films that have already appeared here will be appearing again and some imminent first-time picks will also be repeated in short order. However, there are some curveballs in there as well and I'm sure you and six will provide some more.

Ron: Haven't seen it.

six: Return of the Jedi made my list, so it won't come as a shock to anyone when I reveal that Empire Strikes Back is on there as well. It's the undisputed peak of the Star Wars franchise for me and that's all I'll say about it for now.

StarLord: Casting Al Pacino as a Cuban while he shared a number of scenes with an ACTUAL CUBAN MAN makes it impossible for me to take this movie seriously.
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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's: #30-2

Post by transformers2 »

#13 aka the day where the same film got picked twice.

Boosh: Once Upon a Time in America (1984):

John: The Falcon and the Snowman (1985):
Another quintessentially 80s actor, Timothy Hutton was poised to be the next big thing after his Academy Award for Ordinary People, but he kept turning down big roles like the lead in Risky Business for less commercial fare like the brilliant The Falcon & The Snowman, the true story of altar boys from wealthy California families who grew up to sell American secrets to the Russians. The movie seems largely forgotten today, and that's a shame.

Ron: Scarface (1983):

six: Raging Bull (1980):
In many ways this is Scorsese’s masterpiece. After a few of his other ones. Raging Bull is as graceful as it is brutal, the stunning black and white cinematography capturing every bead of sweat from Jake LaMotta’s fights. But the real battles are at home, as he takes his jealousy out on his wife and his manager/brother. This is where the real drama is, and how it affects the performance of this supposed champion. De Niro is incredible and fearless in his depiction of the brutal boxer

StarLord: The Shining (1980):

transformers: The Shining (1980):
Watching Doctor Sleep-which I'm also a big fan of-a few years back served as a welcome reminder of just how great The Shining is. Kubrick's ability to weave a visceral web of terror through haunting imagery and emphasizing the claustrophobic isolation of its setting is nothing short of masterful. Pair Kubrick's incredible direction with some insanely detailed production design and one of Jack Nicholson's best performances ever and you have the formula for one hell of a horror picture.
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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's: #30-2

Post by Buscemi2 »

Risky Business with Timothy Hutton would have been bizarre. Kind of like how Dumb and Dumber was originally planned to have Nicolas Cage and Gary Oldman as Harry and Lloyd or how Sean Connery was the first choice to play Morpheus in The Matrix.
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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's: #30-2

Post by numbersix »

Boosch: Leone's best of the decade. Thinking more about it, I remember that there are some scenes in which the De Niro character does horrific things. I didn't think it glorified him, but it did make it very hard to engage with him, far more than, say, Michael Corleone. Maybe that's why it's not one of my favourites.

John: Maybe it's the awful title, but I've never seen this, and only have heard of it due to the Bowie song written for it. But it actually sounds like something I might enjoy, and I see Steve Zallian wrote it, so must go on my to-see list.

Ron: I hope you watch it from a flatscreen TV on the bottom of your jacuzzi.

Starlord and Tranny: One of the strangest Stephen King adaptations (and so very different from the source novel). An excellent film, but please don't mention it in the same breathe as the devastatingly poor Dr Sleep. "Shine on" is one of the worst last lines of any film I've ever seen.

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