Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Post by Ron Burgundy »


La vie ne vaut rien - FL. Quite pleasant. 5.5/10

Don't Take Me For Granted - FL. Not for me. 3/10

Fake Tales Of San Francisco - Probably didn't like it so much when it was released. But these days i enjoy it. 6/10

Don’t Look At The Sun Or You’ll Go Blind - FL2. Really like Pond, no idea why i don't look for more of their stuff, good pick! 7/10

Wounded Horse - FL2. I liked this heaps, nice one! 6.5/10

Cassie, Me And U - FL. Its ok. 4.5/10

Too Little Too Late - FL. If i was 9, this would be be a 9/10. These days, its just so-so. 4/10

Radio Cure - Its very slow, maybe too slow. But not bad. 5/10

Salinas - FL. It was kinda nice. 5.5/10

Partying is Such Sweet Sorrow - FL. Not something ill want to hear again. 3.5/10
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Post by JohnErle »

Other people's picks can be very surprising, but so can other people's reactions to my picks. The last thing I expected from God Monkey Robot was to hear it compared to the Strokes. Admittedly, there's only one Strokes track I can remember -- you can probably guess which one -- so maybe there's more similarity to other Strokes tracks I heard once 20 years ago and never heard again. God Monkey Robot was an indie rock track from 2006, so maybe it sounds like other indie rock tracks from 2006, which is hardly a crime, but I find the lyrics incredibly distinctive and far removed from any Strokes, Kings Of Leon, or Killers track I've ever heard.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Post by Shrykespeare »



Stromae, Tous les mêmes (2013)

Stromae is a Belgian singer/rapper that is quite popular in France. This is a song in which he puts himself in the place of a woman dealing with the breakup of her boyfriend. It’s rhythmic, it’s musical, and lyrics play greatmy with the words. I found a video with English subtitles.


Chumped, Eleanor (2013)

I am still not over this band's breakup and re-listening to their catalog to pick a couple tracks for this countdown just made me miss them even more. I know most won't be able to differentiate this, but Anika's voice and lyrics are top notch for me. That drum beat is pretty killer too.


Neko Case, Hold On, Hold On (2006)

I used to think Neko Case was Canadian and was disappointed to learn she wasn't, but I try not to hold that against her. She may be my favourite singer of the millennium, and I'd honoured to count myself among her boyfriends, but her songwriting sometimes leaves me cold. Luckily there are notable exceptions.

Also: Star Witness, Train From Kansas City


Gold Connections, New Religion (2017)

I am not sure why this song clicked with me, but it really did from first listen. I just kept going back to it. It’s a well written, power pop influenced, lo fi indie rock song that builds patiently to end up with an energy that you didn’t expect from the start of the song, with great, passionate vocals, and good lyrics. From the same local music scene as Car Seat Headrest, and they got Will Toledo to produce the EP this song comes from. Maybe it’s just that I’m a Car Seat Headrest fanboy…or maybe this is a fantastic song on its own merit. Either way doesn’t bother me – it’s still one of my favourite songs of the millennium.


Moldy Peaches, Steak for Chicken (2001)

I always considered this track to be the Peaches most "ambitious" song. That probably says more about the rest of the album than it does the song itself. But I digress...


The Killers, The Man (2017)

The Killers got back in style with this funky tune. Up tempo and catchiness everywhere.


Ellie Goulding, Lights (2009)

Solidifying her growing reputation as one of the top pop vocalists (no matter how much of an oxymoron that may seem to be) was this gem from 2012 (crazy to think that was eight years ago!), arguably the best of her work. Backed up by the vocals is the eerie electronic production that enhances a beautiful yet haunting song.


Disturbed, Stricken (2005)

Sorry (not sorry) to make you have to endure another Disturbed song, but here we are. Ten Thousand Fists is the band’s second-best album ever (after The Sickness), and this is the best song on it (though I encourage you to check out their cover of Genesis’s “Land of Confusion”, the video is BADASS). For most of you, this will sound like every other Disturbed song. For me, David Draiman’s voice goes to a different level here, full of passion and pain, accompanied by the killer guitar riffs.

You carry on like a holy man pushing redemption
I don't want to mention, the reason I know
That I am stricken and can't let you go
When the heart is cold there's no hope and we know
That I am crippled by all that you've done
Into the abyss will I run


David Lynch feat. Lykki Li, I’m Waiting Here (2013)

Well of course I’d find a way to fit David Lynch in here somewhere. His 2 albums of music are enjoyable experiments in offbeat dream-rock, but when he brings in an actual singer (like Karen O in Pinky’s Dream) they become genuinely great. This is my favourite, with Li’s voice sounding almost angelic.


Battles, Atlas (2007)

This was my first exposure to Battles, and intriguing math rock band who have the knack for reinventing exactly what you think they will sound like over and over again. Atlas is a genre bending classic now, taking an eerily similar throb to Marilyn Mason's The Beautiful People and creating a thoroughly absorbing listen that shifts time signatures and moods over and over again. With the adopted falsetto vocals of Tyondai Braxton creating a high-pitched nervous energy as he bounces off of the electronic beats and drums, Atlas is at its core a pop classic twisted and distorted into something quite mesmerising.


Freddie Gibbs & Madlib, Harold's (2014)

Meet hip hop's most unexpected odd couple. Freddie Gibbs is a gritty gangster rapper from Gary, Indiana while Madlib is a producer whose known for his abstract, often mellow beats. Together, they created a totally unexpected sound that masterfully combines unfiltered hardcore intensity with jazz/funk smoothness. Laid back gangster rap was something that I didn't know I wanted or needed, but am very glad exists. Thanks Freddie Gibbs and Madlib!

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Post by Shrykespeare »


Ron B - The Man - This is by no means my favorite Killers song (which would be "Read My Mind"), but it's good. Excellent choice, Ron. 7.5/10

Leestu - New Religion - Really cool song. Had kind of a timeless quality to it, like it could have been at home in any of the past five or six decades. 7/10

Six - I'm Waiting Here - This was very nice. Not really a fan of anything David Lynch has put his name on... Mind. Blown. 6.5/10

JohnErle - Hold On, Hold ON - I really like this. I'm not an enamored with Neko as you, obvi, but dang, she's got a great voice. 6.5/10

Geezer - Eleanor - My very first GF was named Eleanor (well, Eleanore, but close enough). "Eleanor I know it's been a long time since we were young and full of longing, but I never let you go." When it comes to our first squeezes, is this ever not true? Thanks for the nostalgia. 6.5/10

Surfer - Atlas - Never heard of Battles. And who is this Marilyn MASON you speak of? :lol: This was ... strange. In a good way. 6/10

Screen203 - Lights - No doubting Ellie's got a great voice (like most of your favorite female artists, Screen), but I'd need to absorb a lot more of her discography before I can call myself a fan. 6/10

Chien - Tous les mêmes - Sorry, Chien, call me parochial, but it's hard to get past the language barrier when it comes to music. Not impossible, by any means (I have a non-English song on my list), but if it doesn't hit the bull's-eye with me, it's just not gonna click. 5.5/10

Transformers - Harold's - Nope, not for me. 4.5/10

NSpan - Steak For Chicken - NEXT!! 4/10
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Post by numbersix »


Chien: The prospect of French hip-hop sounded intriguing, but I just couldn't get into this. That sort of cabaret pop music doesn't go down well for me. I think I have an unconscious bias against French music. I've clearly been in England too long!
Geezer: what an awful name for a band. The vocals made it a bit more interesting than the usual pop-punk.
John: Excellent vocals indeed. And the twangy guitar, which can go either way for me, really worked here.
Leetsu: Definite CSH vibe here. Nice indie rock although not as memorable as CSH
NSpan: I liked the ramshackle sound of this. A lot. Witty lyrics too.
Ron: Wow, they went full synthpop here. Felt a little too derivative to me. In fact it sounds very like an 80s track that I can't name. If it comes back to me I'll post it.
Screen: Sounded very generic to me
Shryke: See my comment on Screen above.
Surf: What a song. Although you only posted the 4 minute version. Someone will have to rectify that later in the countdown.
Tranny: Good beats and chill-out vibe. Also, now I'm hungry. Thanks a lot, dude.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Post by silversurfer19 »

And who is this Marilyn MASON you speak of?
What I could achieve with an editor on this forum!
What a song. Although you only posted the 4 minute version. Someone will have to rectify that later in the countdown.
I'm sure Shryke is on the case....

Fallen behind a little, will attempt to listen to everything at some point, but here are some thoughts on the last round.

Chien, Stromae - This sounded VERY French (or is it Belgian, other than Soulwax I am not overly familiar with their artists!), but not really for me.

Geezer, Chumped - I have listened to a little bit of these guys and enjoyed what I have heard. This was new but was also very nice. Not sure if you know of them, but Martha have a similar kind of sound, so they may fill a Chumped sized hole in your life!

Johnerle, Neko Case - I was sure Neko was Canadian too! Prefer her work with The New Pornographers for the most part, though there are some lovely songs on her solo records, this being one of them.

Leestu, Gold Connections - New to me, but sounded very familiar. Must be the Car Seat Headrest connection. It was OK, not sure I would seek out any more, but it was pleasant enough.

Nspan, The Moldy Peaches - Ha! The lyrics in this were ridiculous, but hilarious. Had a lot of fun listening to it.

Ron, The Killers - Didn't know the band were still making music this recently. Not really interesting to me at all though.

Screen, Ellie Goulding - This girl is very famous over here, but I have never really seen the attraction. Nothing has changed that with this song.

Shryke, Disturbed - Oh dear, oh dear. Definitely a band I had banished from my memory making a sudden and horrific return!

six, David Lynch and Lykke Li - I have listened to a little of Lkkye Li before and been impressed, and this furthered that more so. Really great match.

Tranny, Freddie Gibbs and Madlib - Again, not for me.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Post by NSpan »


Tom Rosenthal, Go Solo (2014)
Loved the instrumentation.. though I found the vocals sorta off-putting.

Against Me!, Walking Is Still Honest (2002)
Not bad at all. I think I've said this before: this style of music is fine by me in small doses. But I honestly wouldn't want to hear an entire album of it in one sitting.

The Apparitions, God Monkey Robot (2006)
Liked it a lot... though the video is mostly what grabbed me, tbh

Hobo Johnson, Typical Story (2019)
When this started, i thought "woah.. this is NOT for me." but, honestly, i was kinda into it by the end

Holy Holy, Teach Me About Dying (2019)
Cool lyrics. Cool song--though I'm less into the upbeat tempo. I like my music to bum me out, lol

Chromeo, Jealous (I Ain't With It) (2014)
I gave it a genuine chance, but it's just not my thing

Eminem, Without Me (2002)
There's some funny moments in the video for sure, though i'm still not crazy about Em himself

Hot Chip, Over and Over (2006)
Good vid, pretty good song. "Anthem" as a descriptor in your blurb had me worried, but it grew on me pretty quick. The ending could've been more.... conclusive? Not crazy about fadeouts

Big Thief, Shark Smile (2017)
i *loved* this. thanks for sharing

The Weeknd, House of Balloons/Glass Table Girls (2011)
I didn't dislike it.. but I kept waiting for it to "grab" me. That didn't happen
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Post by JohnErle »

silversurfer19 wrote:
March 17th, 2020, 8:45 am
Johnerle, Neko Case - I was sure Neko was Canadian too! Prefer her work with The New Pornographers for the most part, though there are some lovely songs on her solo records, this being one of them.
She's from down Seattle way, but she went to art school in Vancouver, which lead to her collaborating with a lot of Canadian artists in addition to the Pornos, hence the confusion, and hence my regret over not going to art school here the moment I arrived.

Shryke, there's definitely a cult of creepy old men who take their adoration of Neko Case too far, whereas I'm more of a casually creepy admirer.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Post by Shrykespeare »

I'll post #62 soon. Still waiting on Screen. IF he hasn't sent me his pick in the next 2 hours, I'll post without him.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Post by Shrykespeare »

Remember, everybody, tomorrow is our first Mystery Round, so make a point to tune in!



Sigur Ros, Inni Mer Syngur Vitleysingur (2008)

Take away the Icelandic lyrics, and you might not recognize this is Sigur Ros. But there is an energy growing in that song and waiting to burst out of the band that I absolutely love. I listen to this song loud from time to time, it’s one of those songs that cheer me up like few others, even though I don’t understand a single word of it.


Off With Their Heads, Die Today (2006)

Sorry for the relative clustering of OWTH songs. This song is another in your face punk song, much more like the first than the second song I featured. Other than the obvious dealing with a drug problem and suicide references, I feel like this is a song everyone can relate to. Except maybe Ron B, because apparently everything in his life is all rainbows and kittens.


Belle & Sebastian, Your Cover's Blown (2004)

Pick up the girl in someone's borrowed Mini
Take her to dinner use her boyfriend's money.

For a band that's normally described as twee, that's pretty badass. I suspect that part of the reason I'm still single is that I've never found a girl who looks like she belongs on a Belle & Sebastian album cover.

Also: Wrapped Up In Books, Sukie In The Graveyard


Ben Folds, Rockin’ The Suburbs (2001)

If you haven’t worked it out yet, I love songs that have a sense of fun to it, and make my smile (as long as the music is also my sort of thing). Some great, humourous, satire from Ben Folds here, that is apparently a diss track about Korn. Fuck censorship of cursing too…the official video is censored, which in this song makes it a bit pointless really.


Gram Rabbit, Horses Can't Throw Up (2010)

More from Joshua Tree's Jessika Von Rabbit & Co. This isn't my last GR track this countdown.


Kendrick Lamar, The Blacker the Berry (2015)

When this guy hit the scene, he made a pretty big splash. But in my opinion, this is still is best song.


Sophie Ellis-Baxter, Murder On The Dance Floor (2000)

Guilty pleasure (at best) but I like it enough to put it on a top 100 songs list! The modern-disco feel (like La Roux, but without the tropical vibe - early Madonna could be a good comparison as well, which should tell you how you're going to feel about this) makes for a somewhat lightweight but endlessly replayable song.


Placebo, Running Up that Hill (2007)

I remember hearing this haunting cover of Kate Bush’s song in the trailer for a pretty good vampire movie called Daybreakers. I don’t think the song was in the actual movie, but when I found the song on YouTube, I knew I loved it. Brian Molko lends a gravitas to the song that matches Kate, a feat that I don’t think Meg Myers QUITE matches in her current smash hit version of the song.


Modest Mouse, Float On (2004)

Another indie anthem, but this time for the guitar nuts. Modest Mouse may have made better songs, but not one like this, which everyone can’t help but tap their limbs and sing along to.


Waxahatchee, Swan Dive (2015)

Following up on her debut solo outing with Cerulean Salt, Katie Crutchfield gained a backing band (her sister's band mates in Swearin'), plugged in her guitar, and cleaned up her lo-fi sound. What resulted was surprisingly in fact an even more intimate record than what had come before it, and in cleansing her vocals and bringing them right to the fore, you are transported right to her bedroom. Sounding like a well travelled hitchhiker filled with learned wisdom from her travels, she openly questions tradition and loveless marriages (themes she has raised in the past but expanded upon here) in this rather haunting song, and this feeling of knowing has a powerful effect.


Revocation, Pestilence Reigns (2009)

A faster, heavier take on '80s thrash from a group of musicians that met at the Berklee School of Music in Boston? Yes please.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Post by Shrykespeare »


Leestu - Rockin' the Suburbs - OMG, I remember this from Over the Hedge! Great song, fun, tongue-in-cheek. Typical Ben. 8/10

Six - Float On - Heard this song MANY times. It's lost a little luster since '04, but it's still a groovy tune. 7/10

NSpan - Horses Can't Throw Up - You've made me a fan of Gram Rabbit, Nicky. Granted, I loved Shiny Monster much more than this, but thanks. 6.5/10

Surfer - Swan Dive - Very pleasant, but nothing I"m going to remember. 6/10

Geezer - Die Today - Not bad. Great energy. A totally Geezer song. 6/10

Chien - Inni Mer Syngur Vitleysingur - Very nice. Not much else I can add. 6/10

Screen203 - Murder on the Dance Floor - See Surfer's comment. 5.5/10

Ron B - The Blacker the Berry - Not bad for its genre, 99% of which I'm not interested in. 5/10

JohnErle - Your Cover's Blown - Didn't care for this. 4.5/10

Tranny - Pestilence Reigns - No. Just no. 3.5/10
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Post by numbersix »


Chien: I remember at the time being disgusted at how poppy this song was in comparison to their usual sound. Returning to it again, it's actual quite a lovely song.
Geez: Did nothing for me.
John: This was kinda... awesome. I pretty much gave up on B&S in the new millennium, losing interest in that twee folk sound, but this is so different. It''s funky, it's got a great groove, it twists and turns unexpectedly. It's like a funky Paranoid Android for people who like to read books while sitting aginst trees.
Leets: Wow, this is a surprise. I guess it proves the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. Especially with music as bland as this. Sorry!
NSpan: Enjoyed this very much. Keep the GR coming.
Ron B: One of the few hip-hop artists I really enjoy. This actually was the song that piqued my interest, because of the way he turns the anger against himself (or his character), calling himself a hypocrite for being apalled at the violence against African American folk but also being okay when one of them kills their own. I've a Kendrick song coming... but much much later.
Screen: Man, this song was EVERYWHERE in 2000 and 2001. I worked on a TV travel show in which "Groovejet" was the theme tune so I had to listen to it dozens of times every day as we watched edits. So I'm a little bit traumatised by Sophie.
Shryke: Sorry, dude, but this just isn't a patch on the original, which is one of my all-time favourite songs. I think because it doesnt' really do that much diferent, whereas the Futureheads cover of Hounds of Love feels like a fresh and unique take. As "classic" covers of the song go, I prefer the Chromatics lo-fi version (
Surf: This was nice. Music didn't do a lot, but enjoyed it nonetheless.
Tranny: Not for me.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Post by Leestu »


The I Love It

Battles, Atlas - I honestly considered this for my the end I think it missed out because I only discovered Battles very recently (like a couple of months ago) and I didn't think it fair for a song I've only heard a handful of times to make the list...I'm sure it would be in an updated one years down the track...I listened on spotify so I only know the 7 minute the percussion on this song is fantastic!

The Great

The Killers, The Man - this is the sort of '80s nostalgia I like...although I admit I didn't think much of it the first time I heard it, but gee it grew on me over the year in 2017...I still get into it whenever I hear it

The Very Good

David Lynch feat. Lykki Li, I’m Waiting Here - first state the obvious, very Lynchian...reminded me of Lynch era Julie Cruise

Neko Case, Hold On, Hold On - first listen...really like her voice

The Good

Chumped, Eleanor - first listen...liked it...are they young? Seems a bit weird to be so young singing about memories of a long ago relationship

The Okay

Moldy Peaches, Steak for Chicken - first listen...I normally like music like this, and I like other Moldy Peaches songs I've heard...but the two at once vocals didn't work for me

Stromae, Tous les mêmes - first listen...probably need to understand the lyrics to get more out of this

The Meh

Freddie Gibbs & Madlib, Harold's - really like Madlib's beats but I really struggle with the gangsta rap of Freddie Gibbs

Disturbed, Stricken - first a way I don't get why I don't like Disturbed much, maybe it's the ultra clean sound they have, or maybe they remind me of what '80s hair metal like 20 years later...I don't know, just guessing at reasons

The Rest

Ellie Goulding, Lights - first listen...sorry Screen we have very different tastes for the most part...still interesting to see what yours is though

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