Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

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Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Shrykespeare »

On we go!



Noir désir, Le vent nous portera (2001)

It may not sound like it, when you listen to this song, but Noir Désir is one of the biggest French rock bands of the 90’s. If you can, listen to “Un jour en France” and “L’homme pressé”, fantastic French rock songs. “Le vent nous portera” is a softer song, but one that stuck with me. In French we have a word, “ritournelle”, designing a small music that runs and doesn’t leave, and this is exactly what this song feels like. It’s simple, but really beautiful.


Off With Their Heads, Start Walking (2013)

The opening track of what was my favorite album of 2013, and easily one of my favorite albums of the last 20 years. I love this band for their aggressive style and angry lyrics, without being too hardcore that the music loses its listenability. Just a great punk band, and great guys too. They've opened many shows with this when I've seen them and it just starts the atmosphere off perfectly.


Cake, Short Skirt/Long Jacket (2001)

If you had asked me six months ago I would have sworn this was a 90s tune, but when I double-checked it turned out to be from 2001.
“She is changing her name from Kitty to Karen
She's trading her MG for a white Chrysler LeBaron”

Also: Sick Of You, Sheep Go To Heaven


Thee Oh Sees, The Dream (2011)

Oh Sees, as they are now going by, are easily one of my favourite bands of the last ten years. Amazing prolific band that just keep releasing album after album, each one with its own distinctive flavour but all identifiably that Oh Sees sound. Amazing live too…I’ve been lucky enough to catch them twice.


Got a Girl, I'll Never Hold You Back (2014)

Dan the Automator + Mary Elizabeth Winstead. This project never got much attention, but I believe it's a true achievement. Winstead has surprisingly effective vocals, and Automator provides the perfect backdrop and atmosphere.


The Prodigy, Omen (2009)

So, so sad about their frontman Keith Flint. I was lucky enough to catch The Prodigy around a decade ago. One of the best live shows i've ever seen.


Chelsea Wolfe, Carrion Flowers (2015)

If a drum enthusiast wants to impress others, they should perform this song - whoever plays the drums here should be considered one of the greats.The heavy bass that kicks off the song is very impressive (you can almost feel it vibrating through you), and adds to Wolfe's haunting vocals to make an unforgettably creepy (in a good way) experience.


Snow Patrol, Chasing Cars (2006)

This song, according to Wiki, was the most widely played song of the first decade of the millennium in the UK, and remains to this day the most widely played song of the millennium on UK radio. So yeah, I’m going to force y’all to endure it one more time. Despite having heard it a hundred times, I love the way Gary Lightbody’s voice plays out over the spars guitars, which eventually build to a beautiful crescendo before tapering off again.


ANOHNI, Drone Bomb Me (2016)

Antony (& the Johnsons) has been around for some time, partly thanks to being discovered by Lou Reed, but it was in 2016 that I think he made his masterpiece Hopelessness. Here, he combined his unique vocals, which I can only describe as Nina Simone in mourning, with political outrage. This synth-drenched track is just incredible.


Purple Mountains, All My Happiness Is Gone (2019)

Last year, David Berman released his final, and for me, best record. A lot has been said about the s/t album as well as the overall legacy of David Berman, and I can only concur on so much that has been expressed. His work with Silver Jews and Purple Mountains is some of the most emotive I have heard over the past couple of decades, and while I guess the struggles he faced were too much to bear in the end, what he left us with was one of the best records of the millennium. The fact that he can emote so much pain within his lyrics (as well as a hell of a wit), while still making music that is fundamentally joyous is quite a feat. I am still struck every so often by the sheer beauty of his writing, so much so you have to stop what you are doing and embrace it. It's a shame it has taken his passing for him to finally get the world wide recognition for his work, but if there was to be a record to remember him by, this is as good as anything.


System of a Down, Needles (2001)

Toxicity is among my top 10 favorite records of all time and this track has always been a standout among the collection of standouts that make up that album. It just does an excellent job of portraying the eccentric, off-kilter heaviness and combination of smart political/social commentary and sophomoric humor that made SOAD the most interesting band that the nu metal era of extreme music spawned.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Shrykespeare »


Chien - Le vent nous portera - Very cool, relaxing vibe. Liked it. 6.5/10

Geezer - Start Walking - Well, this was a little jarring after Chien's song! It was just okay for me. 5/10

JohnErle - Short Skirt Long Jacket - Never been a Cake fan, but the lyrics are still hysterical. 6/10

Leestu - The Dream - This was MEGAcool. Thanks for sharing! 7/10

NSpan - I'll Never Hold You Back - Didn't really do anything for me. 5/10

Ron B - Omen - Gotta love Prodigy for that industrial punk/post-punk music! 6.5/10

Screen203 - Carrion Flowers - Really liked this, and the gothic vibe. Great drums. 6.5/10

Six - Drone Bomb Me - This is very YOU, Six. Which means it's very NOT me. :) 4/10

Surfer - All My Happiness is Gone - Not bad, but not something I'll revisit. 5.5/10

Transformers - Needles - There are SOAD songs I like better. Still, you gotta love Serj's flair! 6/10
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by JohnErle »

Random Comments/Snark:

Snow Patrol - I probably liked this the first few times I heard it. The next 8,000,000 times? Not so much.

Parquet Courts - You've posted better tracks from these guys in the past. This sounded like throwaway 70s punk to me. The sort of thing you'd hear buried on side two of a Stiff Little Fingers album after you realize your ex-flatmate has stolen all your Clash albums but that punk girl you like is coming over for drinks so you have to play SOMETHING.

Outkast - The chorus was interesting because it's unusual to hear a rapper apologize for anything, but the rest was the usual misogynistic, self-aggrandizing crap.

The Hold Steady - He's an interesting songwriter, but the production is way too flat and compressed for me.

Transgender Dysphoria Blues - Again, the production is an issue for me, but the song is better than I remembered. I lost interest after this album, though.

PJ Harvey - She's obviously talented and interesting, but her stuff does nothing for me unless it catches me in the right mood, and I'm almost never in that mood.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Leestu »

#80 playlist ... 9zPmJAlooQ

Looking forward to listening to this one. Lot's of great songs today!

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by numbersix »

On 80

Chien: This started off really nice but didn't quite go anywhere or build up enough.
John: I hope Lou Reed got his royalties for this one
Leetsu: Adore this song. My favourite Oh Sees album by a mile. This track just missed out from my Top 100
NSpan: Didn't really sound very ineresting to me. Didn't know MEW could sing!
Ron B: Boy, you love lesser tracks from acts who peaked in the 90s.
Screen: Excellent track. Definitely a hightlight of that album.
Shryke: I hope Coldplay got their royalties for this one
Surf: Not familiar with this guy outside of the news of what sadly happened. Nice enough
Tranny: I used to despise these guys but since some of you pointed out their sense of humour I guess I've softened a little.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Leestu »

The Awesome

Chelsea Wolfe, Carrion Flowers - best song on the album...with the dark, doomy, industrial music combined with the gorgeous, ethereal, gothic vocals this is a dark beauty I love. Even the title Carrion Flowers symbolises death and beauty

The Excellent

Cake, Short Skirt/Long Jacket - an old favourite...shame the rest of the album is just decent filler

The Great

System of a Down, Needles - great song from my favourite album of 2001

Snow Patrol, Chasing Cars - Luckily I haven't heard this a million times...just enough to croon along and appreciate the fact that damn this is a fine, well written song!

The Prodigy, Omen - I love the Prodigy, seen them twice and both times were memorable near highlights of the festival...the Keith Flint news hurt a bit...great song as part of the album as a whole rather than a stand alone

The Very Good

Purple Mountains, All My Happiness Is Gone - the positive music with depressing lyrics is a great effect on this song...but it's a depressing album overall.

ANOHNI, Drone Bomb Me - I like the unique voice, and the music works well with it...wasn't a fan of the album though, just this song really.

Off With Their Heads, Start Walking - first listen....really good music, (I like the use of feedback), great vocals, decent lyrics, and not outstaying it's welcoeme (in fact it could be longer) make for a good punk rock song

The Good

Noir désir, Le vent nous portera - first listen...I liked this...some cool, slightly exotic, rhythmic stuff going on that kept me interested

The Meh

Got a Girl, I'll Never Hold You Back - first listen...didn't do much for me

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Shrykespeare »



Orelsan, Basique (2017)

I’m not much into rap, I barely listen to the genre, yet you’ll find a few rap songs on my list, in several languages. This is French rap, from one of the most popular rappers in France, Orelsan. He’s saying “I’m going to tell you some simple and basic things, because you’re just too dumb”. And then enumerates things like “Hugo Boss used to dress the Nazis, style has its importance”, “Smart people aren’t always the ones who speak the best”, “Dolphin are rapists, don’t trust appearances”, “Every generation says the next one is messing things up”. “You don’t know the basics”...


Rise Against, Survive (2006)

This is one of the tracks from Rise Against that has "survived" with me all these years. The closing song to what remains their best album and one of my all time favorites. I love the lyrics and the way it makes me feel. There's a couple I still like better though.


Amanda Palmer & The Grand Theft Orchestra, Lost (2012)

The most talented person in Neil Gaiman's house knows how to push people's buttons (see: Oasis, the Kickstarter debacle, etc.) but she also knows how to tug at the heartstrings. This album is too over-compressed for my tastes, but this song is a killer.


Grinderman, Heathen Child (2010)

Grinderman are a side project concept band with Nick Cave and Warren Ellis. They made two great albums, I got to see them live twice (and what amazing shows they were). With this project he gets to be a bit noisy again, reminiscent of his earlier days with The Birthday Party. On this song Nick Cave managed to get one of his favourite guitarists, Robert Fripp from King Crimson as a guest.


The Greenhornes, The End of the Night (2000)

Best known for their involvement with The Raconteurs, The Dead Weather, and Holly Golightly, the Greenhornes are a blues-rock outfit from Cincinatti. This short track is just a snippet of their work, but I feel it's representative of their sound.


Flight of the Conchords, Bowie's In Space (2008)

I had to pick from a pack of songs by these guys, but this one gives me the best memories.


Kieza, Giant In My Heart (2014)

Not nearly as good as her one real hit (which will be much higher up), but still very catchy. Great vocals (the Ray Charles-esque background voice is a unique touch) also.


Green Day, Oh Love (2012)

While I’d agree that most of Green Day’s best stuff was in the 90s, a couple of their songs in the last 20 years have really grabbed on and held on. The catchy guitar riffs in this song had my playing air guitar the first time I heard it, and Billy Joe’s vocals meld with them perfectly.


Interpol, Take You on A Cruise (2004)

These New York gang blew me away from the very start, and I was so lucky to see them in a tiny bar in Dublin in 2002. Their first two albums are masterpieces, and this is my favourite from their second record, Antics. Here, it’s a solemn start made interesting by the slightly funky rhythm section. One of my favourite things about Interpol is how they tended to stich 2 or 3 songs into one, ensuring the song didn’t become too repetitive.


Jay Reatard, My Shadow (2006)

Continuing my recent theme of artists who have been taken away from us way too early, Jay Reatard was an enigmatic and formidable artist, and for me one of the precursors for the likes of Thee Oh Sees and Ty Segall. Not in sound per se, but more a method of working. His prolific output is almost unmatched, with just a couple of albums in 3 years but literally hundreds of singles. There is such a propulsion behind each song too, and this one has it in spades. Hold on tight and enjoy the ride.


Deftones, Knife Prty (2000)

While the more traditionally heavy side of Deftones appeals to be more on the whole, this is a somber, haunting cut that shows off the experimentation with softer sounds that they started to embrace at the turn of the 21st century.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Tranny, Needles - I like SOAD, this was one of their better songs. 6/10
Surfer, All My Happiness is Gone - This is becoming a bit of a trend eh, the title says its all, when really there's most often some underlying beauty for your songs. This was one of the better ones in this vein you've posted. FL. 5.5/10
Six, Drone Bomb Me - I'd rather hear post peak Prodigy any day than this. The unique vocals kill it for me. 3/10
Shryke, Chasing Cars - See johnerle's comments. 2.5/10
Screen, Carrion Flowers - I kind of dug it. FL2. 6/10
NSPAN, I'll Never Hold You Back - It just ok for me. FL. 4.5/10
Leestu, The Dream - Sounds a bit like King Gizzard. Would have to be much better played live, right? FL. 5.5/10
Johnerle, Short Skirt/Long Jacket - Bit of a blast from the past. I like. 6.5/10
Geezer, Start Walking - Not for me. FL. 2/10
Chien, Le vent nous portera - Not bad, i'll prob revisit this some time. FL. 5.5/10
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by JohnErle »

Noir désir - That was solid. It would feel right at home on one of those Putomayo compilations. I'll be listening to it again.

Purple Mountains - This has all the trappings of something I might like, but there's something missing and the guy's voice didn't grab me. I'll give it a few more spins to see if it latches on to me at some point.

Chelsea Wolfe - I'm not sure what you guys are hearing in the drums here. They seem pretty pedestrian to me. As does the song. Some of the other Chelsea Wolfe posted here in the past was more intriguing than this.

Cake - Not sure where you're hearing any Lou Reed in this, apart from the monotone vocals. Lou Reed was never this fun.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Shrykespeare »


Chien - Basique - Too French for me. 4/10

Geezer - Survive - I think I like this better than your previous RA offerings. Kind of Offspring-y. 6/10

JohnErle - Lost - It was okay. Didn't float my boat. 5/10

Leestu - Heathen Child - Tried to get into this. Couldn't. Liked the silly video, though. 4.5/10

NSpan - The End of the Night - Wow, that was short. Which means Six will hate it. :D Kind of felt like a Stones song. Not bad. 5.5/10

Ron B - Bowie's in Space - Love that you threw in a silly one. Not sure how I feel about it as a piece of music, but it made me smile. I imagine David himself found it hilarious. 6/10

Screen203 - Giant In My Heart - Not bad, cool beat. 5.5/10

Six - Take You On A Cruise - I absolutely loved this. It reminded me of some of the great British groups of the 80s and 90s, like Psychedelic Furs and even Pet Shop Boys. 8.5/10

Surfer - My Shadow - This was cool. Loved the frantic, frenetic pace. 7/10

Transformers - Party Knfe - I like quite a few Deftones songs. Even considered Change (In the House of Flies) for my list. Didn't really care for this one, though. 5/10
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Leestu »

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Chienfantome »

I'm finally online again at home, so I'll skip the previous series of songs for now to try and stay on the same page as everyone, I'll get back to them later.

Geezer (Off with their heads) : Now that's a short song !!! Not bad.
John (Cake) : Back then I've listened a bit of Cake, and there were songs I really liked. Pretty groovy.
Leestu (Oh Sees) : I'm not that familiar with The Oh Sees. This is alright, not sure I'd listen to it often, but the rhythm gets to me.
NSpan (Got a girl) : Nice voice indeed from Winstead, very pleasant song.
Ron (The Prodigy) : Never been much into Prodigy.
Screen (Chelsea Wolf) : Yeah. Not really into this.
Shryke (Snow Patrol) : I love this song. I love a lot of Snow Patrol songs, it's one of my girlfriend's favorite bands so it plays often at home and we've seen them live quite a few times.
Six (Anohni) : I love Antony & the Johnsons. I haven't listened to them enough in the last few years, I'm more familiar with the 00's stuff, I should definitely listen to the more recent material. This is great.
Surfer (Purple Mountains) : Never heard of them, but I like it. Good voice, good rhythm.
Tranny (System of a down) : Yes, but no.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Chienfantome »


Geezer (Rise against) : Not really my thing.
John (Amanda Palmer) : I think I like that.
Leestu (grinderman) : This is engaging, didn't know it.
NSpan (Greenhornes) : Short but nice.
Ron (Flight of the conchords) : I don't understand everything but it sounds fun
Screen (Kieza) : I didn't really like the beginning of the song. There's something very 90's dance music in it, but that does make its charm also I guess.
Shryke (Green Day) : never been a fan of Green Day, but it's listenable.
Six (Interpol) : Great band, I haven't really listened to their more "recent stuff", but their first albums are fantastic. Excellent, excellent song.
Surfer ( Jay reatard) : Never heard of him, it's alright in the genre, it's kind of tiring to my ears quickly, but I feel this is the kind of song I could grow on liking after a few listenings.
Tranny (Deftones) : It's alright, although not something i'd really listen to.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by silversurfer19 »

Round 80

Chien, Noir Desir - A really nice strumming sound to start with, but as six mentions, it literally does nothing with it, instead just continuing the same riff with little variance throughout the whole song.

Geezer, Off With Their Heads - Really didnt like the vocals at all. Otherwise it was OK. Reminded me a little of Japandroids for some reason.

Johnerle, Cake - I will always have a little nostalgia towards Cake due to discovering them on their appearance on the American Werewolf In Paris soundtrack, which I bought in some vain hope that the film would match up to its predecessor. Obviously the film was a disaster but I always dug the record, and their song on that was great. While tbis was not as good, and definitely had a Sweet Jane vibe to it, it was funky.

Leestu, Thee Oh Sees - Fantastic song. Best song off of their best record. You will get my full thoughts in a couple of days, you bastard for jumping the gun on me! And yeah, quite possibly the best live band on the planet at the moment. Seeing them a couple of years ago with three drummers pummelling their skins was amazing!!

NSpan, Got A Girl - Who knew Mary Elizabeth Winstead could sing? This was OK, neither blew me away nor made we want to turn it off.

Roni, The Prodigy - Was met by its playing in work as a 'banger', so for once approval in the office! Not really in the upper echelons of the band's work, but it is fine for a night out I guess.

Screen, Chelsea Wolfe - Great song from a great album. Really loved the hushed vocals mixed with the industrial beats.

Shryke, Snow Patrol - Yeah, massively overplayed both on radio and TV over the past couple of decades here. Preferred their earlier stuff, it always felt like their sound really changed in the aftermath of Coldplay's success and in doing so felt a little false. Not a fan.

six, ANOHNI - Never really listened to either Anthony or this, but he has a beautiful voice. Reminds me a little of Wild Beasts in fact. Must look into this a little more.

tranny, SOAD - Ah, this reminds me of my early 20s, where I would often listen to Toxicity on my journey home from university on the train. This was never really a favourite from the album, and my overall interest in their music faded over time, but this was a nostalgic kick.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by numbersix »


Chien - I really enjoyed this. And he's right: dolphins are rapists
Geez - Probably the best Rise Against track I've heard. Decent. almost epic
John - Didnt know she was with Gaiman. This wasn't bad. I liked the rhythm. Her vocals remind me of Siouxsie a little bit.
Leetsu - My favourite from Grinderman 2. Cave did so much great stuff in the last 20 years.
NSpan - Probably won't stay with me, but pretty nice.
Ron B - love these guys. Funny song. I prefer Business Time ("2 minutes in heaven is better than one minute in heaven") and The Humans Are Dead but this is fun
Screen - Just felt like a very typical pop song to my untrained ears
Shryke - 2000s Green Day just doesn't resonate with me
Surf - Another guy I've heard loads about but never listened to much. Really loved the filthy sound
Tranny - I guess I prefer the softer side of Deftones!

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