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Post by numbersix »

While there's a lull in the Yearly Draft, let's look at what we WANT to see rather than what we think will perform well.

Seen and liked: Wild Rose
Maybe: Dark Phoenix, Ma, Shadow, Brittany Runs a Marathon, The Dead Don't Die

10. Brightburn
Superman as a boy yet it's a horror. Well, kids ARE evil, so it makes plenty of sense

9. I Am Mother
Sounds like a great concept. Like a slightly nicer Demon Seed

8. The Farewell
Mostly to annoy Boosch and his anti-A24 stance ;) Another film with great reviews coming out of Sundance. Got tixs to see this at the end of the month

7. Midsommar
Read the script, wasn't impressed, but curious to see how Ari Aster directs his follow-up to the impressive Hereditary.

6. The Art of Self Defense
Sounds funny and the reviews are great

5. Toy Story 4
Yeah, it's probably one sequel too far, but I'll be watching it regardless.

4. Luce
Again, great reviews and festival buzz makes this a must-see

3. The Souvenir
Joanna Hogg is an under-rated director. Until now. This is so good a sequel has been funded. An indie drama franchise!

2. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
It's Tarantino. Even though I didn't like The Hateful 8, I have to see what could be his second last film ever.

1. Booksmart
Where did this come out of? Reviews are through the roof. It's basically Bridesmaids meets Superbad. I'm in.

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Post by transformers2 »

numbersix wrote: 1. Booksmart
Where did this come out of? Reviews are through the roof. It's basically Bridesmaids meets Superbad. I'm in.
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Post by transformers2 »

Now that I've gotten over the shock of Booksmart being six's most anticipated film of the summer, here's my list

9.Dark Phoenix
6.Men in Black: International
5.Toy Story 4
4.Long Shot
3.John Wick Chapter 3
2.Hobbs & Shaw
1.Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Also interested in:
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile
Detective Pikachu
Wine Country
The Perfection
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
The Last Black Man in San Francisco
The Dead Don't Die
Murder Mystery
Spider-Man: Far from Home
21 Bridges
The Art of Self Defense
The Lion King
The Kitchen
Good Boys
Brian Banks
Brittany Runs a Marathon

Might see if I'm desperate to fill A-List slots:
The Hustle
Late Night
Angel Has Fallen

Might see because I love Aubrey Plaza and Brian Tyree Henry and the possibility of a slasher movie centered around a doll killing people with their WiFi-connected devices is hilarious to me:
Child's Play
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Post by JohnErle »

Here's an example of how little interest I've had in watching any mainstream Hollywood movies lately -- I've had a Cineplex voucher for a free movie burning a hole in my pocket ever since I tried to see A Quiet Place and the staff couldn't figure out how to get the projector working. I later bought A Quiet Place on Blu-Ray when the price dropped low enough, and it's been sitting on my desktop unwatched ever since.

Still, there's a few things coming this summer that might make me use that ratty, wrinkled voucher.

Wine Country - It's Netlfix, so who knows if it'll play in theaters, or if I'll ever get a chance to see it, but the reunion of Fey and Poehler will make me overlook an underwhelming trailer, even if it looks like Fey's barely in it.

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood - I'm mostly curious to see if Roman Polanski will be portrayed as a complex, flawed human being or as a cardboard, rapey villain. Since it's Tarantino, I'm guessing the former.

Late Night - Another underwhelming trailer, but Emma Thompson as a late night host has a ton of potential.

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Post by Screen203 »

10. Late Night - This seems like the kind of adult-aimed counterprogramming that would thrive in a kinder marketplace towards smaller films. The warm reception out of Sundance and Mindy Kaling writing and starring increase my anticipation for this.
9. The Lion King - Jon Favreau's 2016 adaptation of The Jungle Book had some of the best special effects I've ever seen. Hopefully his adaptation of the greatest Disney Renaissance film can be on par with the original - from the previews so far, it seems like he has pulled it off.
8. Godzilla: King of the Monsters - I'm one of the few who likes the 2014 movie. The new one seems to keep the brooding tone of the 2014 film, but adds the monster action that people wanted from the first. The sense of scale in the previews is astounding, and hopefully the characters can be as much of a focus as the previous Godzilla film.
7. Ma - Blumhouse + an Academy worthy role for Octavia Spencer + a batshit insane trailer = event film.
6. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark - I never really read the source material, preferring to skim over the illustrations, but I can't imagine Del Toro and the rest of the crew not staying loyal to the tone after the great trailers.
5 - Booksmart - The marketplace is starved for well-made comedies, and after some of the best previews for a raunchy R-rated comedy in a long time, plus the buzz out of South by Southwest, I am very confident in this movie's quality. (Will update after I see the screening of it tonight).
4. Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood - The previews have been a bit short on substance, and I'm not sure if Tarantino doing a film about (or at least involving) the Manson Family is the best idea, but it's Tarantino: it has to be interesting at the very least.
3. X-Men: Dark Phoenix - The most underrated superhero franchise comes to a conclusion that hopefully lives up to 19 years of buildup. The previews have been promising so far, but it definitely seems like a wildcard in terms of quality.
2. Brightburn - The concept of this is likely the best all year - an horror movie about an evil Superman-esque "hero". The previews have also been extremely promising (the second one in particular).
1. Long Shot - With exemplary reviews out of SXSW, this Judd Apatow-esque raunchy romantic comedy seems to be a comedy classic in the making. Charlize Theron and Seth Rogen have shown solid chemistry in the previews so far, although the previews have been not as good as they could have been, the mix of stoner antics and romance should be enjoyable. I put this at number one more because of the lack of theatrical movies like this being released and the pedigree of the cast more than what has been shown in the previews (which I have been trying to avoid).
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Post by undeadmonkey »

Not only is it the first season in a while that i have fully been able to make a list of 10, but i had a difficult time only sticking to ten.

Honorable Mention: Dark Phoenix - The Xmen have had a lot of up and down, i'm hoping they end on a high note. They were doing the superhero team-up movie before it was cool to do a superhero team up movie.

10. Ma - This one really depends on reviews, but i loved the idea and i'm looking forward to octavia spencer serving up some more revenge pie. ;)

9. I Am Mother - The premise sounds really interesting

8. The Farewell - I've got a little crush on Awkwafina

7. Aladdin - I'm torn, of all the 90's Disney renaissance films being redone, this one would seem the most logical and easiest to translate to live action, yet somehow it seems more cartoony than the lion king, is it just Guy Ritchies style. I dont know, still want to see what happens.

6. Rocketman - I like biopics, even more so when they aren't tragedies, this looks like a lot of fun.

5. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - Tarantino, what else is there to say.

4. Tolkien - Sucker for Lord of the Rings, really looking forward to seeing more about the man who invented it.

3. Detective Pikachu - The reviews have been decent and looks like a great introduction to live action Pokemon.

2. Shadow - I'm so excited for this. I love Hero and A House of Flying Daggers and have been waiting for something similar. Also really looking forward to seeing it on the big screen, i didn't get a chance to with the others and the way things are going, these types of films are on the endangered species list for big screen experiences.

1. The Lion King - My favorite childhood movie, can't wait to see how they fuck it up

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Post by NicodemustheSage »

Great topic / thread, Six, props.

[10.] "Shaft". It won't win any awards, and I don't give a damn. If they pull this multi-generational modern homage to the classic blaxploitation film off, it could do $100M without even breaking a sweat. This is the film I wish Quentin Tarantino had made, frankly.

[9.] "Ad Astra". I mean, if there even is such a film. At this point I am inclined to believe it's the real-world version of "Time After Time", the movie-within-a-movie that is the macguffin in "America's Sweethearts". Recent films like "Primer", "Inception", "Interstellar", "The Martian", and "Arrival" have whetted my appetite for intelligent filmed sf -- Denis Villeneuve had better damn well do "Dune" justice -- and I have hopes this is the next must-see title in a sadly often underwhelming genre. Plus, I have no hate for Brad Pitt, unlike so many like-minded dorks, it seems.

[8.] "Tolkien". Simply put, this is right in my wheelhouse -- I am among other things an amateur JRRT fanatic, scholar, and obsessive-compulsive nerdboy. Yes, it concerns me that the estate apparently had no input and despises the project, but, let's be honest: That lot hate EVERYTHING, it seems, about any effort by anyone other than Christopher to in the slightest measure do anything to enjoy or exploit what remains fantasy's greatest literary work (sorry, George. Maybe finish something someday, and we'll talk).

[7.] "Ma". I've been hearing about this movie for a year, now, and I'm INCREDIBLY hopeful. I think this could be the next big thing in horror, which is quite honestly the most innovative, risk-taking, entertaining genre in film this decade, and getting better by the season, it seems. "Pet Sematary" underperformed, as I think "It: Chapter 2" and the "A Quiet Place" sequel might, but this is the genre's New Golden Age, folks, and I am fucking LOVING it.

[6.] "Midsommar". Another film I've been hearing great things about seemingly for years, though I don't know if it's being marketed well.

[5.] "The Biggest Little Farm". I'm a big fan of documentaries about nature, and quixotism, and quirky folks, and, actually, a bit of an environmentalist, or at least a conservationist, in my own way and according to my own definitions. So this "little" film is a pitch right down the center of the plate for me. I'm captivated by its trailers every time I see them, so much so that I am actually going to great lengths NOT to learn anything more about the film, so I can go in completely unspoiled and just let the experience wash over me. This is 2019's "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" for me, along with "Apollo 11", which I've already seen.

[4.] "Yesterday". What a fantastic concept: "It's a Wonderful Life (Without The Beatles)". The odd, out-of-nowhere, fanciful crowd-pleasing sleeper is near and dear to my heart, and this seems like a Spike Jonze film by way of Rob Marshall: A damn near perfect pedigree. I am expecting great things from this odd duck, and I think it, not "Rocketman", might just be this year's "A Star Is Born" / "Bohemian Rhapsody", though probably not nearly as successful. Then again, who would have thought "Mamma Mia!" would do so well...?

[3.] "Godzilla: King of the Monsters". I REALLY like the most recent reboot of "Godzilla", in spite of the many valid criticisms of the film: Not enough of The Big Guy, camera cuts away when shit gets interesting, too many humans doing uninteresting things onscreen, etc. But I LOVE the mythology and world-building, not to mention, the table-setting, and the cast of both human and monster characters of "King of the Monsters" gets my heart racing. (As to which creature is more terrifying, King Ghidorah or Charles Dance, I can't seem to decide.) I'll be there, in IMAX, on opening night, and probably at least once more, too.

[2.] "Brightburn". "A God Somewhere" is one of my three favorite graphic novels of all time, and I am also a huge fan of "Superman: Red Son" and "Invincible". I LOVED "Chronicle", and the character of Elijah in "Unbreakable", and I have a soft spot in my cold, callous, bitter heart for Magneto, so, this is a slam-freaking-dunk. Add Joss Whedon, and, this is the Summer's "Captive State", "Us", and "Glass" for me, put together.

[1.] "The Lion King". My God, the spectacle. I can't even. I believe this will be the highest-grossing Disney live-action adaptation of all time... Period.

Honorable mentions: "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood", "Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw", "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark". If I thought it was coming out, "New Mutants" would be on that list, too. :/

I remain, as always.

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Post by Screen203 »

Screen203 wrote:.
5 - Booksmart - The marketplace is starved for well-made comedies, and after some of the best previews for a raunchy R-rated comedy in a long time, plus the buzz out of South by Southwest, I am very confident in this movie's quality. (Will update after I see the screening of it tonight).
Booksmart is a CLASSIC. Easily the best comedy released in the past few years, definitely the best film of the year so far, and could end up being one of my favorite movies of the decade.
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Post by Chienfantome »

Already seen and liked : Non-Fiction

Just outside the Top 10 :
All is true, Tolkien, Booksmart, Rocketman, last black man in San Francisco, Yesterday

10. Godzilla, King of the Monsters : I love myself some big Hollywood mayhem with monsters from time to time. Plus Kyle Chandler's in it.

9. John Wick, Parabellum : I love myself some big action with gun fights from time to time. Plus Mark Dacascos' in it.

8. Crawl : A hurricane, crocodiles, and Alexandre Aja behind the camera. Count me in.

7. The dead don't die : Jarmusch making a zombie film ? Alright !

6. Long shot : I've heard many great things about this comedy, I'm really curious to see it.

5. Midsommar : The scandinavian setting, full of light, has me interested, plus the fact it's the director of Hereditary, of course.

4. Toy Story 4 : they shouldn't have done it, as the third one was the perfect ending, but I'll see it anyway.

3. Shadow : Zhang Yimou. Looks absolutely gorgeous.

2. Once upon a time in Hollywood : The Hateful Eight was my favorite film of that year, and my favorite Tarantino since Pulp Fiction. I love the 1969 Hollywood setting, can't wait.

1. Ad Astra : I know, it's never gonna make its date and is gonna get pushed to this fall at best. But a sci-fi metaphysical adventure by James Gray ? One of my most expected films o 2019.
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