Rate That Movie Part IV: Movies Never Sleep

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Re: Rate That Movie Part IV: Movies Never Sleep

Post by Geezer »

Logan: 10/10

To steal a comparison from Nicodemus himself, this is "The Wrestler" of superhero films. SO accurate. Completely different from any other X-Men movie before it, or any other superhero film I've ever seen. It is a devastating emotional ride that left me crying like a baby, and I loved it.
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Re: Rate That Movie Part IV: Movies Never Sleep

Post by undeadmonkey »

I really hope that Logan is great on it's own and not just because it's the first superhero movie to actually kill off it's main character. I haven't read anything official, but the way people are talking, that's the only possible outcome

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Re: Rate That Movie Part IV: Movies Never Sleep

Post by Buscemi »

Get Out 8/10

Enjoyable though overhyped horror film that has its flaws (mainly in Allison Williams' performance, of which I'm kind of convinced Jordan Peele cast her as a practical joke) and gave away too much in its trailer, leaving very little in the way of surprise (other than Stephen Root's in it). But Peele makes a strong debut and it's more accessible to audiences that the typical Blumhouse product (there's also more humor here but seeing Peele's track record, that was bound to be expected). The best character in the whole movie isn't even one of the main characters but rather the comic relief, who plays a big part in the final third.

It's probably no surprise that this has been a word-of-mouth hit but it's not as thrilling as Split or as ambitious as A Cure for Wellness. But it's a strong directorial debut and gives one hope that Peele's next film really lets him go all out. He should be able to get total creative freedom based on this one's success.
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Re: Rate That Movie Part IV: Movies Never Sleep

Post by Buscemi »

The Great Wall 8/10

Zhang Yimou's English language debut is one that has been getting much criticism (yes, I can understand the issues over Matt Damon's casting but he's not really the lead) but I certainly found it more enjoyable than the recent tentpoles that were loved so much by critics and audiences. Zhang is perhaps one of the best directors in the world today and when given a $150 million budget, he really goes all out. The production design is amazing (as expected) and he really shows things off as the budget is definitely on screen. Damon gives one of his better performances in recent memory as he doesn't play Damon. He attempts an accent and even grows a beard for the first third, managing to disappear into his role. The mostly Chinese-based cast does well also and it was nice to see Andy Lau in a role that had me thinking of Jet Li in Hero (I'm sure it was the costume).

However, I do think the film would have been even better had Zhang been allowed to release his cut of the film. I read that the 104 minute version released was a compromise cut after negative reaction from Universal executives. It's too bad Universal won't spend money (especially after losing $75 million once worldwide box office is totaled up) to release a special edition Blu-ray with all three versions (there's also a Mandarin language version that was apparently released in Australia as well as China) as it would be interesting to see how the versions differ.
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Re: Rate That Movie Part IV: Movies Never Sleep

Post by Buscemi »

Logan 9/10

Perhaps the best film featuring a Marvel character ever made. Unlike a lot of Marvel films that seem to be designed as cynical exercises to sell products, this gritty final chapter of the Wolverine canon shows you right off the bat that it is not for children and focuses entirely on story. The bloodiest Marvel film since the first two Blade films, you see characters get shot, stabbed, clawed, blown up, and beheaded. This film earned its R rating and then some (and yet, people saw fit to bring their children, even babies, to see it) and I applaud it for being its own thing. It's really something to see.

Pretty much all of the cast members deliver great performances, especially Jackman and Stewart. James Mangold's direction is professional and wisely avoids a clean look often seen in Marvel films (it also might be the first big budget tentpole that had much of it filmed in Oklahoma) and the script thankfully did not suffer the case of "too many cooks spoil the broth" like many superhero films do (but most screenplays with Scott Frank on board tend to be high quality).

It will be interesting to see if future Fox/Marvel projects go in this direction but based on the Deadpool 2 teaser attached to all screenings, it looks like Fox will stick to the comedy material for the time being. Though a dark New Mutants movie has potential.
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Re: Rate That Movie Part IV: Movies Never Sleep

Post by Buscemi »

The Belko Experiment 8/10

James Gunn's long-in-development hell survival thriller finally arrives on screen years after it was first announced (and a period between its Toronto premiere and theatrical release) and it is one brutal movie. The blood in this one flows like wine as the employees of the mysterious Belko corporation have to kill each other off in a battle to get out of the building they have been locked into. Though it might seem like a torture porn at first, it really has its roots in 70's and 80's B-movies (it shouldn't come as a surprise that MGM, the company that financed the film, used the Orion label to release this). The cast is very good as Gunn and director Greg McLean of Wolf Creek fame stock up on familiar character actors, some having worked with Gunn before. John Gallagher Jr. has really established himself as the king of the confined space thriller as he finds himself stuck in a cramped quarter for the third time in the span of a year, but this time, he's the main protagonist. However, the best performance is probably Tony Goldwyn as the head of the building. He's very creepy and it's interesting that he took on a role such as this one as he's become known for more mainstream fare in recent years like Scandal. The casting decisions here really drive forth the theme of anyone can live and anyone can die in this game.

A lot of people are bound to hate this film (and critics haven't cared too much for it, much like the Gunn-directed Super) but this is James Gunn at some of his most unhinged and he's at his best when he's not given a strict set of demands of what he can and can't do. I'd have liked it even more had he directed but I imagine Marvel wouldn't have allowed him to direct an independent film inbetween Guardians of the Galaxy films.
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Re: Rate That Movie Part IV: Movies Never Sleep

Post by numbersix »

Been a while...

Logan: 6/10
Certainly one of the best X-Men films, hands down. It's a nice send off to the old franchise that started 17 years ago. But that said, it doesn't all work. It's a film about the toll fighting and killing takes on people, but certainly finds pleasure in the elaborate battles that occur. It's also weird to change tone and style so much while retaining the same actor and the same character, and at times the use of language felt contrived more than natural (particularly when Prof X start spouting profanities). It's an attempt at something deeper, and I appreciate that, but it's questionable whether it truly achieves that.

Personal Shopper: 6/10
Kristen Stewart mopes about Paris in hopes that she'll get a sign from her dead twin brother. It's a gloomy, strange film that isn't quite a horror, and certainly not a drama. But the underlying message about how running from yourself will never work is dealt with in a very interesting way. It's only a shame it's so slow and languid at times.

The Salesman: 6/10
Asghar Farhadi's latest is another tight drama about human betrayal and sensitivity. This time it follows an acting couple preparing for their performance in Death of a Salesman. When their home almost collapses they move to a flat, and there the wife is attacked by a stranger. The husband shuts down, hopes to find the man who did it and get some sort of revenge. But it's not about the thrills or twists, and more about the dissolution of the relationship due to pride and shame. The problem is that there are a few obviously contrived moments, making it less natural or compelling that his previous films. And it goes without saying, this is totally undeserved of its Oscar, when Toni Erdmann is infinitely better.

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Re: Rate That Movie Part IV: Movies Never Sleep

Post by transformers2 »

Power Rangers 7.5/10
If you're looking for a superhero origin story that somehow manages to nail the quieter character moments and fuck up the huge action scenes, Power Rangers is the movie for you. Other than that, it's pretty much exactly the type of enjoyable, corny romp you'd expect a big-budget Power Rangers movie to be.

Side note: Elizabeth Banks' overacting as Rita Repulsa is a wonder to behold. If I worked at Lionsgate, I'd launch her Oscar campaign ASAP.
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Re: Rate That Movie Part IV: Movies Never Sleep

Post by Buscemi »

Beauty and the Beast 3/10

A remake that really only exists to cash in on 90's nostalgia and because Disney can make almost anything a hit. The film really doesn't try anything new (seeing how it was co-adapted by Stephen Chbosky, it's not really that big of a surprise) and the extra 45 minutes of padding this version has (because people refuse to watch things under two hours, it seems) add nothing to the story. And while the 1991 version had some incredible visuals and showed off how well cel animation and CGI could mesh together, Bill Condon's attempts at recreating those visuals feel flat and stagy. There are a few positives, mainly with the visual effects and a surprisingly good Josh Gad (actually giving the best performance as LeFou), but you are better off with the 1991 or if you really want to go back, the 1946 versions of the story.

I saw the IMAX version and strangely, it looked like a cross between open matte and cropped from the 2.39 aspect ratio used in most showings. There were places where there is too much headroom and other places where characters were chopped off the screen. There are times when two separate aspect ratios can work (like Skyfall) and then other times where it makes you wonder why they bothered.
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Re: Rate That Movie Part IV: Movies Never Sleep

Post by Buscemi »

Wilson 2/10

Alleged comedy that seems to spend more time yelling at the viewer, hurting you with its words (to quote Maria Bamford), than finding humor with its ridiculous premise. Woody Harrelson tries with the material (horribly adapted by Daniel Clowes, who follow the J.K. Rowling model of getting write a screenplay despite not being able to translate from one medium to another) but the whole thing feels like a cheap Midwestern knockoff of A Confederacy of Dunces without the full-bodied local color or ability to laugh at the character's pain. Craig Johnson, hired as director after Alexander Payne pulled out (good move on Payne's part, though he still produced the thing), directs the film as flat as possible and depends on being loud and obnoxious as possible (much like his last film) instead of mining humor in the most unlikely of places. He's no Terry Zwigoff (though personally, I think the only director who could have made this work is David Lynch, who can both disturbing and hysterically funny). But the film's cardinal sin is its third act, which not only doesn't know when to end, but tacks on a happy ending in an attempt to make the main character sympathetic.

Already a strong contender for the year's biggest disappointment and if not for Harrelson, it would be one of the year's absolute worst.
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Re: Rate That Movie Part IV: Movies Never Sleep

Post by Buscemi »

Going in Style 8/10

Surprisingly enjoyable remake of the 1979 George Burns/Art Carney/Lee Strasberg heist comedy with a great cast and actually not-self indulgent directing from Zach Braff (of course, Warner Bros. probably made sure he followed Theodore Melfi's script). Yes, it is lightened up from the original but Caine, Freeman, and Arkin work really well together and Melfi's script manages to be pretty funny in places. And it's nice to see Christopher Lloyd in a decent-sized role in a major studio film again. The film spending time on the shelf might have hurt its timeliness a bit but it doesn't hurt its standing as being a good way of spend under two hours in a theatre.
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Re: Rate That Movie Part IV: Movies Never Sleep

Post by Buscemi »

Kong: Skull Island 8/10

Though the excuse plot (which lifts from Apocalypse Now a little too heavily) takes over the third act, great monster action and an over 100 foot Kong elevate this revision of the King Kong character and helps set up the Godzilla vs. Kong movie. You should probably know what to expect but it succeeds in the delivering of destruction and mayhem (though personally, I wanted even more and less of the humans). It's also an interesting touch to set the film in the 70's rather than shamelessly lifting from the 80's like so many blockbusters nowadays (though I'm sure the industry will start lifting from the 90's in a few years after a delayed start), though that can get too indulgent at times (I would have preferred a score based on Carmine Coppola's Apocalypse Now score as well as the unused David Shire score rather than licensed popular tracks). But you know you're watching this for apes and monsters beating the crap out of each other and it succeeds in doing just that.
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Re: Rate That Movie Part IV: Movies Never Sleep

Post by undeadmonkey »

I had to go back and watch King Kong after Skull Island. I thought Skull Island was ok when i saw it, but after comparing the two, it felt really empty.

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Re: Rate That Movie Part IV: Movies Never Sleep

Post by W »

undeadmonkey wrote:I had to go back and watch King Kong after Skull Island. I thought Skull Island was ok when i saw it, but after comparing the two, it felt really empty.
Which one? If you're comparing it to Peter Jackson's, Skull Island is much better IMO. The 1933 original will always be the best, though.
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Re: Rate That Movie Part IV: Movies Never Sleep

Post by undeadmonkey »

Havent seen the original, but i really should.

Just taking the premise time setting Jasckon's Kong is more believable. In the 30's there could be an undiscovered island, 1970s not so much and specially with the everstorm that was supposed to be present at the island.

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