Season 10 - Overall Scores

The Over/Under prediction game.

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John Rambo
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Re: Season 10 - Overall Scores

Post by silversurfer19 »

Overall Standings After Weekend 24

empire - 1745
Spectre - 1655
numbersix - 1450
Shrykespeare - 1445
silversurfer - 1415
transformers - 1355
Chienfantome - 1320
BanksIsDaFuture - 950
Ron Burgundy - 935
undeadmonkey - 705

Averages Standings After Weekend 24

empire - 72.7 (24)
Shrykespeare - 72.2 (20)
Spectre - 68.9 (24)
Chienfantome - 66.0 (20)
silversurfer - 64.3 (22)
Ron Burgundy - 62.3 (15)
numbersix - 60.4 (24)
transformers - 58.9 (23)
undeadmonkey - 58.7 (12)
BanksIsDaFuture - 52.7 (18)

Just two weekends remaining and it would seem a miracle is needed for empire NOT to win this season, as with almost 100 points lead over Spectre, the season is all but over. Third place is much more interesting, with Shryke and six a mere 5 points apart, and myself 30 points back. Still lots to play for there. The same is also true of the Averages league, which sees Shryke and empire separated by just 0.7. This one will go down to the wire, it seems.

New game up shortly.

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John Rambo
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Re: Season 10 - Overall Scores

Post by silversurfer19 »

Overall Standings After Weekend 25

empire - 1785
Spectre - 1655
numbersix - 1530
Shrykespeare - 1485
silversurfer - 1455
Chienfantome - 1390
transformers - 1355
BanksIsDaFuture - 950
Ron Burgundy - 935
undeadmonkey - 775

Averages Standings After Weekend 25

empire - 71.4 (25)
Shrykespeare - 70.7 (21)
Spectre - 68.9 (24)
Chienfantome - 66.1 (21)
silversurfer - 63.2 (23)
Ron Burgundy - 62.3 (15)
numbersix - 61.2 (25)
undeadmonkey - 59.6 (13)
transformers - 58.9 (23)
BanksIsDaFuture - 52.7 (18)

One week remaining and its all but over. Empire has a lead of 130, which actually makes it impossible to be caught, so it all boils down to the average chart to prevent him from scoring a double for the season, with Shryke just 0.7 behind. Guess the rest of us have to look to improve significantly when the new season starts in a couple of weeks.

Seems a formality now, but new game up shortly.

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John Rambo
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Re: Season 10 - Overall Scores

Post by silversurfer19 »

Overall Standings After Weekend 26

empire - 1855 - SEASON 10 CHAMPION
Spectre - 1745
numbersix - 1590
silversurfer - 1495
Shrykespeare - 1485
Chienfantome - 1390
transformers - 1405
BanksIsDaFuture - 950
Ron Burgundy - 935
undeadmonkey - 775

Averages Standings After Weekend 26

empire - 71.3 (26) - SEASON 10 CHAMPION
Shrykespeare - 70.7 (21)
Spectre - 69.8 (25)
Chienfantome - 66.1 (21)
silversurfer - 62.3 (24)
Ron Burgundy - 62.3 (15)
numbersix - 61.1 (26)
undeadmonkey - 59.6 (13)
transformers - 58.5 (24)
BanksIsDaFuture - 52.7 (18)

And so the not so surprising outcome. It's been a long time coming, and he's held the lead for most of the competition, but empire is our clear winner, and in both competitions no less. Huge congratulations for what is now his THIRD consecutive crown, as well as his second Average win too. I think we have certainly found the target for how we should be playing this game, consistently the strongest player for the last 18 months. Spectre must also be acknowledge for a valiant effort and even though his last round 90 still left him over 100 points adrift at the top, he did well to keep the race going for so long. Shryke fell a little short of empire in the averages too, so good to see age hasn't affected his game...

I will take a break this weekend prior to beginning a new game in earnest next weekend. Gives empire another week to glow in his supreme glory and any new players a chance to get back up to speed on the game.

Again, congrats to SEASON 10 CHAMP - EMPIRE!

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Re: Season 10 - Overall Scores

Post by Shrykespeare »

WTG, empire. Wish I could be as consistent in the SL as I am here...
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Re: Season 10 - Overall Scores

Post by empire13 »

Me too! Thanks, though I feel good about my chance in the mini ultimate league. Only time will tell. I appreciate the kudos and look forward to doing my best to make it 4 in a row. The truth is, if Shryke and Spectre had played all 26 weeks and maintained their average, it would have been awfully close.
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Re: Season 10 - Overall Scores

Post by numbersix »

Congrats Empire. That's a hell of a roll you're on

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