Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

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Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by Shrykespeare »

Well, just got back from the Dbacks game, or as it was known tonight, Dodger Stadium East. Where my beloved team committed six fielding errors and got hot-waxed 14-1.

Thanks to all of you for sending in your songs. You are right, July 4th weekend is a bad time to be getting hold of people...

All but two people have submitted their #10 songs.... Banks (no surprise) and Frendo.

If I take tonight off, that will leave only two days grace period between posting everyone's #2 song and the start of our #1 songs (surfer's day). I'm ambivalent about leaving anyone behind, but....

Hell. Why do you people put me in this position?

Okay... if Frendo and Banks get a hold of me soon, I'll post their picks retroactively. If not, c'est la vie. It would suck if they missed out just as we're getting to the best part, but hey, I warned them from the beginning what they were getting into.

So, here we go. The beginning of the end. The final steps on the road to nirvana. (Not the band, but the actual place, though in Geez's mind, it's probably "to-MAY-to, to-MAH-to" to him.) And special note to everyone: Boosh has starting doing introductions again!

SONG #10

George Michael, “Freedom '90”

Most people remember George Michael for two things: 1) his being one-half of the girly 80's candy-pop duo Wham!, and 2) his arrest for public lewdness in a public bathroom in 1998. It eventually came to light that George was indeed gay, which put the lyrics of this song in an entirely different light (up until then, it was thought to be about Michael's desire to break free from his contract with Sony). In retrospect, his being a homosexual – but being deeply closeted at the time – really crystallizes “Freedom '90”'s true meaning.

To reinforce the point, George refused to be in the video (which was directed by none other than David Fincher himself, long before Fight Club), instead letting the words be mouthed by other notable “pretty faces” - namely, a bevy of world-class supermodels, including Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista, Christy Turlington and Tatjana Patitz. And the metaphor at the end of the video is equally clear, with the destruction of the things that symbolized Michael (specifically from the “Faith” video) – the jukebox, the guitar, and his leather jacket. This video once made MTV's list of the Greatest Videos of All Time, and I heartily agree. Plus, the song is so exquisitely written, performed (that PIANO!) and sung, which is why it finds itself all the way in my own Top Ten. “Sometimes the clothes DO NOT make the man.” That's goddamn right.

Don McLean, “American Pie”
(1971) (also Frendo's #26)

There isn't much to say on this one--this is one of the most over-analyzed songs in rock history. All I will say is this: don't let the fact that it's overplayed (and over-covered... and poorly sang in karaoke bars) ruin it for you. Listen to it for what it is. The fact that this track is so damn irresistible (and that's okay--sing along! Just don't have a mike in your hands when you do) is testament to the quality of the work.

Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, “The Mercy Seat”
(1988) (also leestu's #55)

About a year ago, I listened to this song and thought to myself if I ever made a list of favourite songs, this would make my Top 10. Well, I stuck to my word. I’ve another song coming up that can be considered “literary” for certain reasons, and this song certainly has that. It’s a brilliantly twisted portrayal of a man on death row who is about to face the electric chair, and protests his innocence (by the end though we discover the truth). Cave’s brilliant lyrics and metre make it exceptional in performance as much as on paper. But Cave recruited his Bad Seeds, a bunch of guys who could tear music apart as well as make moving ballads. This is definitely part of the former, the churning noise of strings combining with a dramatic and sparse piano to suck the listener into the perverse world of the narrator.

Blink-182, “Dammit”

Now I know I might not get much positive response out of this from anyone (outside of Becs) but oh well. Blink is easily one of my all time favorite bands, and this song is one of the reason's why. This is pop punk purity. Lyrically it is as most Blink, very youth oriented, but I still obviously connect to them. A song I will crank the volume every time I hear it. I just hope there is more than one fan in the audience.

Radiohead, “Creep”
(also Buscemi's #59, englishozzy's #58 and leestu's #23)

We enter into the "hallowed ground" of top 10 finally, with a song that shouldn't be new to anyone here, it's been featured a couple times already by others, and it wouldn't shock me to see it in someone else's top 10 as well.

This is a beautiful but sorrowful song that to me captures the essence of being an outsider, as he lists off coveting the qualities of others he wishes he could have. It put words to alot of what I felt growing up especially, and often still do, desperately trying to figure out who I was, never quite feeling at home in my own skin.

Weezer, “Island in the Sun”

Here is my favorite Weezer song. It's amazing and always relaxes me. When I hear it, I think of layin' on the beach under a blazing sun just me and my lovely lady, no crazy tourist or yelling kids (well maybe a cocktail waitress). the video confuses me a bit, because this song doesn't make me think of playing with wild animals but to each his own.

Green Day, “Jesus Of Suburbia”

Now we are into the top 10 most of my songs are either classics or mean something to me on a personal level. Being only five years old I wouldn’t call this is classic....yet, so this falls into the latter category. An epic song that tells its own story as well as being part of the larger story contained within the album American Idiot.

Bob Marley, “Could You Be Loved?”

In my opinion, Bob Marley's best song. Like most Marley songs, it combines a bouncy beat with some meaningful lyrics. Though Marley had plenty of great songs (such as “Redemption Song”, in which he sang about his declining health and the pain that his body was taking from the cancer that eventually killed him), this is the one that sticks out to me.

The Smiths, “There Is A Light That Never Goes Out”

Between The Buried and Me, “Selkies: The Endless Obsession”

This song is what makes Between The Buried and Me so special. It has mind-bending guitar-work with layered clean and screaming vocals. If you get past the pretty short screaming section in the middle I think a good majority of you will enjoy this song.

The Eagles, “Take it Easy”

The essence of “laid back” with so many quotable lines. I once was in class with a Native American who had a “Standing on a Corner in Winslow, Arizona” t-shirt and found out he had no clue who The Eagles were, but was from a reservation around the Winslow area... That was a weird conversation...

no song submitted

Guns N' Roses, “Sweet Child O' Mine”
(also Geezer's #70)

Easily my favourite Guns N' Roses song, it comes of probably one of the greatest-made rock albums of all time. This was the very first song i heard form these guys and it stays my number #1 after all this time. Pure rock.

AC/DC, “Highway to Hell”
(also Shrykespeare's #90)

To put it simply, one of the most rocking tunes ever recorded. AC/DC, especially in their early years, were about as good a rock band as you could possibly get.

Ron Burgundy
Digitalism, “Pogo”

The second song from the German duo, a bit poppy, a bit repetitive, but so awesome! Could have been around the 20s though, I cant be stuffed chopping and changing anymore. Sorry for all those purists who put in a million hours into their top ten, it shouldn't be taken so seriously. Special mention to Beastie Boys' “Sabotage” (cause it's on my iTunes playing right now and it should have been my number 101, good use of that song in Star Trek I thought).

The White Stripes, “Seven Nation Army
” (also becs' #99 and leestu's #27)

Here we are, the Top Ten. And to begin those ten best songs, a rock song for the spleen-infatuated-songs lover I am (wow, does that mean anything ?!). The White Stripes. "Seven Nation Army", a song already cited, and a song that has quickly become a classic song of our time. I don’t know in other European countries, but in France, the song is very popular in football (soccer) stadiums, which made me find it less great for a time… But time has passed, and lately, I have let this “soccer fans love it” by the side, and have been having a pure rock blast every single time I have been listening to this song. The bass and drums in this song are amazing, especially in the intro. A moment of jubilation.

Jesus Lizard, "Nub"

Found these guys late, but they kick huge amounts of ass. The song I really wanted to put on here wasn’t available on youtube (called "Cold Water"), but this should give a pretty good idea.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by englishozzy »

Shrykespeare - George Michael, “Freedom '90”
Nothing really more than an early 90's pop song to me, i must admit it does have that catchyness to it abd you can be caught singing along to it if your not too careful. 6/10
NSpan - Don McLean, “American Pie”
Definately a song you cant help but sing-a-long to when it is played, definately over-played and over-used, but when its a song as catchy as this you dont hear many complaints. 8/10(Also i didn't mean to miss you out on the last thread, dont really know what happened there :s).
Numbersix- Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, “The Mercy Seat”
I enjoy listening to this band and enjoyed the song when leestu posted it earlier in the countdown, twas good to listen to it again. 7/10
Geezer - Blink-182, “Dammit”
I will let my explanation i have on a song coming up explain why i love this band. Great pick and narrowly missed my own list. 9/10
becs - Radiohead, “Creep”
Obviously becs it was a great pick. Just glad it has been included in a few countdown's. 10/10
undeadmonkey - Weezer, “Island in the Sun”
A pretty good Weezer song, i probably prefer a couple of others that have been posted in this countdown but still a good song. 6/10
leestu - Green Day, “Jesus Of Suburbia”
Great pick. it was a toss up between this song and 'BOBD' in making my countdown. 10/10
Buscemi - Bob Marley, “Could You Be Loved?”
I have a lot of respect for this bloke and that respect transfers to his music even though its something that really doesn't stand out for me. You have picked one of my favourite's from Marley and it will always remain a classic song. 8/10
silversurfer - The Smiths, “There Is A Light That Never Goes Out”
First time i have listened to this song, nothing really stood out to me about it though. 5/10
transformers - Between The Buried and Me, “Selkies: The Endless Obsession”
It never really got going in my eyes unfortunately. I have heard these guys a few times now but there is something about them but not quite showing me full potential at the moment. 5/10
W - The Eagles, “Take it Easy”
No doubt a classic song, dont mind listening to it every once in a while. 7/10
BarcaRulz - AC/DC, “Highway to Hell”
Not gonna argue with you on this one, easily one of the greatest rock song of all time. 10/10
Ron Burgundy - Digitalism, “Pogo”
Not really my style of music, bit too electronic pop for my liking. 4/10
Chienfantome - The White Stripes, “Seven Nation Army”
Iconic song, will always remain one of my favourite White Stripe singles, would of put it on my own countdown but felt like i wanted to get a few different ones on here form this band. 10/10
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by Geezer »

George Michael, “Freedom '90” (1990) - Can't say it was for me Shryke.

Don McLean, “American Pie” (1971) (also Frendo's #26) - Its simply a fantastic song, you're right, there's not much left to say, just listen and love.

Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, “The Mercy Seat” (1988) (also leestu's #55) - Hated every second of it.

Radiohead, “Creep” (also Buscemi's #59, englishozzy's #58 and leestu's #23) - Still one of the only radiohead songs that I enjoy.

Weezer, “Island in the Sun” - It does not surprise me ONE BIT that this is your favorite Weezer song, but be prepared to catch shit from Weezer purists. I know a lot of people who think this is the biggest piece of garbage they ever recorded. Myself, I like it, but I like just about everything they have ever written recorded or performed.

Green Day, “Jesus Of Suburbia” (2005) - Thank you Leestu! If any song should be on this list from American Idiot, this is certainly it. Fantastic epic (the long songs are rolling today) and considering its been a while since I've listened to the album, I haven't heard it in a while, and it is still exceptional.

Bob Marley, “Could You Be Loved?” - Awesome Marley song, and not one of the ones that got too overplayed for me to listen to anymore.

The Smiths, “There Is A Light That Never Goes Out” - I can almost positively say that this was my favorite Smiths song that I have heard. Really liked it a lot.

Between The Buried and Me, “Selkies: The Endless Obsession” - Nope, its pretty much just another shitty metal song.

The Eagles, “Take it Easy” - Unlike the Dude, I don't hate the fuckin' Eagles, but I'm not their biggest fan ever. However, I do like this song quite a bit. I still have NO idea how they are responsible for the highest selling album of all time. It makes no sense.

Guns N' Roses, “Sweet Child O' Mine” (also Geezer's #70) - Obviously I love it, that opening riff is so damn good.

AC/DC, “Highway to Hell” (also Shrykespeare's #90) - It is certainly rockin', and ain't nothing wrong with that!

Ron Burgundy
Digitalism, “Pogo” - Didn't expect to going in, but I liked it, very catchy.

The White Stripes, “Seven Nation Army” (also becs' #99 and leestu's #27) - Yup, still probably my favorite from them as well.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by numbersix »

Shrykespeare: George Michael, “Freedom '90” (1990) - It's kinda saddening that he had to make a video full of hot supermodels writhing around. As for the song, it's not really my thing. I'm sure it has merit, but it's songs like these that inspired the careers of Take That and Boyzone who pretty much ruined pop music for me.

NSpan: Don McLean, “American Pie” (1971) (also Frendo's #26) - Listening to it again, and trying to abstract from it being overplayed, I can appreciate it. The lyrics have a nice sentiment to them. But I still feel it's too long, too repetitive, and a good third could be taken out.

Geezer: Blink-182, “Dammit” - I've never heard a song from these guys that I like and this is no exception. It just doesn't connect with me on any level. Sorry!

becs: Radiohead, “Creep” (also Buscemi's #59, englishozzy's #58 and leestu's #23) - You described your love for this song well, and I guess I have to acknowledge this song, because if it wasn't for its success I probably would never have heard of them. But it's still far from my favourite Radiohead song.

undeadmonkey: Weezer, “Island in the Sun” - Very pleasent pop song with some really good vocals. Totally get that "laying on a beach" vibe to it too. Love the video, it just makes me wish I could play with infant bears and tigers!

leestu: Green Day, “Jesus Of Suburbia” (2005) - Sorry dude, I love a lot of your picks but this isn't one of them. Musically it's one the best late-Green Day songs I've heard, but that still doesn't make it great. And I thought the lyrics weren't as smart as they think they are.

Buscemi: Bob Marley, “Could You Be Loved?” - Great to see you writing about your picks again. Welcome back! I'm not a big fan of Bob Marley, and some of his songs actually annoy the hell out of me, but this wasn't as bad. The beat is cool (although repetitive), and the vocals okay. Maybe I'm going easy on it because I'm in the middle of World Cup Fever (Go Germany!) and the video amused me.

silversurfer: The Smiths, “There Is A Light That Never Goes Out” - One of my favourite Smiths songs, and when I was making this list this was going to be one of my picks but I changed it to I Know Its Over just because I was feeling it more at the time. But this could easily be in my Top 100. Beautiful song, witty and sincere lyrics (which is a tough balance to maintain). Love every second of it.

transformers: Between The Buried and Me, “Selkies: The Endless Obsession” - There's a lot going on in this song. It's like prog-metal or something. I appreciate its complexity although I'm not sure the different parts blend into each other smoothly.

W: The Eagles, “Take it Easy” -

Banks: no song submitted - Tsk, tsk.

englishozzy: Guns N' Roses, “Sweet Child O' Mine” (also Geezer's #70) - They're still a bit of a joke to me.

BarcaRulz: AC/DC, “Highway to Hell” (also Shrykespeare's #90) - Quite overplayed, but there's moment of brilliance in this. I prefer a fe other AC/DC songs posted dring this Top 100 but it's still a good pick.

Ron Burgundy: Digitalism, “Pogo” - You do love your indie dance crossovers, don't you? I've found some great stuff like that (such as Cut Copy and Crystal Castles) but this came across as a bit bland for me. Still, I did like the beat, it was a tad better than the more pedestrain examples of the sub-genre, but it's not something I'll be rushing back to.

Chienfantome: The White Stripes, “Seven Nation Army” (also becs' #99 and leestu's #27) - Good to see yo're not all about the spleen! This is a great rock song, no matter how much it's overplayed. And I'm surprised you mentioned football considering how embarrassing your country's team were. Ireland would have played way better ;)

Frendo - no song submitted

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by Shrykespeare »

Frendo just e-mailed me, and I added his #10, for those who missed it earlier.

My thoughts (in order of preference):

BarcaRulz – AC/DC, “Highway to Hell” – Obviously, I love this song. Rock out!! (10)

Buscemi – Bob Marley, “Could You Be Loved?” – Bless you, Boosh. I know this is not a reggae crowd, but I still expected a lot more Marley in this thing. Yes, UDM and W posted “Three Little Birds” a long time ago, but still. And what do you know, this is my ATF Marley song. UB40 owes the man so much (and they've said as much, many times over). Hell, would reggae even exist without him? Anyway, thank you. You are awesome. (10)

silversurfer – The Smiths, “There is a Light That Never Goes Out” – I hope Morrissey and the Smiths eventually find their way into the R&R Hall of Fame someday, as it would seem the natural progression: U2, The Clash, The Sex Pistols and R.E.M. are already there, and more alternative bands need to be recognized. The Smiths and Depeche Mode are at the top of that list. Very good song, dude. (8)

undeadmonkey – Weezer, “Island in the Sun” – Sorry, was there music in that video? I almost didn't notice, I was too busy going “Awwwww!” the whole damn time. Seriously, puppies and kitties just make me go all melty inside. So I listened to it a second time (going “must...resist...kittens...”), and it was very nice. Maybe not my favorite Weezer song, but quite pleasant. And it is easily the most adorable video I've ever watched, so thanks. Now I have a craving to toss a monkey around... (7)

englishozzy – Guns N' Roses, “Sweet Child O' Mine” – Great guitar, but I don't love Axl Rose's voice as much as I used to. (7)

becs – Radiohead, “Creep” – It's okay, but there are others that I still like more. (6)

transformers – Between the Buried and Me, “Selkies: The Endless Obsession” – Apart from the screaming, this was a very good song. (6)

Geezer – Blink-182, “Dammit” – Got nothing against the song, but it really doesn't do much for me. (6)

leestu – Green Day, “Jesus of Suburbia” – I can usually get into almost anything by Green Day, but for some reason I couldn't get into this one. There were some parts of the song, musically, that reminded me of Bryan Adams' "Summer of '69". Weird. (5)

Ron Burgundy – Digitalism, “Pogo” – After going gaga over “Zdarlight”, I was hoping I'd love this one even more. Sadly, it didn't even come close. And the video made me feel like I was back in the 80's playing Zaxxon. (5)

numbersix – Nick Cave & Bad Seeds, “The Mercy Seat” – Just okay for me. (5)

Chienfantome – The White Stripes, “Seven Nation Army” – Not a Stripes fan. (5)

Frendo - The Jesus Lizard, "Nub" - Didn't like it at all. (4)

W – The Eagles, “Take it Easy” – Some Eagles songs are classics. And many classics are overplayed, and over time you forget what made them great songs. This is one of those. (And I live closer to Winslow, Arizona than any of you... trust me, there's really nothing exciting or unique about the place. In fact, it's boring as shit.) (3)

NSpan – Don McLean, “American Pie” – Don't like it. Don't think I ever will. (3)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by Chienfantome »

Six, I did mention football indeed, but I did not mention it to praise France's play during the World Cup, did I ? ;)
Obviously, I could never do such a thing. I'm glad it's been over for us early, now we're getting rid of Domenech and hopefully Laurent Blanc will build something Domenech never managed to build in 6 years at the head of the French team. ;)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by becs »

SONG #10

George Michael, “Freedom '90”
Unexpected, but enjoyable! I can absolutely say that the chorus is amazingly catchy, and I'll absolutely agree about that lyric being SO good.

Don McLean, “American Pie”
(1971) (also Frendo's #26)
I can't stand this song.

Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, “The Mercy Seat”
(1988) (also leestu's #55)
I basically liked the song, but would have enjoyed it more if had only included the parts with the whole band in colour, his little solo interjections just weirded it up.

Blink-182, “Dammit”

You know me well, I absolutely love this song, and though it doesn't appear on my list, I echo your feelings about it for sure.

Weezer, “Island in the Sun”

While I agree with your sentiment, and that little "hip hip" backing vocal makes me giggle, I have always sort of seen this song as an anomaly on the career of Weezer, it just don't fit! A fun song nonetheless.

Green Day, “Jesus Of Suburbia”
Awesome song, Ironic considering I just mentioned this one a couple days ago in my run down of Bowie's song. Great pick, and I am dying to somehow see the stage show of American Idiot (which I wholly expect is this generation's Rent). My favorite bit is the bridge of "I don't care if you don't, i don't care if you don't care".

Bob Marley, “Could You Be Loved?”

Definitely one of his best, but I'm just not a marley fan.

The Smiths, “There Is A Light That Never Goes Out”

Absolutely amazing song, brilliant lyrics, these guys are just always good eh?

Between The Buried and Me, “Selkies: The Endless Obsession”

Yea that was pretty amazing, I'm definitely going to be checking into these guys more when this thing is over.

The Eagles, “Take it Easy”

Alright, but not something I would ever seek out.

Guns N' Roses, “Sweet Child O' Mine”
(also Geezer's #70)
AC/DC, “Highway to Hell”
(also Shrykespeare's #90)
I'm pretty sure I responded to these both the same way when they were played before, so I'll repeat it... these are only good when live in a bar after lots of alcohol.

Ron Burgundy
Digitalism, “Pogo”

Nothin wrong with that, my top 10 remains untouched from the very first day I put together the list. Others have been tweaked or dumped on occasion, but nothing has altered my top 10. That said, this was quite enjoyable, I really like this kind of music that is somewhere between dance and techno. Also right toward the end it really reminded me of another band, its like its on the tip of my tongue but I can't think who...

The White Stripes, “Seven Nation Army
” (also becs' #99 and leestu's #27)
Obviously, I love this song, excellent pick!

Jesus Lizard, "Nub"
Never heard of these guys before, but I did like the song. For me though it was a little bit too unstructured and flailing.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by Leestu »

becs wrote:SONG #10

Green Day, “Jesus Of Suburbia”
Awesome song, Ironic considering I just mentioned this one a couple days ago in my run down of Bowie's song. Great pick, and I am dying to somehow see the stage show of American Idiot (which I wholly expect is this generation's Rent). My favorite bit is the bridge of "I don't care if you don't, i don't care if you don't care".
Are you talking hypothetically or is there actually a stage show based on American Idiot?

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by Shrykespeare »

Happy 4th of July, everybody!


The Blue Nile, “Headlights on the Parade”

Most of you will not know of this band, which formed in 1981 in Glasgow, Scotland (and is still together, apparently). They hit their peak in 1989 with the album Hats, which featured a terrific song that got some airplay on college radio called “The Downtown Lights”. I was listening to that song on YouTube a few years ago when, out of curiosity, I clicked on the adjacent link for this song... and instantly fell madly in love with it. This deep, tender, blissfully romantic song still takes my breath away, melding Paul Buchanan's mellow yet sensuous voice with some truly remarkable melodies, and a piano-and-synth track that reaches right down into my soul. I owe YouTube big time for this one.

The James Gang, “Collage”

MAJOR nostalgia here. The James Gang weren't exactly an “obscure” band. They had several successful hits, three AMAZING (okay: two AMAZING, one PRETTY GREAT) albums, and an alumnus whose future fortune and fame would bring the James Gang back from the edge of anonymity. Joe Walsh's immediate fandom spawned by his solo work reignited interest in his "old band." Anyway, growing up (as CHILDREN.. 0-6 years.. in Connecticut), one of my earliest (and recurrent) memories is of hearing this album (Yer' Album) both at night before bed and in the morning as we woke up. To this day, I consider this to be one of Classic Rock's most underrated (and understated) albums EVER. We're in the Top 10 now... so, although this track is hardly representative of Yer' Album, I still HIGHLY recommend anyone pick it up if they love/like/are-intrigued-by my choice from it. In general, if you like the Yardbirds, the Allman Brothers Band, Grand Funk Railroad, Led Zeppelin, Mountain, CCR, or even the Monkees, you GOTTA get yer hands on this album. Anyway, it's a beautiful song--melodically and lyrically. And, it should be no surprise if you know my style of music, it deals with elemental themes...Seasons and suns... and all that jazz that just seems to click with me. Hope you enjoy it. PS. The Breeders do a very nice cover of this. I'll see if I can post it somewhere.

A Silver Mount Zion, “13 Angels Standing Guard 'round the Side of Your Bed”

I’m sure this is one that will divide you guys, or else have you all turn against me! The record this is from is a concept album from one of the members of Godspeed You Black Emperor. It’s a tribute to Efrim’s dog, who passed away. Perhaps this song means more to me now because I had a similar experience a few weeks ago, but regardless this song has always moved me, ever since I first heard it 10 years ago. It’s a very simple, solemn piece. It’s the way I like classic music, striped down to its essential emotion. The violins swirl around an echoing bass, perhaps evoking the harshness of a church during a funeral. The album in itself is more an expression of Efrim’s grief at losing someone he loved and having to face a cold and uncaring world alone. And every second of this piece screams this sentiment out.

Against Me!, “Pints of Guiness Make You Strong”

I am, once again, not expecting a ton of fans of this one, but it is my favorite song by Against Me!. The first song off their first full length album (Reinventing Axl Rose) is the best song they have done, to this day, in my opinion. It is simple and heartfelt. Tom really pours his heart into this song. I think its the best lyrics they have ever written. I love how the folky, country-esque verses explode into the chorus. I love how well they perform it live, and I tried to upload the version from the live album to MySpace, because I simply enjoy it more, but even they cock-blocked it (weird since they let the other one work.) Oh well, you get the studio version, which I still love quite a bit. I know people will hate the vocals, but I love them, and just can't help but shout along. If you are having trouble understanding the lyrics, please look them up, I think they are worth the read while you follow along the song.

Smashing Pumpkins, “Tonight, Tonight”
(also Geezer's #68)

Musically I love this song's perpetual upward spiraling sound, it is like it builds eternally without ever stopping. Lyrically the song is both hopeful and encouraging, reminding that “That life can change, that you're not stuck in vain.”

Lee Ann Womack, “I Hope You Dance”

She makes another appearance in my countdown (for the last time, unfortunately). This song is a classic country song. It's a song about hope and taking the chances in life that God has given you and not regretting your choices.

The Smiths, “How Soon Is Now”

An indie classic from my youth. Awesome guitar and musical brilliance. A vocal performance that I find incredibly moving and lyrics that I relate to on a personal level, both back when I was a shy youth, and again now that one of my sons seems to have inherited the same trait. While compiling this list my wife told me that a cover of this song is used as the theme song on Charmed. What the fuck! How does the opening lyrics, “I am the son, and the heir, of a shyness that is criminally vulgar” apply to three female witches who, in the short snippets I’ve seen here and there, appear anything but shy.....or male. Or the loneliness and sorrow of dashed hopes depicted in the lines “there’s a club if you’d like to go, you could meet somebody who really loves you, so you go and you stand on your own, and you leave on your own, and you go home, and you cry and you want to die”. Surely that’s not a major theme of Charmed? Anyway sorry about the rant but hearing about this really annoyed me. Now on to the song.....

Michael Jackson, “Beat It”

Initially I was going to go with “Smooth Criminal” but I decided that “Beat It” was a better song. Also, the video is epic on so many levels.

The Buzzcocks, “Ever Fallen In Love With Someone You Shouldn't've”

Queen, “Bohemian Rhapsody”
(also becs' #55, Geezer's #55 and Ron Burgundy's #43)

This has appeared on many people lists, and for good reason: it is just such an excellent song. It is epic and done on such a grand scale that remains unmatched to this day.

The Rolling Stones, “Gimme Shelter”
(also numbersix's #104)

My favorite song by probably my favorite band. I love the guitar work, the lyrics, and the overall sound of the song.

Muse, “Time is Running Out”
(also leestu's #91)

I have noticed there have been a lot of mixed reviews about this band and i can probably see why. Fortunately for me i really like Muse style of play. Matt Bellamy has one of the best rock voices going around at the moment and this song off their album Absolution showcases their talent and remains my favourite Muse song to date.

Muse, “Newborn”

Far and away my favorite Muse song. The music especially in this is just insanely good, how it goes from calming and eerie to in-your-face guitars and drums is fantastic.

Ron Burgundy
Tool, “The Pot”

Awesome awesomeness from a tight rock/alt rock/metal band. A worthy #9. “Schism” and “Stinkfist” are also good but again did not feature because of my late entry to this game.

Sigur Ros, “Inni Mer Syngur Vitleysung”

This Top Ten has been so hard to come up with. Not to find the songs, but more to organize them. It has been a torture to decide which was #9 or which was #4. This is a thin line, and in the end, there isn’t a huge gap between those songs, in my love and admiration for them. So, this one. Sigur Ros of course. How could I love spleen songs and not love Sigur Ros ? But weirdly enough, my favourite song of the most famous band from Iceland is their most joyful one. Musically, to me, this is an ode to happiness and joie de vivre. My favourite Sigur Ros songs had long been “Staralfur” (beautifully used in The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou) and “Vaka”. When I first heard “Inni Mer syngur vitleysung”, I did not immediately think “This is one of the best songs ever”. But I began listening to it more and more, and soon realized how happy and strong this song makes me when I listen to it. It is absolutely fun, and reaches an intensity, in its final minute, that explodes in joy. Do not skip the last minute when listening to it. I know, it’s a language none of us understands, but I found a video with English subtitles. But frankly, they could sing whatever they want, as long as they play their music with such an intensity!

Pearl Jam, “Alive”

Man, I loved this first album, and the second, when I was younger. After that, they pretty much fell off the map for me. But this song is still a great one.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by silversurfer19 »

Man, what is it with Youtube removing the links to almost every video today!

Song #10

Shrykespeare: George Michael, “Freedom '90” (1990) - To be honest, I'm not a fan of Wham, George or the mass of boy bands which he helped spawn. However, no matter his impact, this will forever be a really catchy song with lyrics which are insightful and poignant. Not something I listen to regularly, but if on the radio, I wouldn't turn it off. Video was a bit of a let down though.

NSpan: Don McLean, “American Pie” (1971) (also Frendo's #26) - Okay, as you asked nicely, I did indeed try to listen to it with "fresh ears". And to be honest, I found myself appreciating it much more. Some segments of the song are delightful, the riff is catchy as hell and McLean's voice is beautiful. However, is it always that long? That seemed to just go on forever, without really developing that much either. Maybe I usually tune out by that point, but it could have really been half the length and I may have appreciated it a whole lot more.

Numbersix: Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, “The Mercy Seat” (1988) - What did I think of this last time? Whatever it was, I love this now. It's so unsettling, sends shivers down my spine. It's got a real atmosphere to it, a drama created by the pounding keyboards, synths and Cave's attacking vocals. Brilliant stuff.

Geezer: Blink-182, “Dammit” - Wasn't sure I remembered this, but I do. Vocals aren't particularly strong in this, but the riff is catchy as hell. Not brilliant, but probably one of my favourite Blink songs.

becs: Radiohead, “Creep” - Great song, not one of my favourites from the band, but can't deny it's impact on the music I love and the direction I took my tastes following this. Great guitars, great vocals. Definitely the highlight of Pablo Honey.

undeadmonkey: Weezer, “Island in the Sun” - I love the video (well, TBH I love all Weezer videos, they always seem to have great fun in them), and the song is a very cute pop song. One of the highlights of The Green Album, though I probably prefer Hash Pipe.

leestu: Green Day, “Jesus Of Suburbia” (2005) - This is the era Green Day became U2. They became a stadium rock act, and their music followed suit. Overlong song, which could probably have been three songs (heck, maybe even four), and the transition between each segment isn't seamless enough for me to overlook it. Not a favourite of mine at all.

Buscemi: Bob Marley, “Could You Be Loved?” - Yeah, we haven't seen much Marley, but to be honest I'm not really a fan. I guess you have to be a fan of this type of music to appreciate this song. I'm just not. Good beat, but that's about it.

silversurfer: The Smiths, “There Is A Light That Never Goes Out” - My absolute favourite song from The Smiths. Morrisey is at his most doomed romantic here, while the shimmering guitars and delicate strings waltz together beautifully. Gorgeous lyrics too, with a killer chorus.

transformers: Between The Buried and Me, “Selkies: The Endless Obsession” - These guys have been hit and miss for me so far, and this is definitely a hit. Lots of The Mars Volta in there, as well as plenty of other progressive rock sounds. Really interesting. I think you may have won me over and I'll look to pick up an album of theirs in the future.

W: The Eagles, “Take it Easy” - Not really a fan.

englishozzy: Guns N' Roses, “Sweet Child O' Mine” - This song just drives me insane. Not one of my favourites from these guys.

BarcaRulz: AC/DC, “Highway to Hell” - I won't play this for the benefit of Helena, who will probably drive a stake through my heart if I did. Whenever I hear it though, I can't help but think of the man rock outro's which were always played at the end of Supernatural. I like some early AC/DC, but even then not a lot. I don't like this at all though.

Ron Burgundy: Digitalism, “Pogo” - Better than some of your other recent picks of the same ilk, but nothing that really stood out I'm afraid.

Chienfantome: The White Stripes, “Seven Nation Army” - Still a great song. Not as much a favourite as some of their earlier songs, but it has a pumping beat and killer riffs.

Frendo - Jesus Lizard, "Nub" - Really interesting. Sounded like the guitar was being fed through something and then sped up, sped down, played in reverse. Really interesting. Vocals seemed more of a sideshow to the music, but something I'd like to look into more of.

Some really good stuff here, guys, which is to be expected now we have hit hallowed ground. Some new stuff too, which surprised me.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by Ron Burgundy »

SONG #10

George Michael, “Freedom '90” (1990)

No, clothing does not make a man, but it might make a gay man, perhaps a woman trapped in a mans shell? No seriously though, i dont mind ol George, he has 2 other songs i like (can u guess? ones from Zoolander haha) And this is a classic from the early 90s. Had no idea Fincher was involved!?! Good pick. 8/10

Don McLean, “American Pie” (1971) (also Frendo's #26)

I cant sing along with this apart from the chorous, its very long! A classic, but i can only hear it a few times a year, otherwise it gets a little annoying. 7.5/10

Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, “The Mercy Seat” (1988) (also leestu's #55)

Dammit! The video link didnt work. I was looking forward to Nick Cave too. ?/10

Blink-182, “Dammit”

I used to be young, and i loved this song, nowadays, not so much. 6/10

Radiohead, “Creep” (also Buscemi's #59, englishozzy's #58 and leestu's #23)

You cant argue with Radiohead. Excellent pick, and the best from Pablo Honey by miles. 9/10

Weezer, “Island in the Sun”

I can dig this UDM, a pleasant song, like you said for Scar Tissie, Chillaxing, if i still smoked weed, this would be one of the first to come on, great pick mate. 8.5/10

Green Day, “Jesus Of Suburbia” (2005)

Surprising to see this one so high, but thats not a bad thing. Its still a good song. 7.5/10

Bob Marley, “Could You Be Loved?”

What a legend, this bloke was. I would have included Buffalo Soldier in my hundred (around #90) but sadly i entered too late. Good song though. At least his sons did well, have you heard 'Welcome to Jamrock'?

The Smiths, “There Is A Light That Never Goes Out”

Ok, this is the first Smiths song ive heard since my computer has been running bad, and i have to say, what a letdown! Sorry SS, some of your picks just make me want to jab a needle in my arm or cut wrists in a bathtub. I hope you have some more uplifting tunes coming. 3/10

Between The Buried and Me, “Selkies: The Endless Obsession”

The Start was brilliant, excellent guitar. But im not one for liking those types of vocals, unless im pretty angry, then it might work. Ill get back to you when ive smashed my room to bits. 5.5/10

The Eagles, “Take it Easy”

I like Hotel california much more. But i can say if in the right mood, this song is great. 7/10

no song submitted- 0/10

Guns N' Roses, “Sweet Child O' Mine” (also Geezer's #70)

Wailing guitars and Axls peak, terrific choice! 8.5/10

AC/DC, “Highway to Hell” (also Shrykespeare's #90)

A Rock staple in the world of Pub rock, great choice. This song would be my #99. 9/10

Ron Burgundy
Digitalism, “Pogo”

A pity i let u down S, Zdarlight is good, very good. And Six, Cut Copy is pretty good too, but more poppy i reckon, Crystal Castles is ok, a bit out there but ok.

The White Stripes, “Seven Nation Army” (also becs' #99 and leestu's #27)

Probably my fav song from the White Stripes and probably their most famous, whats not to like? 8.5/10

Jesus Lizard, "Nub"

No i haven't heard of these guys, it was ok, but nothing special. 4/10

And PS - SS, yeah i couldnt get about 4 videos aswell, luckily id heard most of these songs, cant say that for next round though
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by silversurfer19 »

Ok, this is the first Smiths song ive heard since my computer has been running bad, and i have to say, what a letdown! Sorry SS, some of your picks just make me want to jab a needle in my arm or cut wrists in a bathtub. I hope you have some more uplifting tunes coming. 3/10
Ha! That's great, didn't know my music taste was driving the fantaverse to suicide! Maybe I should rethink my remaining picks for the sake of the members of our little group... I can see how just listening to this on first listen, it may appear a totally despair ridden song, but take your time and you'll find so much to love about it, from the guitars to Morrissey's voice. Also, take some time to read the lyrics, and it's actually a very romantic song, one of hope for a doomed relationship. Think of the lyrics:

"And if a double-decker bus
crashes in to us
to die by your side
is such a heavenly way to die"

How is that not one of the romantic statements ever. I once owned a tshirt with that slogan and I totally embody it. If you can be THAT in love, no matter what the circumstances (or however deluded the thought may be), then surely this is a positive thing. Anyway, just keep sharp objects at a safe distance for the next ten days or so...

btw, I do have at least 4 more songs (including tonight's) which at least sound uplifting (though the lyrics to some may offer different conclusions), so hopefully there will be some joy down the road.

And finally it's annoying that a lot of the youtube links are broken recently (it seems to be one in every two at the moment at best), but if they are Ron, you can always just double click on the video and it will take you straight to the video in another window. So you can still listen to the song, it's just a little annoying.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by Shrykespeare »

Some really pleasant surprises today!

My thoughts (in order of preference):

leestu – The Smiths, “How Soon is Now” – My favorite Smiths song, great choice. You're right, I don't know what the song has to do with Charmed, but given your rant, I won't even tell you about the way Soho bastardized the riff from “How Soon is Now” for their song “Hippychick”... oh, wait, I just did. :twisted: (9)

transformers – Queen, “Bohemian Rhapsody” – Great song. I've said it before, and it doesn't really need repeating. (9)

silversurfer – The Buzzcocks, “Ever Fallen in Love With Someone You Shouldn't've” – I'd love to hear your reasons for choosing this song. I really enjoyed it, thanks very much! And maybe it's a Freudian thing, but I can never hear the name “Buzzcocks” without thinking of this OTHER group, which you (and everyone else) might get a chuckle out of, it's hysterically twisted, like something Rob Zombie might have cooked up over lunch. (8)

Ron Burgundy – Tool, “The Pot” – Good song, and a very interesting video. Was this animation done for the video, or was it borrowed from another source? I'd be very interested to know. (8)

W – The Rolling Stones, “Gimme Shelter” – Terrific song, one of Mick & Co.'s best. (8)

englishozzy – Muse, “Time is Running Out” – I rated this an “8” before, though it was so long ago I didn't remember the song at all. (Think about how much Muse I've heard between then and now.) Having heard it again, the rating stands. Terrific song. (8)

Buscemi – Michael Jackson, “Beat It” – I love this song more for the nostalgia than for the music itself. Musically, I like “Billie Jean” and “Bad” better. But this is an awesome song too. (7)

numbersix – A Silver Mount Zion, “13 Angels Standing Guard 'round the Side of Your Bed” – I liked it. It was different. (7)

Chienfantome – Sigur Ros, “Inni Mer Syngur Vitleysung” – Good song, sir. I think I like it better than Six's Sigur Ros song from earlier (“Ny Batteri”). Very nice. (7)

becs – Smashing Pumpkins, “Tonight, Tonight” – Not at all surprised to see this in your Top Ten. Good song. (7)

BarcaRulz – Muse, “Newborn” – Wow, what a change in tempo! This was different from the typical Muse song. Haven't quite hammered down whether I like it or not, but there was something coolly Harry Potter-ish about the video. (6)

NSpan – The James Gang, “Collage” – Wow. All this time I though The James Gang was an R&B/funk group from the 70's. My (30-year) bad. Not a bad song, but not really that memorable for me. (5)

undeadmonkey – Lee Ann Womack, “I Hope You Dance” – Not bad. Not my thing, but not bad. (5)

Geezer – Against Me!, “Pints of Guiness Make You Strong” – I Googled the lyrics. I like them, but I didn't care for the delivery. (4)

Frendo – Pearl Jam, “Alive” – If I remember correctly, the biggest four bands to come out of Seattle in the early 90's were Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains and Soundgarden. Comparing the lead singers of all those groups – Kurt, Eddie, Layne and Chris – I feel now as I felt then: namely, that I liked Eddie's voice the least, by far. As a result, there are very few Pearl Jam songs that I like, such as “Yellow Ledbetter” and occasionally “Black”. This one doesn't even come close. (4)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by Ron Burgundy »


The Blue Nile, “Headlights on the Parade” (1989)

Link did not work....bugger! ?/10

The James Gang, “Collage” (1969)

Wow, what a surprise hit!! For a first time listen it was just awesome. Probably my fav song of yours so far Nspan. Well done Sir! 9.5/10

A Silver Mount Zion, “13 Angels Standing Guard 'round the Side of Your Bed” (2000)

Ok, whos been taking blotter acid round here? Not really my type, i guess i wasn't in the mood, it could be a beautiful song. And a bit long. 5/10

Against Me!, “Pints of Guiness Make You Strong”

Surprisingly not bad! I could get into this at the pub infact plays this sort of music once a month! 6.5/10

Smashing Pumpkins, “Tonight, Tonight” (also Geezer's #68)

Great song, great album, used to be a great band. Great choice! 9/10

Lee Ann Womack, “I Hope You Dance”

I think i have lost faith. The title sounds eh, meh? Not a song ill ever want to hear again. 1.5/10

The Smiths, “How Soon Is Now” (1985)

Bah! The link did not work. However The Smiths haven't impressed me yet (with only 1 song)

Michael Jackson, “Beat It”

You chose the right MJ song mate, its a classic. And his best. 9.5/10

The Buzzcocks, “Ever Fallen In Love With Someone You Shouldn't've”

Another link that did not work. But the title suggests its another sad sounding one from you SS.

Queen, “Bohemian Rhapsody” (also becs' #55, Geezer's #55 and Ron Burgundy's #43)

Grand scale indeed! Terrific choice mate. 10/10

The Rolling Stones, “Gimme Shelter” (also numbersix's #104)

I recently watched some of Air America and i noticed that it was one of the first songs used in the movie. Amazing song, avg movie, probably would have made my top 100 too. 9.5/10

Muse, “Time is Running Out” (also leestu's #91)

Must have heard this one more than Invincible, and ive got to disagree about his voice, it annoys me a bit. But overall, a pretty good song. 7/10

Muse, “Newborn”

Video link did not work....bummer. ?/10

Ron Burgundy
Tool, “The Pot”

Sigur Ros, “Inni Mer Syngur Vitleysung”

This song was actually played quite a bit on the radio station i listen to. It neer really got old, and glad to see it made the countdown. But somebody told me that they just make up the words for their songs?? 8/10

Pearl Jam, “Alive”

One of my fav Pearl Jam songs, great pick buddy. 8.5/10

Ok SS, ill give it a try very soon...I might just watch King of Kong first. But i appreciate your reply, its given me hope. And since i like Alt Rock, maybe ill come around. ;) And yes ill keep only blunt objects in my radar

And S, i have no idea if that video for The Pot is the actual one for Tool, i haven't seen it either. Maybe some fellow members could help out there?
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #10): #10-#2

Post by numbersix »

Shrykespeare: The Blue Nile, “Headlights on the Parade” (1989) - I think guys are quite well regarded by the critics. Or maybe they were at the time when everyone was killing their scalps with hairspray and donning shoulderpads ;) While it wasn't bad, I don't think any aspect of it stood out for me, so ultimately I felt a little cold.

NSpan: The James Gang, “Collage” (1969) - I rather quite liked that. Never heard of them before, and your list of similar acts inspiring interest and dread until I actually listened to it. But it was a good tune, I liked the use of strings, and overall I thought it was a great find. Neil Young was probably inspired by these guys too.

Geezer: Against Me!, “Pints of Guiness Make You Strong” - Hey, this wasn't half bad. I liked the country edge, it's like if Cash hung around the punks for a while, and then paid a visit to Shane MacGowan. Sure it's shouty, but the energy kind of makes that work. Not sure I agree with the title, though. After a messy weekend I can assure you enough pints of Guinness make you very, very weak ;)

becs: Smashing Pumpkins, “Tonight, Tonight” (also Geezer's #68) - Beautiful, soaring song.

undeadmonkey: Lee Ann Womack, “I Hope You Dance” - I much prefer Bobby ;). Seriously, though, UDM, I'm trying to find some positive thing to say about your picks, even the pop ones. But this is probably the worst song I've heard since this project began. Boring music that would be infuriating if it wasn't so indistinct and forgettable. Lyrics that are full of the most tired cliches I've heard in pop music. And is that auto-tune I hear in the vocals? I'd rather have my teeth pulled out than give this another spin.

leestu: The Smiths, “How Soon Is Now” (1985) - another one of my favourite Smiths songs that could have easily made my list. A great song, I love that reverberating jangle. Passionate lyrics. In fact I'd even say I think Meat is Murder is their best album. It's their darkest and their most potent. Loved your comments on its use in Charmed, it made me laugh.

Buscemi: Michael Jackson, “Beat It” - Maybe it's just because this was all over my childhood, but I still think he made some of the best pop songs in the last few decades. Really fun song. Pity I couldn't watch the video, as it was blocked.

silversurfer: The Buzzcocks, “Ever Fallen In Love With Someone You Shouldn't've” - Yeah, I can totally understand why thiswould be in your Top 10. It's a brilliant, fun punk song. Great stuff.

transformers: Queen, “Bohemian Rhapsody” (also becs' #55, Geezer's #55 and Ron Burgundy's #43) - Great song, and it is epic, even though it's shorter than my or NSpan's average favourite song!

W: The Rolling Stones, “Gimme Shelter” (also numbersix's #104) - Just missed out from my Top 100, but it's still an amazing song. I love that intro riff.

englishozzy: Muse, “Time is Running Out” (also leestu's #91)
BarcaRulz: Muse, “Newborn”

Oh dear, are these the most represented band in out shared Top 100's? If so I may have to cry. Time is Running Out is okay, it's indurable. Whoich is saying a lot for me. But Newborn is one of the songs that made me hate Muse on a new level. Again, it's this flamboyance they have and display with such sincerity that it comes across as flamboyant. Listen to Bohemian Rhapsody to see how to balance those perfectly. But Newborn just annoys the hell out of me, the vocals, the lyrics, the listen-to-me-rock-out rock out bits. I just don't buy it.

Ron Burgundy: Tool, “The Pot” - the other Tool song(s) on previous threads were better. This was only okay for me.

Chienfantome: Sigur Ros, “Inni Mer Syngur Vitleysung” - I've mixed feelings about this song. You see, as I mentioned a while back when I posted Ny Batteri, I heard these guys when they cracked Europe in 2000. I loved how their music was simultaneously uplifting and sorrowfull (spleen alert!). Agaetic Byrjun (although funnily enough Staraflur is the only song I don't like, it's too melodramatic) and () were great albums. And then something began to change in them, once they starting singing in actual languages and culminating in their Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust album. They removed any doubt from their music's tonal ambiguity and made obviously joyful music. Maybe it's because they're happy, I don't know. But it's so OTT in joy that it doesn't work for me. Maybe I'd just being a sad bastard but I just couldn't connect with their music in the same way I used to. So a band who once meant everything to me now just leaves me cold. This song is one of their better new material, I'll give you that, but it's just not the same.

Frendo: Pearl Jam, “Alive” - There's only a few Pearl Jam songs I like, and this is typical of their kind of music that doesn't really grab me.

Frendo: Jesus Lizard, "Nub" - This was new to me, and quite cool. It had an interesting raw, trashy quality with a tint of Souther Rock. But they all work together to make something really, realy, interesting. Nice pick!

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