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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 6:43 am
by Geezer
I think Eleanor, like applied to Shryke, is very much about the nostalgia of your first love, which isn't totally unreasonable to feel like long ago even for someone in their mid-20's.

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 8:18 am
by Leestu
Geezer wrote:
March 18th, 2020, 6:43 am
I think Eleanor, like applied to Shryke, is very much about the nostalgia of your first love, which isn't totally unreasonable to feel like long ago even for someone in their mid-20's.
Fair point. I remember at that age things from a few years before seemed like a long time things from a few years ago seem like just recently.


The I Love It

Modest Mouse, Float On - one of my favourite songs, from one of my favourite albums, from one of my favourite artists

The Great

Placebo, Running Up that Hill - I love the original, and this is a great version...mainly because I love Brian Molko's wife and I are both fans of Placebo and we pretty much have a friendly argument everytime we play this about which version is better (Kate Bush of course :lol: )...I actually really like the album of covers this comes from (creatively called "Covers" :roll: ) which features a great selection of songs all Placebo'd up.

Kendrick Lamar, The Blacker the Berry - Kendrick is one of those artists where I love some of his songs (King Kunta, Sing About Me, I'm Dying Of Thirst, most of Untitled, Unmastered), and dislike a lot of his songs (most of Damn.). This is one of his songs I really like, especially with couplets like "I'm African-American, I'm African
I'm black as the heart of a fuckin' Aryan"
and many other great lyrics, and his angry passion displayed in delivering them

Sigur Ros, Inni Mer Syngur Vitleysingur - first listen...didn't sound like the Sigur Ros I know (I've only listened to their early stuff) but this was really cool...loved the atmosphere and how the song developed

Belle & Sebastian, Your Cover's Blown - first listen...I've never heard them sound so funky and not twee...I always find their simple twee too much (little?) for me but this had a lot more going on than they normally do...enjoyed this a lot more than I usually do with them

The Very Good

Off With Their Heads, Die Today - first listen...the beginning reminded me of I Fought The Law by The Clash...bit of a Green Day vibe too...lyrics with attitude...all good points

The Good

Sophie Ellis-Baxter, Murder On The Dance Floor - don't have guilty pleasures, own what you like, and too bad if most people don't like Smashmouth or Korn etc, that's what I now do...anyway there is something so goddamn catchy about this song I always liked it despite what it guilt about that though :D

Gram Rabbit, Horses Can't Throw Up - first listen...hasn't fully clicked with me where I want to hear more, but I enjoy it while it's on

The Okay

Revocation, Pestilence Reigns - first that drum speed is impressive...maybe not ultra listenable unless you are a huge fan of thrash, but impressive

Waxahatchee, Swan Dive - first's nice and pleasant

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 8:34 am
by silversurfer19
Round 62 review

Chien, Sigur Ros - Was definitely a surprise to hear this band so upbeat. Jarring in fact at first. Eventually though I got acclimatised to their song and it was very nice indeed.

Geezer, Off With Their Heads - A little too shouty for me to appreciate it all really.

Johnerle, Belle and Sebastian - see the Sigur Ros comments. Again completely different from what I expect from the band but really liked the riff and in the end was hooked on it. And yeah, I'm not gonna lie but I definitely decided on all my girlfriends in the past based on how much they resemble Winona Ryder....

Leestu, Ben Folds - The lyrics are kind of fun, but otherwise didn't really work for me. Definitely a band past their peak at this point.

Nspan, Gram Rabbit - Really enjoyed this, great vibe, liked the vocals, have to listen to a little more I think.

Ron, Kendrick Lamar - Not really ever been bothered by all the hype this guy has received until now, but this is the best song I have heard from him by a long shot. With my limited rap knowledge, for some reason this reminded me of The Fugees, really nice production.

Screen, Sophie Ellis Bextor - Is this a guilty pleasure? If so, sign me up for some more. I have definitely preferred your guilty pleasures during this countdown rather than your standard picks, as I think Kylie was another one, wasn't it? Anyway, this is just a great pop song and I would have no issue getting up to dance along any time it is on.

Shryke, Placebo - These guys kind of ran out of steam after Black Market Music, and this only further proves the point. You could have picked Special K from the afore mentioned album which is superior in my opinion. This is just a pointless cover version which had no lasting impact.

Six, Modest Mouse - Great stuff, such a great beat and cool riffs.

Tranny, Revocation - Sorry buddy. Maybe next round will be your round?

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 12:08 pm
by JohnErle
63-64 Shuffle Comments:

Shark Smile – Another potential grower. I hated the intro (again!) but once the Wilco-esque groove kicked in I started to enjoy it.

Walking Is Still Honest – I liked the shitkicker country vibe until the unintelligible shouty vocals started. I guess I have a low tolerance for the shout-along vocals in the majority of your picks.

Detroit – I thought it was the Black Keys until it got a little funky. Didn't do much for me though.

Eminem – I used to do a little ESL tutoring on the side and there was one Korean kid who only wanted to talk about Eminem lyrics, so I remember spending a solid hour explaining the finer points of what a trailer park was. And that memory was the only thing that made the first minute of this song tolerable.

Tom Rosenthal – Liked the piano, not the voice. Possible grower, though.

Elanor – Is this the first female singer you've posted? The relative lack of shouting helped, but the song didn't really grab me.

Moldy Peaches – Full disclosure: I think I've heard enough Moldy Peaches in my life to know there's no point in listening to that track.

Lynchi Li – Not bad. A little different from the Lykke Li I've heard before. All I know about Lynch's musical tastes is that he was obsessed with Chris Isaak, so I hear a bit of his 60s style in the guitars. Worth another listen.

Battles – That was equal parts awesome and annoying. Not sure I'll ever get past the annoying.

Hot Chip – I've liked some of their stuff in the past. This one? Not so much.

Nothing else really moved the dial.

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 3:58 pm
by JohnErle
As long as there's no classes I should have more time for listening and commenting at work.


Modest Mouse – My toes remain untapped, and the song remains unsung by me. I never liked this band, but this is probably the best I've ever heard from them. The shouty vocals are almost Geezer-ish.

Ben Folds – My suburb remains unrocked. I adore The Unauthorized Biography Of Reinhold Messner, but never cared for this track, or most of his post-90s stuff, really. A producer with a computer should have fixed this shitty track.

Running Up That Hill – My hill remains... oh never mind. As utterly pointless acts of commercial desperation go, it's alright. I briefly considered This Picture for my list, but Placebo's glory days were definitely in the 90s. Does this pre-date Gary Jules? Should I be blaming Placebo instead for all these shitty movie trailers with shitty covers like this?

Sigur Ros – I always thought that was one of their higher-profile tracks. I know I heard it many, many times, but it's not like we all get our music from the same sources. Love it. If I could have remembered the name I would have considered it for my list.

Die Today – I agree that opening riff is way too “I Fought The Law.” Nothing else really stood out.

Kendrick Lamar – Not as musically grating as most hip-hop, but still too much braggadocio and blaming others for your problems for my tastes.

Murder On The Dancefloor – I thought disco was dead? What is this, zombie disco? If I call it post-disco will Six like it more?

Swan Dive – That was damn good. I'm adding it to my playlist of songs you guys post that I want to re-visit.

Thrash Metal du Jour – “A faster, heavier take on '80s thrash from a group of musicians that met at the Berklee School of Music in Boston...”

“I hope they're not neglecting their studies.” - David Letterman

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 5:56 pm
by Shrykespeare


Okay, here are the rules. I have posted our eleven songs, listed in chronological order.

You have 24 hours to PM or email me (you all have my address) your guesses as to which song belongs to which person. Do NOT critique this batch of songs until tomorrow, which is when I will post the results as well as everyone's descriptions.

Good luck!

The Avalanches, Frontier Psychiatrist (2000)

Life Without Buildings, The Leanover (2001)

System of a Down, Toxicity (2001)

Screaming Females, Electric Pilgrim (2006)

Bat For Lashes - What's A Girl To Do? (2006) (if the above doesn't work)

Paramore, Misery Business (2007)

Editors, Smokers Outside the Hospital Doors (2007)

Cage The Elephant, Rubber Ball (2011)

Trent Reznor And Atticus Ross feat. Karen O, Immigrant Song (2011)

Ariana Grande, Into You (2016)

Kendrick Lamar, “HUMBLE” (2017)

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 6:07 pm
by Geezer
JohnErle wrote:
March 18th, 2020, 12:08 pm

Elanor – Is this the first female singer you've posted? The relative lack of shouting helped, but the song didn't really grab me.
Well, its the second Chumped song, and Against Me! has a female vocalist (but I can see why that wouldn't come right to one's mind.)

But yeah, my list is sorely lacking in that department. So much so that I'm going to spout off a list of recent female fronted or all female bands that I enjoy:

The Bombpops
Screaming Females
Bad Cop Bad Cop
Katie Ellen (same singer as Chumped)
The Lippies
Remember Sports
The Interrupters

Wish I was able to feature more of them, just not enough space in only 100 songs!

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 6:42 pm
by JohnErle
Whoops! I know all about Laura's transition, of course, but I don't think society as a whole has figured out how to talk about a transgender person's past, especially if they became famous as a gender other than the one they currently identify as.

If anyone needs me I'll be over here in the corner with the un-woke.

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 6:49 pm
by Geezer
They are their gender identity in all forms and tenses, JE. I will once again push her book, Tranny: Confessions of Punk Rock's Most Infamous Anarchist Sellout. Its informative and a really, really great fucking read.

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 7:12 pm
by JohnErle
I know, but if you own a physical copy of their early albums there's no mention of a Laura. First impressions are hard to shake. My user name is JohnErle because my middle name is Erle and that's what my parents called me, but I always hated it so as soon as I came to Vancouver I started going by John. Twenty years later people back home still slip up and call me Erle sometimes. It was an honest mistake and no harm was intended. It was a middle age brain fart, not a deliberate attempt to misgender.

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 8:11 pm
by Geezer
Oh no, believe me, I get it. I wasn't trying to call you out or anything like that. I will never forget the day I found out the news. I was flabbergasted. I called my brother and we probably talked for an hour about it. It was really my first exposure to anything related to gender dysphoria. It took a while to adjust and get all of it down myself. It was a shock to my system, and I imagine a lot of others. But for me it was a very welcome one, as it pushed me to become educated on a subject I otherwise might not have, one that affects a lot of people. Diving deeper into a lot of old lyrics, and realizing there were hints in there along the way was eye opening. Reading her book and realizing this is something that she, and so many others, battled from their childhood, it genuinely changed my life. Its also a really good look inside life on the road and the backwards ass music industry. Its just a really, really great book, and I recommend it to everyone.

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 8:58 pm
by JohnErle
Those hints you mention are a big part of what made them so intriguing when I first heard of them via New Wave. If I ran into her on the street I would absolutely see her as a woman and call her Laura -- I can't even remember what her name was before the transition -- but when it comes to the art she generated beforehand it gets tricky. My favourite Against Me song (stay tuned!) was written from a male POV.

And I may have said this before but I think it's awesome you're still such a big fan. I can't imagine that all their early fans handled the change as well as you.

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 9:14 pm
by Geezer
You're right about that, but they also have gained a lot of new ones. Give and take, I guess. But they're used to it by now. Their fans are notorious for hating every time they make even the slightest change to their music. Hell they've been called sell outs from the moment they started using electric guitars.

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Posted: March 18th, 2020, 10:03 pm
by Leestu

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #70-61

Posted: March 19th, 2020, 7:10 am
by silversurfer19
Really interesting set of songs today, and much, much harder than I anticipated to guess which one belongs to whom. Other than six obviously, he's such an Ariana Grande fanboy.