Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #90-81

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #90-81

Post by Chienfantome »

No problem for a a day or two of pause here and there, we're in no hurry indeed.
I still don't have Internet at home so... :lol:
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #90-81

Post by Shrykespeare »



Kaleo, Way Down We Go (2015)

When you think Icenlandic music, you think of strange, aerial, magical music, at least I do, stuff like Sigur Ros can do, with that strange and fascinating sounding language. The day I discovered “Way down we go”, I thought “Wow, I love that bluesy american song.” I was astonished when I found out they were Icelandic. That voice, that rhythm. A couple of years ago, I would have rated that song even higher, but it calmed down a bit for me since then. But what a song it still is.


Captain We're Sinking, Montreal (2013)

I discovered this band opening for the Menzingers and have seen them in that capacity a few times now. They aren't together anymore, but in their brief time as a band they left us with some really great anthemic emo-punk, and this is absolutely their standout track. Don't worry guys, its nice and short.


The New Pornographers, Failsafe (2007)

I think a lot of fans didn't like this more low-key approach, but I thought songs like this gave Neko Case a chance to really shine.

Try this if the above doesn't work:


Kurt Vile, Pretty Pimpin (2015)

Great slacker, singer-songwriter, folk rock with interesting introspective “who am I” lyrics that I relate to.


Adam Green, We're Not Supposed to be Lovers (2003)

Adam Green (of the Moldy Peaches) has a brilliant solo career... even if it's a bit uneven at times. This is him at his most sincere. Sincere, for this guy, is a relative term.


The White Stripes, Seven Nation Army (2003)

Upon release, i liked the video clip more than the music. Then over time it slowly went the other way round. Still, a great music video.


Disclosure Ft. Sam Smith, Omen (2014)

They return! Sam Smith's vocals (we will see another collaboration between them later) compliment the beat well, and the catchy hook makes this an easily danceable track.


Mumford and Sons, Guiding Light (2018)

During my four-month music blitz, I listened to a ton of Lumineers and Mumford & Sons. None of what I heard impressed me in the slightest … until I got to this song. This song really reaches in and digs down deep. I just love the lyrics, and especially how the music swells to a crescendo at the end. Hopefully you will too. (Note: the sound quality on this video is phenomenal, so I recommend listening on headphones or through really good speakers to get the full effect.)


Parquet Courts, Almost Had to Start A Fight/In and Out of Patience (2018)

These guys always manage to blow me away, from their breakout album Light Up Gold to 2018’s Wide Awake! (which this song comes from), they are a band of impeccable taste, pulling together the influence of acts like Talking Heads, Wire, and the Velvet Underground and still managing to sound fresh and fun. This track brilliantly demonstrates the way they play with rhythm and timing. If you have an opportunity to see them live, do so.


Eagulls, Nerve Endings (2013)

Opening up the band's debut s/t record with an awesome blast of nihilistic post-punk, Nerve Endings is a visceral assault of the senses, as the drones guitars and pounding kick drum battle with each other while front man George Mitchell leads a call to arms not too unlike what Strummer would have done almost 35 years previous. It makes for an exciting and enjoyable listen, yet one that also feels a little dangerous. Just how I like it!


Run the Jewels, Oh My Darling Don't Cry (2014)

As much as I loved Run the Jewels' debut, the release of Oh My Darling Don't Cry as a single ahead of their second LP indicated to me that that their follow-up was going to be even better. The incendiary chemistry between Killer Mike and El-P got even stronger and the visceral production serves as an ideally chaotic battleground for these two to trade venom-filled verses.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #90-81

Post by NSpan »

silversurfer19 wrote:Danger Doom - Was the sample used in a Tarantino film? Certainly sounds like it, but yeah, was OK, nice little 70s vibe to it, didn't really pay much attention to the rapping, but otherwise was nice.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #90-81

Post by NSpan »

I'M BACK FROM MY TRIP! So I can finally resume commenting.

Shrykester, it looks like me and Surfer's videos got swapped this time aorund. just fyi
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #90-81

Post by JohnErle »

A few random thoughts in lieu of work:
Shrykespeare wrote:
JohnErle - Blow It Out - This was so much FUN!
Finally! Someone who gets it! I've shared this song elsewhere and gotten similar reactions to the singer's voice, which I totally understand, and to the "happy and you know it" line, which I'll never understand. This is such a fun little earworm, what is there to take so seriously?

Phoenix are another band I totally forgot about. Listomania is a great song, and there were a few others from that album I liked at the time. Chien has finally posted something I've both heard of and liked!

I also completely forgot about Low and I wish you hadn't reminded me. Holly Herndon was interesting, though. It didn't seem any weirder or more complex than, say, Caribou. By your standards it felt downright accessible.

Outside of mainstream pop, Seven Nation Army must be the most overplayed song of the millennium. It had some charm at the time, though.

I spent a lot of time listening to Sound Of Silver and This Is Happening but never got around to LCD Soundsystem's first album. Losing My Edge was awesome and I wish I'd heard it earlier. What a great takedown of scenesters and starfuckers. James Murphy's lyrics are so much better than anyone else I can think of in this genre.

That Clinic tune is really good, too. It seems to remind me of something but I can't put my finger on what. Definitely not Jefferson Airplane, though.

And since I can't post here from home, I'm all for breaks as well.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #90-81

Post by Shrykespeare »


Chien - Way Down We Go - This song is just MADE for TV and movie trailers, and it has been used extensively (though never better than in an episode of The Blacklist). It's a perfect tone-setter, just like another TV theme song that will appear (much) later on my list. Outstanding song. 8.5/10

Geezer - Montreal - Funny. You tells us "Don't worry, it's nice and short", but I kinda wish it had been longer. Good tune. 6.5/10

JohnErle - Failsafe - Hearing the guitar riffs immediately made my brain go to this song, which is so different lyrically it's scary - I liked it, but I doubt I'll remember it in a couple of days. 6.5/10

Leestu - Pretty Pimpin' - This was interesting. Got a Beck-ish vibe from it. Cool song. 6/10

NSpan - We're Not Supposed to Be Lovers - Dude's voice reminds me of the guy from They Might Be Giants. It was weird for me. 5.5/10

Ron B - Seven Nation Army - One of the few songs that we can be reasonably sure EVERYONE here has heard. Definitely one of those songs that felt like a game-changer when it came out. 6/10

Screen203 - Omen - Maybe it's the presence of Smith's amazing voice, but I liked this a lot more than the other Disclosure songs you've posted. Cool, funky, loved it. 7.5/10

Six - Almost Had to Start a Fight - This was a weird one. Thought the singer was drunk or something. Loved it after the backups kicked in though. 7/10

Surfer - Nerve Endings - This felt like an 80s song (and in all the right ways)! The New Order-ish guitars had me from the beginning. Very impressive, dude. My fave of yours by a mile. 8.5/10

Transformers - Oh My Darling Don't Cry - No. No. No. HELL no. 2/10
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #90-81

Post by Shrykespeare »

NSpan wrote:I'M BACK FROM MY TRIP! So I can finally resume commenting.

Shrykester, it looks like me and Surfer's videos got swapped this time aorund. just fyi
Try refreshing the page. That should set everything right.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #90-81

Post by NSpan »

Kaleo, Way Down We Go (2015)
Very engaging. It has a touch of that "cinematic" quality that tends to show up in your picks. Your music rewards "active" listening.

Captain We're Sinking, Montreal (2013)
Pretty good track in isolation.. though I could see myself getting tired of an entire album of it.

The New Pornographers, Failsafe (2007)
Not bad at all! Did the backing guitar sounds and effects remind anyone else of How Soon Is Now?

Kurt Vile, Pretty Pimpin (2015)
This sounds so familiar. Not sure where I've heard it previously, but I like it!

The White Stripes, Seven Nation Army (2003)
I strongly prefer the first three albums over the latter three... but this song is undeniably good. Cool video, too.

Disclosure Ft. Sam Smith, Omen (2014)
I don't 100% remember who Sam Smith is, but this track was fun

Mumford and Sons, Guiding Light (2018)
Headphones on! Sounded great

Parquet Courts, Almost Had to Start A Fight/In and Out of Patience (2018)
Hell yeah, dude. Never heard this before, but I loved it. If I recall correctly, your list from the last countdown provided me with the most takeaways. That trend might continue this time around

Eagulls, Nerve Endings (2013)
This legitimately kicked ass. Thank you for sharing it!! In addition to your description, I heard vibes of early Pixies. Loved it.

Run the Jewels, Oh My Darling Don't Cry (2014)
This is a collab that I've been meaning to check out. This particular track didn't exactly blow me away... though I'm still curious about the band
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #90-81

Post by NSpan »

JohnErle wrote:That Clinic tune is really good, too. It seems to remind me of something but I can't put my finger on what. Definitely not Jefferson Airplane, though.
Yeah, my comparison to Airplane doesn't totally apply to that particular track. But the similarities will become apparent to anyone who dives deeper into their catalogue. (and when I say Jefferson Airplane, i'm not talking about "Somebody to Love" or "White Rabbit"--I mean the jangly textured guitar-work that you'd hear during one of their long improv'd songs)
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #90-81

Post by numbersix »

Chien - in the last 5 years there are a LOT of musicians who use the blues in the same way as these guys do, and it doesn't sit well with me. Magazine Blues, if you will.
Geez - not my thang
John, Leets, NSpan - were you all co-ordinating this? A very appropriate combination. New Pornographers are a band most folks I know say I should listen to, but I've yet to find a good in. This was okay.
Leetsu, Kurt always sounds good. I really should get something of his. N
Span, Adam Green is fun but I always prefer Moldy Peaches. Also, I'm adding you to my list of people who need to read Meet Me in the Bathroom, because Adam Green features heavily (because he was championed by The Strokes, strangely enough).
Ron B - A complete classic. Not their best song, but I get it. I suspect this will appear again somewhere.
Screen - I find Sam Smith bland as a singer, and he makes this song sound dull
Shryke - I kinda despise Mumford and Sons. I gave them a go about 12 years ago, when Leetsu posted them on this very forum (my intro to them), but the more I listened the less I liked. They're like if ealry noughties U2 were lost in a forest, and Bono decided that yelling cliches is the only way out.
Surf - I loved this. Best song I didn't know so far in the countdown. Why I don't know these guys is beyond me.
Tranny - RTJ almost made my list - maybe Close Your Eyes or Legend Has It. They are a great act, both funny and political. Great song.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #90-81

Post by Leestu »

I have no problem with breaks Shryke.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #90-81

Post by NSpan »

numbersix wrote:Span, Adam Green is fun but I always prefer Moldy Peaches. Also, I'm adding you to my list of people who need to read Meet Me in the Bathroom, because Adam Green features heavily (because he was championed by The Strokes, strangely enough).
intriguing. i'll have to check that out!
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #90-81

Post by Leestu »

The I Love It

Parquet Courts, Almost Had to Start A Fight/In and Out of Patience - my favourite song from Wide Awake!...and yes they are fantastic live, I've seen them live three times now (they must love coming to Australia)

The White Stripes, Seven Nation Army - classic, iconic song

The Excellent

Eagulls, Nerve Endings - one of three excellent songs from their great debut album (along with Tough Luck, and Possessed), although weirdly their B-side (Acrostical) from their debut single (Council Flat Blues) is my favourite song of theirs...Whatever happened to them? After a great EP, a great debut album, and an under-rated sophomore album where they dared to go in a slightly different direction (The Cure type post-punk) they seem to have just disappeared?

The Very Good

Captain We're Sinking, Montreal - first listen...really liked this...great energy, it rocks, and good lyrics

Run the Jewels, Oh My Darling Don't Cry - first listen...I still haven't gotten around to their albums but I've been paying attention to them since the awesome Close Your Eyes And Count To Fuck...great flow from both of them, their distinctive styles work well together, and the almost industrial and experimental music and beats are cool

The Good

Kaleo, Way Down We Go - first listen...great voice, decent song...I liked it quite a bit...the sort of song that could grow on me

Adam Green, We're Not Supposed to be Lovers - first listen...not bad...I didn't get as much out of the lyrics as I would like from a singer/songwriter song like this

The New Pornographers, Failsafe - first listen...despite listening to a bit of Neko Case, and really getting into Dan Bejar and Destroyer recently, The New Pornographers haven't clicked with me yet, but I haven't heard much so there's still hope.

Mumford and Sons, Guiding Light - I still love theeir debut album but after that they dropped their folky storytelling and embraced pop rock and lost me totally...I did try the album this came from and wasn't impressed at all - this was the best song from it, which says a lot.

The Okay

Disclosure Ft. Sam Smith, Omen - the radio station I listen to every day at work loves Disclosure so I heard this so many times before I bothered to find out who it was. I pay attention to the songs I like and the songs I dislike. Ones like this often pass me denying the quality production and quality vocals, just not my thing.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #90-81

Post by silversurfer19 »

Round 83

Chien, Kaleo - I am a big fan of the blues. For me, this is not it. Just a guy with a deep voice like many others out in music at the moment.

Geezer, Captain - Just a bit too emo-ish for me. Wasn't a fan.

JohnErle, The New Pornographers - Yeah, this was when I switched off from The New Pornographers for the most part. As they moved more into a keyboard based act rather than the power pop that they began with, I just lost interest. Interestingly though, I am a fan of Bejar's Destroyer work which followed a similar trajectory, moving from guitars to synths. I am a sucker for his voice though, I suppose.

Leestu, Kurt Vile - I know a lot of people love him, and he is associated with many acts I am a fan of, but I just can't really get into him. He is just a little too slacker! This is probably my favourite song of his, but I'm still waiting for him to do something really interesting.

NSpan, Adam Green - Well this was a surprise. Was not what I was expecting at all. Was OK I guess.

Ron B, The White Stripes - I have a feeling this will not be the last time we hear this on the countdown. A great song from a great album, probably the last one I really loved from the band.

Screen203, Disclosure - Not for me. And not a fan of Sam Smith. Wasn't he the guy that replaced Radiohead for the Bond theme a couple of years ago? A huge shame.

Shryke, Mumford and Sons - These turned up about the same time Kings Of Leon went up their own arsed, and felt like a folk version of the same band. Not for me.

six, Parquet Courts - I am so torn on this record. There are moments of true brilliance, much like this song, and then quite a bit of filler too. Still on this, I love how the track keeps you on your toes, constantly changing the tempo.

Transformers, Run The Jewels - Not for me.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #90-81

Post by Ron Burgundy »

#84 + 83

84 - Phoenix - Listomania
A song that almost made my list, I really, really liked it (really). Shine has worn off a bit, but still right up there. 7.5/10
83 - Kaleo - Way Down We Go
FL. Pretty good. 5.5/10

84 - Lucero - Tears Don't Matter Much
FL. Its not bad. But it didn't hit a chord with me. To me, you can't put this song next to Nirvana. 3/10
83 - Captain We're Sinking - Montreal
I kinda hate emo, and don't like punk much. So yeah. 2/10

84 - The Features - Blow It Out
FL2. Not bad, got better on 2nd listen. 5.5/10
83 - The New Pornographers, Failsafe
FL. Decent for sure, wouldn't seek it out or turn it off. 5/10

84 - The National - Afraid Of Everyone
FL3. Starting to think that i missed out on most lyrics purely cause i never had decent headphones lol. This like johns, got better with the 2nd listen. I'll prob seek out more of this band that i've heard of many times. Nice one. 6.5/10
83 - Kurt Vile, Pretty Pimpin
At first i was like, who is this. Then he started singing and realized ive heard this heaps of times, i like it, heaps. Good pick mate. 7/10

84 - Holly Golightly & The Brokeoffs - Getting High for Jesus
FL. Funny, recently i saw a little doco about Nuns who wanted to regain their spirituality, they turned to weed. Im sure this song is much better seen live. 4.5/10
83 - Adam Green, We're Not Supposed to be Lovers
A bit to slow for me. 2/10

84 - CLiQ feat. Alika - Wavey
FL. This is kinda up my alley, but the vocals+lyrics are not impressive, I wouldn't normally care, but get Wavey? Probably best off when 'on' something and in a rave. 4.5/10
83 - Disclosure Ft. Sam Smith - Omen
I think Sam Smith is very over-rated. But this has some funky beats which i don't mind sometimes. 5.5/10

84 - Joe Satriani - San Francisco Blue
My uncle loves Joe Satriani, so I listened to a fair bit of his stuff a while back. This one is pretty cool, bluesy, some bloody good guitar work (like usual). 6/10
83 - Mumford and Sons, Guiding Light
FL. Always thought these guys were over-rated, but their sound is better than their earlier more folksy stuff. Listened on headphones. It gets better as you go, sure. 5/10

84 - Low - Silver Rider
FL. Sounds a bit like the Flaming Lips. I didn't mind it at all. 5.5/10
FL. Parquet Courts - Almost Had to Start A Fight/In and Out of Patience
It was...adequate. 3.5/10

84 - Flat Worms - Red Hot Sand
FL. Man, that opening which re-occurs, is terrible. I turned the volume up for this, at times its pretty good. But often, like you say, its just noise. 2.5/10
83 - Eagulls, Nerve Endings
FL. Some decent guitar and drum sounds but it didn't feel exciting or enjoyable to me, sorry man. 2nd song in a row with bad vocals (imo). 4/10

84 - Between the Buried and Me - Bloom
FL. Not too bad, though theres too many bits which I just didn't like. 3.5/10
83 - Run the Jewels - Oh My Darling Don't Cry
This more up my street, nice one. 6/10

To Shryke, i think a break every 5-15 songs would be awesome
And to Geez: Yep im a harsh rater, I did my top 100 ratings based on songs from any year, any decade, like movies, I would only have around 40 that are 10/10. That said, my top 10 here are all 9.5/10+
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