Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Leestu »

Shrykespeare wrote:
March 3rd, 2020, 5:24 pm

Leestu - Middle of the Hill - 5.5/10
Hahahaha....very clever....but I like Abe's stories. :lol:

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Chienfantome »

JohnErle wrote:
March 3rd, 2020, 1:41 pm
Le Grenade - The 77 avatar Leestu picked for the Spotify playlist reminded me of the ZZ Top logo, and when I saw this song title I thought it was a French cover of La Grange. You can imagine my disappointment.
No, I cannot imagine your disappointment. 8-)
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Shrykespeare »



The National, Don’t Swallow the Cap (2013)

The National again. I think the handling of this band on this list was the most complicated for me. Because this is a band I love so much, and of which I love almost everything, it’s a pain in the ass to choose which of their songs are my favorites. I’ve chosen a few, but if we had done this last year, or next year, I might have chosen different songs. From “Trouble will find me”, there are times in my life I prefer to listen to “Heavenfaced” or “I need my girl”, and could have chosen those. I’m at a point I prefer this one.


The Menzingers, Good Things (2012)

I may have to admit that this song probably ranks so highly for me because it is the opening song on one of my top 5 albums of all time. When I hear it, I know the brilliance of that record that follows, and it holds a special place in my heart for that. I think it is the perfect way to open the album and just sets the tone for the rest of it. It stands up on its own for me, obviously, but I can't deny it being better in context.


The View, Same Jeans (2007)

The singer has a hangdog expression that reminds me of Ron Sexsmith, but he'd need at least 20 espressos before delivering a song a lively as this. Love the Scottish accent, too.

Also: Face For The Radio, Wasted Little DJs.


The Vasco Era, Honey Bee (When It Was Making Weird Love Songs) (2007)

A little known and largely forgotten band that released a fantastic album, Oh We Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside. I loved the rough raw blues rock and it is one of my favourite albums from 2007. This is one of the many highlights from the album.


Gram Rabbit, Shiny Monster (2007)

Hailing from Joshua Tree, Gram Rabbit is another incredible live band that manages to capture a good degree of their stage magic in the studio, as well. Gram Rabbit's style is all over the map, but this genre-bending track encapsulates their spirit: doing drugs and dancing in the desert.


Air, Cherry Blossom Girl (2004)

Listened to some much Air while i was overseas in Europe, Paris included. Always made me relax, this song especially.


AlunaGeorge, Your Drums, Your Love (2012)

Yes, yet another female-fronted pop/dance act on my list. But AlunaGeorge arguably crosses over into R&B much moreso than something like Gorgon City. This song in particular highlights the R&B elements in their music, and would feel at home with the likes of Tinashe. The great vocals complement this, considering dance and R&B are the genres (IMO) where great vocals can stand out the most (despite AutoTune and other electronic enhancements).


Erasure, I Lose Myself (No Self Control) (2011)

Ponderous lyrics with philosophical meanings that touch us on a deep, personal level are all well and good, but sometimes you need a song that makes you move your feet and wave your hands in the air like you just don’t care – and makes you wish you weren’t an old, fat, white guy who hasn’t danced since the Clinton administration. There’s a reason Erasure has had more songs hit #1 on the UK dance charts than any other artist in history, and this is a perfect example. Andy Bell’s flamboyant style and stunning falsetto are on full display on the first of three Erasure songs on my list.


Grizzly Bear, Shift (2007)

This list was tough, because there were a bunch of artists who are broadly so great that I couldn’t find a standout track, even if they’ve made some of my favourite albums. Brooklyn band Grizzly Bear are definitely one of those, but I did manage to find this beautiful version of one of their earliest tracks, which is so delicate and tender.


The Libertines, Time For Heroes (2002)

Ah, the early days of the millennium when rock music became in vogue again, and a certain romanticism returned to the genre. Enter The Libertines, a band that followed suit with The Strokes in capturing said romance, mixing modern garage rock with a firm influence of The Clash. As a young student, these guys were a revelation. They singlehandedly reclaimed the British music industry from the boy bands and house music, and in doing so became heroes. Obviously things didn't quite work out after this record and everything came crashing down like a pack of cards again, but for a few brief months, everything was right again. And this song captures this romantic ideal at its peak.


Linkin Park, Papercut (2000)

This is one of the very few purely nostalgic picks on my list. Linkin Park were an essential band on my musical journey as they planted the seeds for my love of both metal and hip hop. Just hearing the opening notes of "Papercut" brings be back to the truly life changing moment where I was exposed to these two styles of music that I would eventually fall in love with. I had never heard anything that featured vocals or instrumentation like this before and it just filled some void within me that I didn't even know existed previously. When the majority of you are cursing the abundance of auditory pain that I've already and have yet to inflict on you, just remember that Linkin Park is to blame for all of it.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by JohnErle »

I haven't had much time for listening this week, but there's a couple of tracks and artists I'm already familiar with.

Black Mountain - I listened to this album a lot when it came out. I considered Wucan for my list, but one of the aforementioned side projects will appear later.

Cherry Blossom Girl - Another song I failed to consider, but which probably would have fallen by the wayside anyway. A classic nonetheless.

Linkin Park - We may have a contender to spare Shryke from any further Smash Mouth jokes.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by NSpan »


CHIEN The National, Don’t Swallow the Cap (2013)
I'm not too familiar with these guys, but I enjoy the music you've posted

GEEZER The Menzingers, Good Things (2012)
Immediately catchy

JOHNERLE The View, Same Jeans (2007)
haha, i wasn't sure what to make of this at first... but it grew on me quick

LEESTU he Vasco Era, Honey Bee (When It Was Making Weird Love Songs) (2007)
this rocks

RON B Air, Cherry Blossom Girl (2004)
i like air. i like this track.

SCREEN203 AlunaGeorge, Your Drums, Your Love (2012)
I enjoyed listening to this in the moment, but it doesn't feel like it is gonna "stick" with me

SHRYKE Erasure, I Lose Myself (No Self Control) (2011)
a fun listen. reminded me of Ween's "Friends"

SIX Grizzly Bear, Shift (2007)
this band continues to intrigue me... but enough to make me pick up an album? i guess time will tell

SURFER The Libertines, Time For Heroes (2002)
liked this one a lot

TRANSFORMERS Linkin Park, Papercut (2000)
not really my style
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Shrykespeare »


NSpan - Shiny Monster - That's right, Nicky, you're at the TOP. HOW HAVE I NEVER HEARD OF THIS GROUP BEFORE?? (Don't answer that.) Their style reminds me of Garbage, in all the best ways. I need more! 9/10

Surfer - Time For Heroes - Oh, yeah, there's a lot of Clash in that song. Even think I hear some early Cure in there (Boys Don't Cry). Great tune. 7/10

Ron B - Cherry Blossom Girl - This was quite nice. Liked the guitar (Air guitar?!). Intrigued to hear more. 7/10

Tranny - Papercut - I think this is the only song on today's list (besides my own, of course) that I've heard before. I'm not going to join the bandwagon of hating on Linkin Park, or your music selections, because this is actually a pretty good song. Never been a huge fan of LP myself, but I don't scramble to change stations when their music comes on the radio either. I can only wonder what Chester might have achieved in the next 10, 15, 20 years had he lived. 6.5/10

Six - Shift - Listened twice, waited for it to grab me. It didn't, but it's still a good song. Pleasant, reminded me of some of the light, airy songs Crowded House used to do. Liked the twinkly bells at the end. 6/10

Geezer - Good Things - Great energy. Liked it. 6/10

Chien - Don't Swallow the cap - This was good. 6/10

Screen203 - Your Drums, Your Love - Had a few cool moments, but not enough for me to want to seek out more. 5.5/10

Leestu - Honey Bee - Yowch. That was intense. Definitely feels like a 60s song. You know, back in those days, nickels had pictures of honeybees on them! "Give me five bees for a quarter," you'd say. But the important thing is, I had an onion on my belt (which was the style at the time) ... 5.5/10

JohnErle - Same Jeans - The accent was the best part of the song. I half expected him to start singing about second breakfast... 5/10
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by numbersix »


Chien: This is a damn good song. I'd pick almost anything from Boxer and High Violet over this, but it's still good.
Geez: Surprisingly enjoyable. Really liked this.
John: Didn't get this song at all, even with the (odd) Scottish vocals.
Leetsu: Very retro. Not quite distinct enough to remember, though.
NSpan: With Gram in their name and Joshua Tree their home, I was expecting somethign very different. Like Shryke said, there's a bit of Garbage in there. For me it was more like Brittney Spears covering Nine Inch Nails.
Ron B: They were better in the 90s - ;) Seriously, though, this is a lovely track.
Screen: Did nothing for me.
Shryke: I did not know that fact about their UK record. Sadly, this track didn't resonate. I get how this could be fun in a nightclub but it did sound a little generic.
Surf: Ah The Libertines. I just never got them. They consciously wanted to be The Strokes but just didn't have the hooks their NY mentors had. I always found Doherty to be an over-rated singer and lyricist. When it comes to channelling The Clash, I felt Arctic Monkeys did it better.
Tranny: Just no. Give me Smashmouth. Give me anything. These guys just take the worst rapping and the worst metal and jam them together.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Leestu »

The Great

The View, Same Jeans - first listen...this was fun...some songs just sound better with a Scottish accent...I like where this song goes

The National, Don’t Swallow the Cap - I pretty much love everything The National do...this is one of the best of this album..Matt Berninger just released a great version of the Mercury Rev song Holes last week that's worth checking out.

The Very Good

The Menzingers, Good Things - first listen...liked this quite a as an opener, I would want to hear more after this as the first track

Gram Rabbit, Shiny Monster - great sound and song

The Libertines, Time For Heroes - first listen...good British garage rock with attitude...the album is already on my to listen to list because I thought their self-titled album was great, but haven't gotten around to this one yet

The Good

Linkin Park, Papercut - no negativity towards Linkin Park from me...they were decent at what they did and I don't mind their songs

AlunaGeorge, Your Drums, Your Love - yeah this is pretty good alternative R&B with some interesting production

The Okay

Grizzly Bear, Shift

Erasure, I Lose Myself (No Self Control)

Air, Cherry Blossom Girl - Very pleasant, and I can see why people like Air but they just don't grab me like they probably should

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Chienfantome »

Leestu wrote:
March 5th, 2020, 6:01 am
Matt Berninger just released a great version of the Mercury Rev song Holes last week that's worth checking out
Now that's an interesting information !
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Catching up to 30 songs can be a bit of a grind sometimes, good thing there were a few gems. Also, lol at scanners gif!

Also, i have an idea, maybe we could do it 2 or 3 time during the countdown? Why not post songs without the 'owner' of the song, it should be fun guessing who's what.

77- La Grenade - FL. Sounds somewhat familiar, is it the bass? It was ok 4.5/10
76- To Build a Home - FL. Very atmospheric, im sure you have to be in the mood. 4/10
75- Don't Swallow the Cap - FL. Hands down one of the bands i need to hear more of following this countdown. 6/10

77- My Sundown - Its ok. JEW lol. 4.5/10
76- Searching For a Former Clarity - FL. Not gonna lie, i hated it. 1/10
75- Good things - FL. When a track opens with 'I've been having a horrible time...' nah not my type. 1.5/10

77- L.E.S Artites - I like this track, i rediscoverd this myself last year, good pick! 6.5/10
76- Wet Dream - FL. Its not for me. 3/10
75- Same Jeans - I know this one really well, bit of a surprise to see it on someones list, but it brings me back to special time and place. 5.5/10

77- What Went Down - Im on the fence with Foals, some of their stuff is awesome, some is meh. This is pretty good. 6/10
76- Middle of the Hill - I considered Josh Pyke for my top, this could be his best song, there was a time when i really liked this. 6.5/10
75- Honey Bee - FL. My uncle would love this song, im gonna show it to him. Its so-so for me. 4/10

77- Same Shit - I sometimes run away from music like this. 2/10
76- Tyrants - On another night i think i would really like this, not tonight though. 5/10
75- Shiny Monster - Not bad. 4.5/10

77- Don't Take the Money - FL2. I could probably get into this a bit more with a few listens. 5.5/10
76- Sail - Always forget the artist, but no more! I like it. 6.5/10
75- Your Love - Half decent. 4/10

77- Better Now - FL. Very close to the ear blasting sounds of Nickelback. 3/10
76- Somewhere Only we know - This is nothing like Coldplay!? But its not bad at all. 5.5/10
75- I Lose Myself - FL. I've heard of Erasure, strange seeing this on your list Shryke! 4.5/10

77- The Rip - FL6. Wow, i know about Machine Gun, but don't think i heard this. Thats 2 of your top ive listened to 6 times on the first listen, love it. 8/10
76- 212 - Bad Bitch or just bad? Just kidding, its ok. 4.5/10
75- Shift - FL2. Definately grabbed me more than some others in this spell. I'll need a few more listens. 5.5/10

77- Drunk Drivers - FL. Probably needs a few more listens, it was pretty good. 5.5/10
76- The Dream - Interesting to hear a song from the countdown that i heard for the first time. Normally i like songs the more i hear them. This not so much. 3.5/10
75- Time for Heroes - Its fun. But there is something about it i don't like, can't put a finger on it. 5/10


77- In the Company of Worms - FL. Didn't strike me down but i wouldn't turn it off. 4.5/10
76- Gemini Feed - Hmm, on the fence with this one. Maybe its cause she keeps saying You're passive aggressive. So, only a. 4.5/10
75- Papercut - And to finish, we get this! Hey don't feel bad, i basically had this album in my CD walkman for a good 4 months straight! Not my fav from the album but brings back memories. Strange how our musical tastes divided fairly wildly after this though 5.5
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Shrykespeare »

Ron Burgundy wrote:
March 5th, 2020, 10:26 am
Also, i have an idea, maybe we could do it 2 or 3 time during the countdown? Why not post songs without the 'owner' of the song, it should be fun guessing who's what.

I think we actually did this a couple or three times during our countdown ten years ago. I like the idea. Could be lots of fun turning it into a guessing game - though some of us are easier to figure out than others... What do y'all think?

And if we do this, should I post the paragraphs as well, or leave those out too?
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Shrykespeare »



Cat Power, The Greatest (2006)

Man I loved that song when it came out. There was a time when I could only listen to spleeny songs like this one. Not as much today, but there are still quite a few songs in that vein that just transport me, and “The Greatest” is one of those songs.


System of a Down, Chop Suey (2001)

Not unlike Tranny, this too is a top 10 album for me. It was my most listened to album all throughout high school. It is a fucking masterpiece. This is the first song I ever heard by SOAD and it still holds up as one of their best.


Born Ruffians, Badonkadonkey (2008)

Comparisons to Vampire Weekend seem inevitable, but this album came out a mere three months after Vampire Weekend's debut, so I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt to this bouncy, fun track. Plus they're Canadian, so I gotta have their backs.

Also: Barnacle Goose, Don't Live Up


Coaltar Of The Deepers, STAR LOVE (2001)

Dream pop with a twist. I highly recommend the album this song comes from, No Thank You, for anyone who likes things a bit different from the norm. There has been, and continues to be, some fantastic music coming out of the Japanese alternative music scene over the last 20 years. Apologies to Boris, and Kikagaku Moyo. Two of my favourites who didn’t make this list.


The Brian Jonestown Massacre, When Jokers Attack (2003)

I feel I don't need to "sell" BJM to most of you here. Their legacy is strong, and--in addition to still putting out music under the BJM banner--many of their members have gone on to form their own bands that are taking psychedelia and pushing it into new directions. Plenty of that shows up on my countdown... but I couldn't discount the source, either.


Royskopp feat. Karin Dreijer Anderrson, What Else Is There? (2005)

This song has an eerie quality about it, but its also one of the more beautiful songs in my top.


Disturbed, Parasite (2008)

This will surprise some, but I am a big fan of Disturbed (spoiler for much later, but Down With The Sickness is near the top of my list), and this is the first song I heard by them. It's on my list because of that more than the song in itself, but it's a solid metal track, with lyrics that are reminiscent of classic stalker movies.


Seal, Love’s Divine (2003)

Probably won’t get much love for this, but whatever. At the time, I thought it was Seal’s best song to date, and one of the most beautiful songs I’d ever heard. I remember thinking at the time that if I weren’t old enough to audition for American Idol, I’d have chosen this song if such an unlikely event transpired. I had to cut a couple of other Seal songs before I had my Top 100, but there was no way I was cutting this one. (Side note – the girl in the taxicab is Olga Kurylenko, in her VERY FIRST acting role.)


The Strokes, Last Nite (2001)

I could have chosen almost any song from the NY act’s debut album, a great record that people went nuts over. But I guess this was the one that originally drew me in, with its retro production and toe-tapping rhythm, and lyrics about having a good time. Perfect for when you’re a teen.


Nine Inch Nails, The Hand That Feeds (2005)

Nice to see Ron recognise another song from [With Teeth] recently, a record that seems to have been forgotten about in the NIN catalogue despite it being a great listen. Following the commercial failure of The Fragile, Reznor eschewed most of his hard and coarse sound, and the result was a record that was both playful and dramatic. And it all comes together quite wonderfully. Lead single That Hand That Feeds employs this new style to maximum effect, and it's gothic, dirty throb has led to many a dance party in our house.


The Dillinger Escape Plan, Baby's First Coffin (2004)

A good chunk of my favorite music is chaotic and unpredictable in nature. There's something really exhilarating to me about not knowing what's going to happen between the time you press play and the final notes subside. The Dillinger Escape Plan checks those boxes better than just about anybody else that's ever composed music. Riffs shift at a breakneck clip. The vocals can go from crooning to shrieking on a whim. Jazz, post-hardcore and alternative rock are every bit as much a part of their playbook as metal/hardcore is. This won't be the only time they're featured on my list and while they are particularly unlikely to win a lot of you guys over, the barrage of curveballs they deliver should at least keep you on your toes if you can stomach to make it through the duration of each song.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by numbersix »

A fine round twas 74

Chien: This was the beginning of the end of Cat Power for me, when she became a little flat. I was going to include her on ym list, probably something from You Are Free, my favourite of her albums. The Greatest may not be her greatest, but it's still pretty greatish.
Geez: Keep telling myself that they're having fun, and maybe I'll enjoy them.
John: The surprise of the day. This song was excellent. Really fun. Reminds me a lot of mid noughties Animal Collective. Loved it. Listening to it again!
Leetsu: Ah Japan, the land of mashing every genre together. This was fun, although the pop bits were too sickly sweet for me.
NSpan: I liked this a lot, like most of BJMs stuff, although the appeal in the last few years has lessened as I've explored early Echo and the Bunnymen and Jesus and Marychain.
Ron B: Anything with Anderrson's odd and dramatic vocals is instantly fascinating to me. Good track!
Screen: Nope, whiny metal just isn't for me.
Shryke: Not a Seal fan
Surf: Another great track from later-era NIN. I need to check this album out
Tranny: More fun and palattable than some of the other metal stuff you've posted!

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by JohnErle »

numbersix wrote:
March 5th, 2020, 1:45 pm

John: The surprise of the day. This song was excellent. Really fun. Reminds me a lot of mid noughties Animal Collective. Loved it. Listening to it again!
I'm genuinely shocked you liked that one, but glad. Spreading the love for these songs and artists is the main reason I wanted to participate.

I'm all for the occasional guessing game round, especially since I have songs coming up that I'm struggling to find clever comments for. I tend to think music should be able to speak for itself anyway.

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