Gigs, Concerts, and Other Live Performances

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Re: Gigs, Concerts, and Other Live Performances

Post by Shrykespeare »

transformers2 wrote:I saw Alice In Chains,Deftones and Mastodon last night. It was a spectacular show and let me just say that Alice In Chains still has it without Layne.
Wouldn't have thought that possible, but I'm delighted to hear it. Good on them.

Mastodon? That's your favorite band, right? Did you scream like little kid when they came out? :D
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Re: Gigs, Concerts, and Other Live Performances

Post by silversurfer19 »

numbersix wrote:I'd love to experience that, although that said I feel it would need Sumner's distinct guitar-playing.
I know and without Curtis' voice I doubt it will even come close to the original sound, but any chance to hear the record live is a must do for me. Only a couple of hours to go now... Man I sound obsessed...

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Re: Gigs, Concerts, and Other Live Performances

Post by silversurfer19 »

Got to say I was left a little underwhelmed by the Unknown Pleasures gig. I can't deny it was great to hear some of my favourite songs played in a live venue, and the band itself were very decent (if a little too polished), but there was just something missing that I expected from a Joy Division gig (both through expectations and from video clips). My main problem though, which was totally unexpected, was how disappointed I was with Pete Hook. I mean, here we have one of the premium bassists of all time, and it took 5 songs before he played a note. Until then he just cavorted around the stage posturing with bass in hand, while his son played all his cues. And his voice in no Ian Curtis, he didn't have his stage presence and the atmosphere created just didn't suggest that of a JD gig. Maybe my expectations were too high, but myself, Helena and an equally avid JD friend essentially found the gig to be a very decent tribute gig. When Hooky did decide to start playing, the stage was electric (especially so on Shadowplay), but those moments were few and far in between, which was a real shame. I Remember Nothing totally lost its emotional impact, and when it got to the second encore with an almost karaoke version of Love Will Tear Us Apart, it just got a little too much for me. Maybe I should just stick to gigs with bands which are still in one piece. And on that note I'm seeing Smashing Pumpkins again in two weeks!

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Re: Gigs, Concerts, and Other Live Performances

Post by transformers2 »

Shrykespeare wrote:
transformers2 wrote:I saw Alice In Chains,Deftones and Mastodon last night. It was a spectacular show and let me just say that Alice In Chains still has it without Layne.
Wouldn't have thought that possible, but I'm delighted to hear it. Good on them.

Mastodon? That's your favorite band, right? Did you scream like little kid when they came out? :D
Mastodon is my favorite band and that was 4th time seeing them and of course I screamed like a little girl when they played :lol:
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Re: Gigs, Concerts, and Other Live Performances

Post by Leestu »

That Unknown Pleasures gig sounded interesting Surfer. Shame it was disappointing. Not totally unexpected, but still a shame anyway.

An update on my upcoming gig attendance.

No one will probably be interested (apart from maybe Shryke) but in 2 weeks time I will be seeing Concrete Blonde who will be performing their "Bloodletting" album. An album I've owned for a long time that contains their version of "Tomorrow Wendy" which featured on my favourite 100 songs.

Today I purchased my tickets for next years Big Day Out. The acts I'm excited about seeing are TOOL, IGGY & THE STOOGES, PRIMAL SCREAM performing their "Screamadelica" album (great for us 80's indie fans, man I loved that album for a while),GRINDERMAN, DEFTONES, RAMMSTEIN (for the 2nd time) and CHILDREN COLLIDE. Other acts I'll probably check out for interest are LUPE FIASCO, MIA, BLOODY BEEETROOTS, and ANGUS & JULIA STONE.

And lastly, The Lemonheads have just announced that they will be coming and performing their album "It's a Shame About Ray" (this concert tour performing an old album seems to be the in thing lately - great for us older music fans). Personally I much prefer "Come On Feel The Lemonheads" but they are both great albums and I'm sure they'll perform some tracks from Come on..... I have seen them once before but that was a long time ago and it will be great to see them again.

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Re: Gigs, Concerts, and Other Live Performances

Post by numbersix »

Iggy and the Stooges will be fun, Leetsu. I saw them this year and while Iggy grows ever closer to looking like a turtle, the music was great. Grinderman are also great live, and MIA is supposed to be good. Screamadelica is strangely not my fav Primal Scream album, I much prefer EXTMNTR

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Re: Gigs, Concerts, and Other Live Performances

Post by silversurfer19 »

I remember watching Iggy and The Stooges a few years ago at the Leeds Festival. Now granted it was a festival and they were playing in the middle of the afternoon, but I was left genuinely underwhelmed by them. They just didn't seem to have any interest in playing. Maybe in a more intimate venue you would get a different experience (as I did with The Buzzcocks, they were great in the Manchester Academy, but awful in the ampitheatre setting of the Primavera Festival).

I haven't really gotten any interest in the Big Day Out, maybe I overdid the festival circuit when I was younger and now prefer gigs, but even then the acts just are not a patch on the quantity of stellar performers who toured the UK when I was there. One or two decent acts aren't enough for me to shell out my money on them. The Scream would be cool to watch again though, I've seen them twice before and they kick ass live. And I'll probably get slaughtered for being so uncool but I always found their Give Out But Don't Give Up record to be my favourite, closely followed by XTRMNTR.

Anyway, hopefully The Lemonheads have enough time to swing by NZ while they are in Sydney, that would be a great gig.

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Re: Gigs, Concerts, and Other Live Performances

Post by silversurfer19 »

Last night we went to see Billy Corgan with the new Smashing Pumpkins lineup. To be honest they were ok. The new drummer, who is seriously a kid, he was a good few years younger than me and looked it, was pretty decent to be honest. I was afraid he'd be another 'yes man', which seems to be the case with most of the newer SP line ups, but he did seem to have a bit of a personality which I think was needed to prevent this from just being another Corgan vanity project, he stood out and on top of that he can really hit the drums. Only one fault really when he missed his cue on Cherub Rock, but other than that he looked like he belonged there. The other two members of the band didn't really do anything wrong, they played all their notes well enough (and the new bassist was pretty hot..), but other than that they didn't really make their presence felt.

Regarding the music, there was a decent selection of new songs they were trying out live (and most of them sound much, much better than the mediocrity I've heard on record so far), as well as some classics from SD, Melloncollie and Adore. A pity we didn't get anything from Gish, but I guess with a body of work they have we can't get everything. Having said that, their was a little bit too much in the way of indulgency at certain parts, be it Billy wasting time after getting cramp in his arm, an extended drum solo which I guess was Billy's way of introducing us to the drummer, as well as finishing the set with Gossamer, which despite occasionally showing flashings of brilliance gets a little too lost during its 20 minutes off fuzz, feedback and jamming. Despite this kind of music sometimes sounding brilliant, I'd have rather heard another couple of songs than that to be honest, and guessing by how distracted the audience became I guess I wasn't alone. Nevertheless, any SP gig is a delight for me, hearing some of my absolute favourite songs is never a struggle.

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Re: Gigs, Concerts, and Other Live Performances

Post by Geezer »

Saw Matt and Kim last night and they blew the fucking roof off!!! Awesome crowd, awesome show! Their energy is just unmatched by anyone. They had balloons flying, Kim dancing on the crowd (and her ass falling into my hands ;)) and it was simply awesome. What a great night, so great to see them grow as performers.
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Re: Gigs, Concerts, and Other Live Performances

Post by Leestu »

numbersix wrote:Iggy and the Stooges will be fun, Leetsu. I saw them this year and while Iggy grows ever closer to looking like a turtle, the music was great. Grinderman are also great live, and MIA is supposed to be good. Screamadelica is strangely not my fav Primal Scream album, I much prefer EXTMNTR
You were right Six. Iggy Pop was mind-blowingly awesome. One of the best live sets I'v ever seen. He is such a performer, he had the crowd eating out of his hand, starting with a traditionally punk like move of giving the bird to John Butler Trio (the mellow hippy act on immediatly before him). Man he looked drug fucked but (although it could have been part of act - yeah right), but in no way did it detract from his performance. But it wasn't just Iggy that made this such a great set. Credit must be given to the Stooges. Those old guys rocked harder than anyone else I saw on the day, and the music, wow! The best way to put it is I have never heard the Stooges sound so good. Even though i knew the songs I had never heard them like this. I'm guessing it's because what they were doing live just cannot be replicated in the studio. I really cannot put in words how impressed I was. I expected greatness but received sublime excellence, a set I will never forget. I am so appreciative that I got to experience this.

For me Primal Scream was also a highlight. I know this record back to front and I was embarrassingly carried away by experiencing it being performed live. After it my mates were giving me some friendly ribbing about the fifteen minute period when I didn't stop grooving, with my eyes closed. oblivious to the world around me. What can I say? I felt I was nostalgically transported INTO the music.

And Grinderman! What a way to finish the night. Nick Cave is one of the best performers I have ever seen and he does it again with this latest incarnation. Great, great stuff. If i ever get the chance to see them again I will not miss it under any circumstances.

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Re: Gigs, Concerts, and Other Live Performances

Post by Geezer »

Saw Against Me! for the third time tonight, playing along with the Dropkick Murphys. Very interesting, because the other two times I saw them, it was THEIR show, everyone was there for them, and it was at small clubs. This time, it was at a small-ish arena, but an arena nonetheless, and 99% of the crowd was there for the Murphys. But me, my bro and two of his friends were right there, front row center, up against the barricade screaming our lungs out. Unique experience because you could tell how much Tom dug how into their set we were, he was looking at us smiling most of the time, as most others weren't singing along. The drummer ended up giving us 3 drum sticks and the set list, and two members of the band had walked right by us prior to the show. Awesome as always, just a bit different. Then the Murphys tore shit apart and were awesome also. Plus, it was at a casino and I walked out up 50 bucks. Can't complain!
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Re: Gigs, Concerts, and Other Live Performances

Post by transformers2 »

Nice geez, I am actually going to the show in Boston on Friday. I have never seen the Murphys before and I am really,really excited.
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Re: Gigs, Concerts, and Other Live Performances

Post by Geezer »

Wonder if the crowd will break the barricade over there too ;) I'm guessing yes haha! Should be a great time man, they put on a hell of a show, and they have an all female band as the opener's opener (who, while performing a rendition of one of leestu's favorite songs, Dirty Old Town by the Pogues, had Ken Casey come out and sing along with them, well before the vast majority of people got there, and he high fived us for being there early, yeah pretty awesome), and playing strings for them, which means they play the Dirty Glass, which is easily one of my favorites. Let me know how it goes! And give it up for AM! also!
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Re: Gigs, Concerts, and Other Live Performances

Post by Leestu »

Geezer wrote:....and they have an all female band as the opener's opener (who, while performing a rendition of one of leestu's favorite songs, Dirty Old Town by the Pogues, had Ken Casey come out and sing along with them, well before the vast majority of people got there, and he high fived us for being there early, yeah pretty awesome), and playing strings for them, which means they play the Dirty Glass, which is easily one of my favorites. Let me know how it goes! And give it up for AM! also!
Cool! Would have liked to hear that. And good call on The Dirty Glass, it's one of my favourite Dropkick Murphys songs too.

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Re: Gigs, Concerts, and Other Live Performances

Post by transformers2 »

For anyone's that interested, here is my review for the Dropkick Murphys show last night. ... rphys.html It was a great show, I had a fucking blast.
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