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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Posted: June 13th, 2010, 5:57 pm
by undeadmonkey
KMFDM, “Juke Joint Jezebel”
this just isnt my thing, I can barely stand rammstien and that is only for the comedic value, this wasnt even funny. Got this one right

The Band, “The Weight”

I enjoyed this, it seemed like an oldies version of The Zac Brown Band. good song. just a relaxing-jam-out-at-the-bonfire-on-a-chilly-fall-evening-with-great-friends kind of tune. ;) :D got this one wrong, but now that i hear it again, it should of totally given it away that it was you.

Elliott Smith, “Needle in the Hay”
I didnt really like this song, and i got it wrong

Bad Religion, “Sorrow”

also got it wrong, it just didnt seem like one of your picks. Either way the song didnt do much for me.

Garbage, “#1 Crush”

got this one wrong, i thought it must be buscemi's song because it was the only one off of a movie, (well that i knew of). I thought the song was well used, but not really my style.

Madness, “Baggy Trousers”
I switched yours and six's song. I knew that one had to be the other of you two, but i got it wrong. The song has an adequately named band

The Who, “Bargain”

i find the who so bland

Joy Division, “Shadowplay”

Here's one i got right, you have a very distinctive songs that you like, and im pretty sure that i got yours right again in the next game. And As for the song, i actaully really liked it, even more this time that i heard it.

Lacuna Coil, “Within Me”

i actually really enjoyed thsi one as well, which i think is why i got it wrong, i usually dont like your songs.

Rage Against the Machine, “The Ghost of Tom Joad”

i thought this was geezers song, so i didnt know which song was yours, so i just guessed some random song that was left. and everyone already knows what i think about the band.

Eddie Murphy feat. Rick James, “Party All The Time”

hah, this was funny enough to be decent. Interesting enough, i've heard this song before just never knew it was eddie murphy.

Jimmy Eat World, "Sweetness”

i like some jimmy eat world and i also guessed this one right. key word being guessed.

The Rolling Stones, “Paint It Black”
(also W's #62)
also go this one right. and i also didnt really like this song before.

Ron Burgundy
Hoodoo Gurus, “Whats My Scene”

This song sounds very familiar, does someone do a cover? THe song was catchy and fun. but it really annoyed me that i couldnt think of where i heard this song before.

Lou Reed, “Coney Island Baby”

this was a pretty good song, i enjoyed it. I am not very familiar with lou reed, but i do think i know some songs of his. but i have never heard this song before, good choice.

Queens of the Stone Age, “If Only”

not a fan.

Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Posted: June 13th, 2010, 6:05 pm
by undeadmonkey
Favorites I hadn't heard before (SS had a great round, This is my favorite of all of his rounds so far.)
39. Tom Waits, Goin' Down Slow
31. The Band, The Weight

40. Explosions in the Sky, The Moon is Down
39. Nina Simone, Wild is the Wind

40. Howlin' Wolf, Smokestack Lightnin'
38. The Animals, House of the Rising Sun
37. The Cure, Boys Don't Cry
34. Radiohead, Exit Music (For a Film)
31. Joy Division, Shadowplay

31. Lacuna Coil, Within Me

Favorites that I've heard before

39. MGMT, Time to Pretend
38. Rob Thomas, Little Wonders

39. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Fishin' in the Dark

40. Kid Cudi feat. MGMT, Pursuit of Happiness

35. The Killers, When You Were Young

40. Dean Martin, Sway

Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Posted: June 13th, 2010, 6:06 pm
by NSpan
silversurfer19 wrote:NSpan: Neil Young, “Cortez the Killer” (1975) - To be honest I've heard very little of Neil Young's work over the years. I think I remember Stereophonics releasing JEEP a few years ago and they commented that they were influenced by Young for the album. Having heard some tracks from that record I was totally put off seeking any of his stuff out, as I thought if it was anywhere near as bad as that album I wouldn't want to hear it. However, this song really had something interesting. I've often heard that Harvest is a good starting point for his music, if I say I want to listen to something in a similar vein to this would that still be a decent place to look, or would you recommend anything else?
You really can't go wrong with any of his first seven albums (Neil Young, Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, After the Gold Rush, Harvest, On the Beach, Tonight's the Night, Zuma). As you know, I never recommend compilations over the original albums--but if you (realistically) can't get them all, or even most of them, I might actually suggest picking up Decade. It spans '66-'76 (and includes a few Buffalo Springfield as well as CSNY recordings). As far as a compilation goes, it's massive. And the song selection is ideal. I recently made a Neil Young "best of"--and, when I finished, it was essentially a 1-disc version of Decade. So, in terms of bang for your buck, maybe go ahead and pick up Decade--and, in time, find your way to the full albums.

Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Posted: June 13th, 2010, 6:15 pm
by numbersix
Hmmm.... my girlfriend prefers Figure 8 above his other records, for what it's worth. For me I think Smith lost something by trying to broaden his sound a bit. I'd go for XO first, then either Elliott Smith or Either/Or, of you don't have any of them.

Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Posted: June 13th, 2010, 7:14 pm
by silversurfer19
Thanks guys. I too avoid Best Of like the plague where ever I can afford to. I'll probably go with After The Gold Rush or Harvest for Neil Young as I think they are his most acclaimed. I have a Buffalo Springfield record which I've enjoyed for the brief time I've had it. I'll take your advice and go with XO for Elliot Smith, six.

And good to see you liked many of picks from this round UDM, I appreciate your comments over quite a few others, as I already know the likes of six will like many of my songs, so that fact I can turn you on to some of my favourites is good to hear. I'll give my own thread review shortly.

Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Posted: June 13th, 2010, 7:43 pm
by NSpan
Well, if you're up for the original albums, that's even better--I just didn't want to wait 7 years before hearing what you thought of Zuma... If I were you, I'd start with either Everybody Knows This is Nowhere or On the Beach--you've heard most of Harvest on the radio anyway.
silversurfer19 wrote:silversurfer -- Joy Division, “Shadowplay”
I don't know who misconstrued my comments regarding Curtis' vocals. I didn't say they were like a drill to the head, I actually think his vocals are a brilliant fit for Joy Division's sound. What I did say was that the bass is like a drill to the head, in that the beat is so powerful it could feel like you are being drilled in the head with the basslines. And I didn't know that trivia about Curtis' death NSpan, and I don't think I recognise the record either. I'll check it out.

W -- Rage Against the Machine, “The Ghost of Tom Joad”
Probably the highlight of Renegades. Which isn't saying much... Nah, it's ok, but I guess they just never matched up to their debut. I guessed this was your track considering you mentioned a while ago that you had more RATM to come, and you'd already played 2 or 3 songs from them.

silversurfer: R.E.M., “Nightswimming” - A few of you mentioned why I picked this song over some of the other more well known songs from Automatic For The People. Well, first, as I mentioned in my prologue, this has a personal emotional connection to me, and secondly, I feel the understated aspect of the song makes it that little bit better than the likes of Everybody Hurts.

Banks -- Eddie Murphy feat. Rick James, “Party All The Time”
Never knew Eddie sung. He must have been like the 80s version of Will Smith.. Is that a good thing? Anyway, it was fun enough, purely for the novelty factor. I'd be happy never to hear it again though.
Regarding the "drill"--I was intentionally twisting your words. Didn't actually think you were comparing one of your favorite songs to the sound of a drill.

Though "Tom Joad" got re-recorded for Renegades, it was originally released as a single in '97 as a follow-up to "Bulls on Parade."

As for the REM track, I don't think any song with a string arrangement (courtesy of John Paul Jones, btw) can be called "understated"..

I don't get the Will Smith reference... Wasn't Will Smith the "Will Smith of the 80s" (and very early 90s) ?

Oh, and one final note: definitely get your hands on The Idiot. (Same goes to ANY fan of David Bowie and/or Lou Reed). I forget if I already wrote this, but it's exactly what I had always hoped Lou Reed's solo stuff would sound like... and was disappointed when it didn't.

Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Posted: June 13th, 2010, 9:50 pm
by silversurfer19
Sigh. Of course I don't think it sounds like a drill to the head. The impact could be a metaphor for it though, in that it infects your brain (and no, not like a disease. I don't think Joy Division are some kind of cancer...) with a pulsating beat.

In regards to the REM track, okay maybe understated is the wrong word, but I think I was commenting on the overall feel of the song. Everybody Hurts is a much more anthemic song with a full band sound implemented at times. And even then the string arrangement does not flow through the entire of Nightswimming, the majority of it is just piano and vocals.

And Will Smith? Well I was kinda referring to Smith being an comedian who broke out in the 90s as a singer (although it may have been the other way around, I haven't written a dissertation on the guy), and that I could relate that to Murphy being a comedian who tried his hand at music in the 80s. I don't even know why I'm discussing a song which doesn't warrant so much thought...

Anyway, I'll look into The Idiot. I only own Raw Power from The Stooges, and it is very good, so I could do with broadening my knowledge of Iggy's stuff.

Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Posted: June 13th, 2010, 10:11 pm
by silversurfer19

This was a really good round, with at least one song from everybody at least peaking my interest. Six and NSpan were once again at the top of my favourites, closely followed by Leestu as usual and now Buscemi. Most others I generally found 5 songs which I liked. Keep this up, guys.

Favorite picks I had already heard and are not on my list:
1. Explosions in the Sky, The Moon is Down
2. Black Sabbath, Paranoid
3. Radiohead, Karma Police
4. Spacemen 3, Revolution
5. Joy Division, Love Will Tear Us Apart
6. The Rolling Stones, You Can't Always Get What You Want
7. Muse, Plug In Baby
8. David Bowie, Space Oddity
9. Nirvana, All Apologies
10. The Coral, Dreaming of You

Favorite new-to-me songs:
1. Toadies, Tyler
2. Elliott Smith, Needle in the Hay
3. Led Zeppelin, Houses of the Holy
4. Neil Young, Cortez the Killer
5. Captain Beefheart, I'm Glad
6. King Crimson, Starless
7. Vampire Weekend, Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa

Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Posted: June 13th, 2010, 11:01 pm
by becs
]SONG #31

KMFDM, “Juke Joint Jezebel”
Excellent song, I almost picked this song for my own list. You totally almost faked me out with this one, I saw KMFDM and immediatelly assigned it to Tranny, but then giving it a good listen I rethought and guessed this one correctly for its very 80s vibe.

The Band, “The Weight”

Dangit, I knew it was one of the N's who liked these guys and in a 50/50 toss-up I guessed wrong.. I knew this song but had no clue who the band (The Band) was or the title, very good one though.

Elliott Smith, “Needle in the Hay”
Nice. I immediately assumed this was foreign and attributed accordingly, fail on my part.

Bad Religion, “Sorrow”

I had actually attributed this to you to start, but then I second guessed myself. One of my favorites of the round, great pick. I really have no clue who I thought bad religion was after this countdown has set me straight, for some reason I thought they were something significantly different but so far i have really liked all the songs of theirs posted.

Shakira (feat. Wyclef Jean), “Hips Don't Lie”

I dislike it.

Madness, “Baggy Trousers”
This one was so weird I was sure it had to be Buscemi's, that said though it really wasn't too bad, just odd.

The Who, “Bargain”

Obviously didn't get this one right, but a good song.

Joy Division, “Shadowplay”

Another one I had properly assigned to start but then second guessed, pretty good song.

Lacuna Coil, “Within Me”

Not my favorite of their work (which would take some serious time to sort out since they have sooo many), but a great song regardless

Rage Against the Machine, “The Ghost of Tom Joad”

WOW, I had never realized this was the Bruce Springsteen song.. that is a complete transformation.

Eddie Murphy feat. Rick James, “Party All The Time”

Eh.. It wasn't bad, had a little michael jackson vibe. Doubt I would seek it out though.

Jimmy Eat World, "Sweetness”

One of Jimmy's best works.

The Rolling Stones, “Paint It Black”
(also W's #62)
A great classic song.

Ron Burgundy
Hoodoo Gurus, “Whats My Scene”

Very interesting, pretty good. I need to look into these guys more

Lou Reed, “Coney Island Baby”

Talking set to music just doesn't do anything for me, but it was nice in an easy listening kind of way.

Queens of the Stone Age, “If Only”

Quite liked it, though somehow I don't think I've heard this one before.

A very good round, there was not a single song that fell completely flat with me, which I suppose is why I had such a hard time matching up the songs with their poster. In the end I only correctly identified UDM and Shryke, because all of the songs surprisingly overlapped with my own tastes in at least some way shape or form, even NSpan's!

Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Posted: June 14th, 2010, 6:01 am
by numbersix
silversurfer19 wrote: Anyway, I'll look into The Idiot. I only own Raw Power from The Stooges, and it is very good, so I could do with broadening my knowledge of Iggy's stuff.
Whaaaa??? Dude, you need to drop everything right now and get yourself a copy of Fun House, one of the greatest records of all time. Blows Raw Power/Lust for Life/The Idiot out of the water.

Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #7): #40-#31

Posted: June 14th, 2010, 6:02 am
by numbersix
For all of us who guessed the wrong songs for the wrong people, there is consolation in that for the ones we got wrong, those people usually loved the song anyway. So our instincts are in the right ballpark at least.