Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by Chienfantome »

I showed up at #45, with the exact same intention of not exceeding one song per artist. It may be frustrating , but 45 really isn't all that many, so it could easily turn out a collection of songs by only a handful of bands, so I prefer, like Frendo, to keep this line to show more diversity in my Top 45.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by englishozzy »

Shrykespeare - Edelweiss, “Bring Me Edelweiss”
..and to top it all off they infused an ABBA song into the equation aswell. 3/10
NSpan - The Doors, “When The Music's Over”
Im getting an introduction to 60's music with you NSpan, some of it is not bad including this song. 5/10
Numbersix - Mission of Burma, “Trem 2”
Not a bad song, if i hadn't of read your little spiel before listening to it i would have had it down as a much newer song that what it was. 6/10
Geezer - Foo Fighters, "Learn to Fly"
Can't complain about this song, twas the only Foo Fighters song to make my own list. 8/10
becs - My Chemical Romance, "Cancer”
Probably the only song of the "Black Parade" album i can enjoy, almost everybody can relate to this song. 7/10
undeadmonkey - Dean Martin, "That's Amore"
True, it is a classic song but i wouldn't have it anywhere near my own countdown. 2/10
leestu - The Dead Kennedys, “Holiday In Cambodia”
Quite liked the music, didn't so much the vocals. 5/10
Buscemi - Scorpions, “Still Loving You”
Had flashbacks to the 80's listening to it but quite enjoyed it considering. 6/10
silversurfer - David Bowie, “Life On Mars?”
This is obviously a popular song according to some people, not really for me though. 3/10
transformers - Korn, "Got The Life”
I definately prefer other songs from thes guys, still a great album though. 6/10
W - Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, “Ohio”
Still not my type of music but it had a catchy tune to it. 4/10
BarcaRulz - Led Zeppelin, "Immigrant Song"
Probably my favourite song from these guys, glad my taste is similar to others. 7/10
Ron Burgundy - Michael Jackson. “Thriller”
I'm still surprised that there hasn't been much from Jacko on people's lists, not a fan of the guy myself. This one is OK. 5/10
Chienfantome - Portishead, “Glory Box”
Even though this has been on the list twice already, cannot for the life of me remember hearing this. Good song. 7/10
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by transformers2 »

Shrykespeare - Edelweiss, “Bring Me Edelweiss”
This was painful to listen to sorry Shryke.

NSpan - The Doors, “When The Music's Over”
Good song but not one of The Doors better ones.

Numbersix - Mission of Burma, “Trem 2”
Great pick six. One of my faves by Misson Of Burma.

Geezer - Foo Fighters, "Learn to Fly"
Nice pick. Really can't go wrong with the Foo Fighters.

becs - My Chemical Romance, "Cancer”
I have always been indiffernt about this song. Yes the lyrics are very powerful and I relate to them but the song itself doesn't really do much for me.

undeadmonkey - Dean Martin, "That's Amore"
Dean Martin makes my head hurt. Really not into stuff like this at all.

leestu - The Dead Kennedys, “Holiday In Cambodia”
Awesome song. Dead Keenedys are the most underrated band ever. This is my 2nd favorite by them next to California Uber Alles.

W - Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, “Ohio”
Not a fan of this. They have talent but really aren't my thing.

BarcaRulz - Led Zeppelin, "Immigrant Song"
Though its not the best Zeppelin it probaly kicks the most ass out of any Zepplin song (if that makes any sense lol).

Ron Burgundy - Michael Jackson. “Thriller”
This is song is ok but not really anything special. Never really ever got the hype on Michael Jackson.

Chienfantome - Portishead, “Glory Box”
Didn't like it the first two times now I like it even less.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by Shrykespeare »

My thoughts (in order of preference):

Buscemi – Scorpions, “Still Loving You” – Hate the sappy video, but this song... wow. Just... wow. IMO, the best power ballad ever written. Sad, sweet, powerful, passionate, amazing guitar coupled with Rudolf Schenker's voice. Truly awesome. (10)

Ron Burgundy – Michael Jackson, “Thriller” – Well, I WAS around when this came out. I can tell you, it was like nothing anyone had ever seen before. MTV was still relatively new, and then the King of Pop came out with this video which was more like a mini-movie, and the production values and choreography forever cemented Michael in the annals of history, revolutionizing what the art of video-making could be. His sixth (and final) hit off of “Thriller”, it's what finally made me break down and buy the thing. A John Landis masterpiece. (8)

Geezer – Foo Fighters, “Learn to Fly” – Always liked this song. Not sure about the video, though I'm sure becs (cross-dressing!) and W/Boosh/ozzy (Tenacious D!) will love it. (7)

becs – My Chemical Romance, “Cancer” – Easily my favorite MCN song played so far. (7)

W – Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, “Ohio” – Such a tragedy. I hope Gov. Rhodes was reminded of that day until the day he died. And I hope it stung like a bitch. Good song. (6)

BarcaRulz – Led Zeppelin, “Immigrant Song” – Good song. Again. (6)

transformers – Korn, “Got the Life” – I like this less than the other two Korn songs posted (“Make Me Bad”, “Freak On a Leash”), but it's still okay. (6)

englishozzy – Rooster, “Deep and Meaningless” – Not bad, just very very bland. (5)

silversurfer – David Bowie, “Life on Mars?” – Still just okay for me. (5)

leestu – The Dead Kennedys, “Holiday in Cambodia” – Like the guitar, but the Kennedys were just a little bit TOO punk for my liking, much like the Sex Pistols. (4)

Chienfantome – Portishead, “Glory Box” – Third time I've heard it, still don't like it. (Chien, did you listen to that “Sour Times” link I sent you?) (4)

numbersix – Mission of Burma, “Trem Two” – Had never heard of this band before this thread, and having heard two of their songs, I'm not that impressed. Surfer's pick was slightly better than this one, which was just boring. (4)

undeadmonkey – Dean Martin, “That's Amore” – I don't mind listening to this played at low volume in a local Italian restaurant while I'm enjoying some baked ziti, but other than that? No. (3)

NSpan – The Doors, “When the Music's Over” – I hate to sound like a broken record, but I generally just don't like most of this era's music, and those few songs I do like, I still wouldn't listen to over and over again. The Doors I always found to be too psychedelic for me, and self-indulgent on an Iron Butterfly scale. I mean, I respect their place in rock history, but not to the point where I'd listen to them. (3)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by Shrykespeare »

numbersix wrote:Shrykespeare: Edelweiss, “Bring Me Edelweiss” (1988) - Oh boy, I can't wait to see what Geez has to say about this. Sorry, Shryke, this is just crazy for the sake of being crazy. It's the 80's version of the Cheeky Girls or that Sex on the Beach song. I would let ya off in that it is obviously a silly song to be taken with a pinch of salt, but does a song like this really deserve to be in your Top 50? That said, I tip my hat to you for surprising us all and picking by far the oddest song of the list (INCLUDING Boosch's Strokin).
Yes, it does deserve it. In my late-teens-early-20's, this song was in my top TEN of all time. I didn't care how silly it was, all I cared about was that the beat was awesome and I couldn't stop playing it... like, for days on end. If that isn't the very definition of a Top 50 song, then I don't know what is.

And thanks for the kudos. There will be two more WTF songs coming up, I reckon.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by silversurfer19 »

Shrykespeare: Edelweiss, “Bring Me Edelweiss” (1988) - Agh! It hurts my ears!! Okay, I tried to listen to this with an open mind; I didn't watch the video and tried to imagine that maybe a group mixing so many genres would come out like something The Avalanches could have produced. BUT I guess there was a reason no other song has ever fused together rap, hip-hop, dance music, opera and yodeling into one song. I couldn't find anything of merit in this, and I can't even hear what would seriously put this in your top 100 and with that above other classics of your favourite era of music? I could try and be nice, but I know you can take it, Shryke. This was just one of the worst pieces of 'music' I have ever had the displeasure to hear.

NSpan: The Doors, “When The Music's Over” (1967) - I kept waiting for something to inspire me. It never came. Maybe in that last minute my mind would have been blown, but I am not willing to find out after slugging away through the last ten minutes of this. The music didn't really seem to do anything, Morrison's vocals didn't particularly stand out above what I have heard from him before. Just nothing special.

Numbersix: Mission of Burma, “Trem 2” (1982) - You could pretty much hit me with any MoB song and I'd love it, and that case is no different here. Having said that this isn't one of my favourites from Vs. Of interest I was listening to some Interpol recently and I can definitely see an influence from this song that I don't think I'd noticed before.

Geezer: Foo Fighters, "Learn to Fly" - Despite the awesome video this song has always felt like one of those Foo Fighters song which are just kind of middling. Very radio friendly and unlikely to offend. It's very well composed, but it's just missing something to make it extra special. I do feel that songs such as Stacked Actors and Generator on the same record DO achieve this 'extra special' sound, but this is just ok.

becs: My Chemical Romance, "Cancer” - Hmm, not one of my favourites from The Black Parade. Interesting enough it sounded like that Jet ballad that was released a few years ago (after checking it's called Look What You've Done). Both this and the Jet song were both overly sentimental and I just can't really sense the sincerity in it. It just sounds like, ok boys, we need a ballad to break up the record so lets go and get something out of Rock Ballads For Dummies.

undeadmonkey: Dean Martin, "That's Amore" - Haha! I couldn't keep a straight face during the entirety of the song! Ah, it's sweet enough I guess, in that it is probably unintentionally hilarious and works for so many comedy movies! Taken seriously I couldn't bear it, but for comedy value it's gold.

leestu: The Dead Kennedys, “Holiday In Cambodia” (1980) - Ah! I know this one. Great song, really need to pick up one of their records when I next get some money in. Musically it sounds awesome, the guitars fighting away and the vocals are brilliant. One of the bands that have really turned my head from this countdown.

Buscemi: Scorpions, “Still Loving You” - I could hear a LOT of Led Zep in this. Considering I didn't like the song from these guys Shryke posted at the start of the countdown, this was much more appealing. Not bad at all.

transformers: Korn, "Got The Life” - As six mentioned, this sounds quite a lot like Marilyn Manson. Not one of my favourites of their's to be honest. Much prefer Freak On A Leash.

W: Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, “Ohio” - Not a bad song at all. Will have to give this another listen in the near future, as it was definitely something I'm interested in seeking out more of.

englishozzy: Rooster, "Deep and Meaningless" - Ugh. I remember these guys were just emerging as I left the UK. They were not the reason I left however (though definitely a good enough reason). They are just a boy band with guitars. Awful, woeful, trite stuff. Every cliche is employed. I guess they borrowed that book off of MCR after they'd finished with it...

BarcaRulz: Led Zeppelin, "Immigrant Song" (also silversurfer's #75) - Well, quite obviously I love this. And it's my second favourite Led Zep song too! You'll be find out my favourite in the coming weeks...

Ron Burgundy: Michael Jackson. “Thriller” - Won't find anything to complain about here. One of the greatest pop songs ever written, with probably the greatest music video ever made. Jackson may have been criticised for many things, but his ability to write great pop songs (especially in the 80s) was never in any doubt. Absolutely brilliant.

Chienfantome: Portishead, “Glory Box” (also silversurfer's #99 and becs' #80) - Heh, two of my previous picks in one round! What a great way to end this round with three brilliant songs.

Well, apart from my own picks, I gotta say my favourite of the round was probably Leestu's song, though with Ron, W and six all a very close equal second place. An awesome overall round as far as I was concerned though, despite Shryke's attempts....

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by BarcaRulz »

Edelweiss, “Bring Me Edelweiss” (1988)

(AND heard in this case too) 1/10.

The Doors, “When The Music's Over” (1967)

Didn't mind it, but like most of their songs it just drags in some places. 5/10.

Mission of Burma, “Trem 2” (1982)

It was Ok, a little dull though at times. 5/10.

Foo Fighters, "Learn to Fly"

Not my personal favorite, but is always enjoyable. 6.5/10.

My Chemical Romance, "Cancer”

Not bad, but nothing special. I also agree with SS, it sounds nearly identical to "Look What You've Done" in some places. 5/10.

Dean Martin, "That's Amore"

As a novelty song it's fun, but as a stand alone song in a top 100 list it falls short IMO. 3/10.

The Dead Kennedys, “Holiday In Cambodia” (1980)

I don't like the band, song wasn't too bad though. 4/10.

Scorpions, “Still Loving You”

I have always loved this song, and it was nearly on my list as well. Love the band, and I have already had a song of theirs on my list, and another one coming up. 9/10.

David Bowie, “Life On Mars?” (1971) (also becs' and leestu's #61)

Same as before. 3/10.

Korn, "Got The Life”

Didn't like it much. 3/10.

Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, “Ohio”

Forgettable and dull for the most part. 3/10.

Rooster, "Deep and Meaningless"

I agree with 'boy band with guitars'. Was bland and cheesy. 3/10.

Ron Burgundy
Michael Jackson. “Thriller”

Nice pick. His music is always at the very least entertaining. 7/10.

Portishead, “Glory Box” (also silversurfer's #99 and becs' #80)

Pretty good. Wasn't around when it was first chosen. Have heard it before, but until today never knew what it was called. 6/10.

Wasn't really a good round for me. A lot of the songs missed, but there were some very nice picks. Boosh with "Still Loving You" is by far my favorite of this round and will probably be competing for favorite of this thread.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by Leestu »

Edelweiss, “Bring Me Edelweiss” (1988)
Can't stand Abba or yodeling so this song didn't really stand a chance. I would describe it as almost painful.

The Doors, “When The Music's Over” (1967)
Haven't heard this for years. Love it. Listened to it a couple of times again already (even though I should be catching up on the many songs I've missed).

Mission of Burma, “Trem 2” (1982)
Hadn't heard of this band until Surfer's pick. Really liked both his pick and this one. I'll add them to the list of bands to explore.

Foo Fighters, "Learn to Fly"
This is probably my 2nd favourite Foos song. I know it doesn't rock out as much as others but for some reason I tend to like their more restrained songs like this better.

My Chemical Romance, "Cancer”
This was alright. It felt like there should have been more to the song, like it was just getting started when it finished. I would like to hear it in the context of the album and it's concept. I think I would get more out of it that way.

Dean Martin, "That's Amore"
I find crooners to be dullsville. Even with this song the fun of recognition wears off before the song ends leaving only tedium.

Scorpions, “Still Loving You”
Didn't like it at all.

David Bowie, “Life On Mars?” (1971)
Great to see some more appreciation for this song.

Korn, "Got The Life”
Good song.

Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, “Ohio”
Two songs with Cambodia as an element on the same day. Heard this before without ever paying really paying attention to the lyrics or what it was about. Now that I have this is an even better song than I realised. Thanks W.

Rooster, "Deep and Meaningless"
Not really bad, but instantly forgettable.

Led Zeppelin, "Immigrant Song" (also silversurfer's #75)
Great song. I am loving hearing a bit of Led Zep in this countdown.

Ron Burgundy
Michael Jackson. “Thriller”
Yes this video had a HUGE impact at the time, but I always thought the song itself really had nothing to it. Truthfully, I really don't like it.

Portishead, “Glory Box” (also silversurfer's #99 and becs' #80)
As I said before an excellent song off an excellent album. I love the way she sings "temp-ta-ress".

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by Shrykespeare »

Well, with the exception of UDM's and Chien's "so bad it was good" comments, looks like I ran the table! Yeehaw!
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by Shrykespeare »

Good news on several fronts: 1) frendo will indeed be joining us tomorrow (at #40); 2) TWO Beatles songs, and 3) hopefully my song today won't make surfer want to cross the pond and kill me.

W, I still need your next batch of songs.

SONG #41

Audioslave, “Like a Stone”
(2003) (also englishozzy's #59)

A song can be great, but when you've got an awesome, powerful voice like Chris Cornell behind it, that just elevates it to another level. Cornell's deep cadences fuse with a superlative guitar track to create a song that flows with the precision of a Swiss watch. We all have different contemplations about the afterlife, but few are as lyrically perfect as Audioslave's.

The Beatles, “Michelle”

See? I can pick songs that aren't from '67. Released two years prior, this is my absolute favorite "throwaway" Beatles track (and my fourth favorite overall). Written and sung by Paul, it was originally conceived as a farce (and that vibe shines through in the final recording). Originally, he'd play it at parties using French-sounding gibberish instead of lyrics. It was poking fun at the type of assholes who have the audacity to bring a guitar to social gatherings and actually expect people to want to hear them play it. (Think: Animal House). It wasn't until the “Rubber Soul” sessions that John suggested that Paul take the melody and turn it into a legit song with actual words. Funnily enough, this throwaway ultimately won a Grammy for "Song of the Year."

The Smiths. “I Know it’s Over”

For quite some time during my mid-teens, music was a close friend of mine. What I mean is that certain songs could console me and empathize in the way a best friend could. And this song was one of the best examples. I can’t say it means as much now, although it does have a certain intensity to it, but this song used to mean everything to me. It’s an ode to the lonely, the misunderstood, to the ones who couldn’t fit in even though deep down they wanted to. It sure is depressing, perhaps referring to suicide or at least the fantasy of suicide. But what makes this song special is that it doesn’t wallow in self-pity. When Morrissey sings “If you’re so clever, then why are you on your own tonight/ If you’re so very entertaining, then why are you on your own tonight?”, he also points out that we’re as much to blame for our loneliness as other people, giving the song a level beyond what emo bands exploit.

Alkaline Trio, “Stupid Kid”

A late-in-the-game addition, my obsession with this album and this band made me realize their absence from my list was a tragedy. This is their best song. Definitely relatable lyrics, and Matt Skiba's voice is like fucking silk. I can't urge you enough to pick up this album. I've been playing it non-stop for two months now.

The Beatles, "Hey Jude”

The Beatles, as always turning something simple into an addictive and epic song. I especially love how every measure they add something new to the song.

Cobra Starship, "Living in the Sky with Diamonds"

I'm a very visual person and this song has some great imagery. Also helps that it has a great beat to dance to.

Beck “Loser”
(1993) (also W's #93 and Buscemi's #84)

Why do I like this song so much? First of all, I like new and unique music. I had never heard anyone do folk-rap before. Second is the timing of its release. It came out at a time when I was getting bored of the current music scene and had basically stopped listening to the radio and only listened to things from my music collection. Then I heard this song, bought the album (still my favourite Beck album), and it re-invigorated my desire to hear new and experimental music. Thirdly society at the time probably saw me, and others of my generation as losers and this song felt to me like a big statement to society of “I am what I am and SFW?” Now to the video I have chosen. Seeing as how we have already had this song a couple of times I have chosen a live performance that shows Beck’s experimental side.

Public Enemy, “Fight the Power”

The Buzzcocks, “ Orgasm Addict”

Well, I don't think I need to give much of an indication as to what this song is about! An absolute classic from one of my favourite punk bands ever. Despite being inspired by one of the Pistols' first shows, the Buzzcocks instead avoided the political route and instead focused more on bringing an intensity to the three-minute pop song along with some of the most hilarious and anguished lyrics about adolescence and love. Only one song topped this one, and that won't be coming for quite a while yet.

Between The Buried and Me, "Disease, Injury, Madness”

I will say this track is a lot heavier than the prior track "Desert Of Song". This song is an absolute roller coaster ride of a song. It has so many different layers and I will say though most of you won't enjoy the whole song there are definitely at least parts you will love.

Eric Clapton, “Layla (Unplugged)”

I like both versions of this song for different reasons. This one emphasizes the lyrics a little more.

The Offspring, "Can't Get My Head Around You"

You cant have an all time list without these guys, they redefined the punk scene back in the early nineties and they have so many great hits, 'Come Out and Play', 'Self-Esteem', 'Pretty Fly', 'Kids Aren't Alright' and the list goes on. This song is my favourite from these guys. this if the above is blocked)

Oomph!, "Augen Auf"

This song is the reason I can count to 10 in German. I spent a few weeks there, and I remember hearing this song and have since then been listening to it on a regular basis. I looked into more of their stuff, and I have enjoyed a lot of that as well. I like everything about this from the music, to the vocals, to the video (which is awesomely weird). Hope you enjoy.

Ron Burgundy
Eminem feat Dr Dre, “Guilty Conscience”

Yes, I know, another Eminem song, well, he's just that good. This is him in top form (more than 10 years ago).

Coldplay, “Trouble”

This one was an immediate favorite of mine. The first time I heard it on the radio almost a decade ago, I was like “Who’s singing that ??!!”. I had never heard of Coldplay, it was far from becoming the band it has become today. It was just those guys from across the Channel. That piano intro, that fragile voice of Martin. I can’t believe I only put it 41st. I could put it higher easily.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by numbersix »

Shrykespeare: Audioslave, “Like a Stone” (2003) (also englishozzy's #59) - I wouldn't consider myself to be a fan of Audioslave, but I will acknowledge that this is probably your best pick that's not from the 80's and early 90's. Great vocals as always.

NSpan: The Beatles, “Michelle” (1965) - Never heard this song. It's very nice. Lovely melody and vocals, although I can see why you call it throwaway, and it perhaps doesn't have as much of an impact as some other Beatles stuff. It's also interesting that you've picked several songs in your 100 favourite songs that you've called "throwaway". You have a habit of adopting strays.

Geezer: Alkaline Trio, “Stupid Kid” - Didn't like the lyrics, it's just another adolescent breakup song. As for everything else, it just sounded like sub-par Green Day to me.

becs: The Beatles, "Hey Jude” - A very catchy if not powerful song. Isn't it inspired by Lennon's son Julian?

undeadmonkey: Cobra Starship, "Living in the Sky with Diamonds" - I failed to see any interesting imagery in this song's lyrics. Not only does it reference a song with really actually interesting imagery in its lyrics, but it's a mundane song about a girl who's high and having fun, accompanied by paint-by-numbers music.

leestu: Beck “Loser” (1993) (also W's #93 and Buscemi's #84) - It was interesting to see this version, but of course I prefer the original, studio version. Great song.

Buscemi: Public Enemy, “Fight the Power” - I feel as if these were the last guys to fully embody what Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five were doing in The Message. Full of anger, but politically and socially motivated anger.

silversurfer: The Buzzcocks, “ Orgasm Addict” (1977) - A good, fun, poppy punk tune. I only know a handful of Buzzcocks songs and I guess it's proof that I don't love them enough to want to buy any of their records, but this was enjoyable enough.

transformers: Between The Buried and Me, "Disease, Injury, Madness” - I do like songs with different layers and rhythms, but only when the segue into each other properly. This just felt like 3 separate songs cut up and thrown together, and it's too jarring to work.

W: Eric Clapton, “Layla (Unplugged)” - A very nice acoustic version that has actually been stuck in my head over the morning, so I guess that's a good sign. I think the original version that Geez posted is much better becuase it's punchier and keep my attention throughout the entire duration, but it was good to hear this.

englishozzy: The Offspring, "Can't Get My Head Around You" - Never heard much recent Offspring. And glad I haven't. This just feels like a diluted, overproduced version of what they used to do well.

BarcaRulz: Oomph!, "Augen Auf" - Not my kinda thing. Just comes acorss as attentioin-seeking industrial goth that wallows in its one self-aware stylistics. It all feels very pompous and silly.

Ron Burgundy: Eminem feat Dr Dre, “Guilty Conscience” - there could have been something interesting going on in the song, but the novelty aspect (The Twilight Zone-like narrator, and accompanying music) wears thin and the ending is terrible.

Chienfantome: Coldplay, “Trouble” - I can see a trend in your tastes, Chien. You like your melodic/poppy indie guitar music. I bet there's going to be lots of modern acoustic ballands from indie rock acts coming up over the next 40 days ;-) I'm not a huige fan of Coldplay, I generally find them disingenuous for some reason (probably due to a blatant lack of originality), but like the Keane song you previously posted, there are some nice melodies going on here.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by englishozzy »

Shrykespeare - Audioslave, “Like a Stone”
Absolutley terrible! Nah just kidding of course im going to love it. 9/10
NSpan - The Beatles, “Michelle”
Just another Beatles song to me, although have found it better than others on this list. 4/10
Numbersix - The Smiths. “I Know it’s Over”
I must admit that i do like Morrisey's voice, song was a bit dissapointing though. 4/10
Geezer - Alkaline Trio, “Stupid Kid”
Got introduced to this band last year and went through thier entire collection, my favourite songs were have to be "Time to Waste" and "Sadie". Good song choice. 8/10
becs - The Beatles, "Hey Jude”
See NSpan comment. Never have been a fan of the Beatles. 4/10
undeadmonkey - Cobra Starship, "Living in the Sky with Diamonds"
A little bit generic with some of the music atm, such as "Owl City" and a bit of #3oh3". 5/10
leestu - Beck “Loser”
Wow, didnt think this would be on so many people's list, maybe i missed the memo. 4/10
Buscemi - Public Enemy, “Fight the Power”
Not really my thing but i thank you for now getting it stuck in my head 'Fight the Power'. 4/10
silversurfer - The Buzzcocks, “ Orgasm Addict”
Hilarious lyrics, quite catchy tune aswell which kept me hooked. 7/10
transformers - Between The Buried and Me, "Disease, Injury, Madness”
Bit long in the tooth but you were right i did enjoy parts of the song. 5/10
W - Eric Clapton, “Layla (Unplugged)”
Another singer that my Dad loved when i was growing up, got plenty of exposure to his music, good pick. 7/10
BarcaRulz - Oomph!, "Augen Auf"
Not a bad song, sounds a little bit like Rammstein just not as heavy. 6/10
Ron Burgundy - Eminem feat Dr Dre, “Guilty Conscience”
Not a song of his that i enjoyed. 3/10
Chienfantome - Coldplay, “Trouble”
No doubt one of my favourite songs from these guys and only narrowly missed out on my own list. 8/10
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by Chienfantome »

numbersix wrote:Chienfantome: Coldplay, “Trouble” - I can see a trend in your tastes, Chien. You like your melodic/poppy indie guitar music. I bet there's going to be lots of modern acoustic ballands from indie rock acts coming up over the next 40 days ;-) I'm not a huige fan of Coldplay, I generally find them disingenuous for some reason (probably due to a blatant lack of originality), but like the Keane song you previously posted, there are some nice melodies going on here.
You're a man of perspicacity Six ! I'd say it's more than a trend, I seem to be incapable of loving any other kind of music, it's a shame. Of course I exagerate, but the melodic pop songs are my favourite, yes. I'm as obtuse as a melomane as I am open-minded as a cinephile.
But I think I'll still be able to come up with songs that will appeal to you and/or surprise you in the next 40 days. Some not as melodic, and some more original. And I have two songs that are neither in english nor in french. Two other languages.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by Shrykespeare »

My thoughts (in order of preference):

becs – The Beatles, “Hey Jude” – This has been a magical thread for you, becs, and this is a spectacular way to close it out. (9)

leestu – Beck, “Loser” – Still one of the strangest songs I've ever heard. And still awesome. (9)

W – Eric Clapton, “Layla (Unplugged)” – Always liked this stripped-down acoustic version over the original. It seems more emotional, more personal. Good choice. (8)

Ron Burgundy – Eminem feat. Dr. Dre, “Guilty Conscience” – How ironic that this video appears mere weeks after Robert Culp dies! Great lyrics as usual, and the video was awesome. (7)

numbersix – The Smiths, “I Know It's Over” – I sometimes forget that you're only a few years my junior. My sister was a lot more into the Smiths in the 80's than I was, as I was more into mainstream rock and pop at the time. Still, I can't deny the emotional impact that this song might have on an impressionable youngster whose formative years haven't exactly been a bed of roses. It IS lonely on a limb... Good choice. (And BTW, my other Morrissey song is coming up next thread.) (7)

Chienfantome – Coldplay, “Trouble” – I think this is the first Coldplay song I ever heard (though I wouldn't swear to it). Never cared for Martin's voice much, though there are a few Coldplay songs that I like. (6)

englishozzy – Offspring, “Can't Get My Head Around You” – Not bad, but nowhere near my favorite (which is coming up in a couple of weeks). (6)

NSpan – The Beatles, “Michelle” – Never got into this Beatles song. I would put countless others ahead of it. (5)

Geezer – Alkaline Trio, “Stupid Kid” – Relatable, yes, but not all that engaging to me. Plus, that video just seemed really mean-spirited. (Must... suppress... childhood... trauma....) (5)

transformers – Between the Buried and Me, “Disease, Injury, Madness” – It's only because I liked “Desert of Song” so much that I forced myself to listen past the first two minutes of scream-ture. After that, it became quite pleasant, almost “Silent Lucidity”-ish. And then, at the five-minute mark, the growling returned, where I couldn't discern one single word of lyrics, and then, at 7:00, it got good again. And so on, and so forth, it almost drove me schizophrenic. Boiled down, you were right: there were parts that I liked. A lot. But put those parts together with stuff that rankles me right down to my core, and the end result is a mid-range rating. (5)

BarcaRulz – Oomph, “Augen Auf” – Sorry, Barca, but IMHO these guys aren't even close to Rammstein in either pure anger or coolness. (4)

Buscemi – Public Enemy, “Fight the Power” – Ahhh, classic gangsta rap. Which, sadly, I hold in equal esteem to non-classic gangsta rap. Still, at least this one had a worthy message besides, “I am the shit.” (4)

undeadmonkey – Cobra Starship, “Living in the Sky With Diamonds” – With a title like THAT, I expected a bad cover of The Beatles or Elton John. Instead I get a bland, bland song sung by a lead singer that wants to front Coldplay with all his little heart. There were some synth elements that I liked, and that's the only thing that partially saved this song for me. (4)

silversurfer – The Buzzcocks, “Orgasm Addict” – The devil on my shoulder was hoping you'd post a song that I'd dislike as much as you disliked my Edelweiss song. Guess I owe him one... because I found this to be bad. Like, REALLY bad. (2)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Songs of All Time (THREAD #6): #50-#41

Post by numbersix »

My thoughts on this round overall...

This round had a clear winner for me: NSpan. Good to see you back up there, man. While many have good and bad days, your picks were consistently solid. And sure, you're in the wrong decade, but even the hippie stuff that I normally am not into has been pretty good. And it's always good to be pleasantly surprised by stuff I've never heard from legends like The Beatles, Sabbath, and the Stones. Good work.

Following closely behind is unsurprisingly SS. No real duds this round, perhaps just not enough to blow me away as much, but you're still pretty damn close. And anyone who puts a Mission of Burma song in their Top 50 deserves major props. As for Leetsu... dude, you went on a serious taste bender for a while. I barely knew who you were! System of a Down followed by My Chemical Romance? It was like my world was being turned upside-down. But all is well now, the second half of this round had some of my favourite new songs in the entire list of 700 or so songs. Just don't lose it like that again, alright? The world needs stability, my friend!

It was a shame to see Banks disappear. I do remember reading a while back that he was moving house so maybe there's a net problem. Even still, with Banks leaving it was good to see my fellow European Chien take his place. Oh, the circle of life. Unfortunately, Chien, your musical picks haven't lived up to your standard of cinema. In fact you're probably going to ruin my theory that those I share my musical tastes will be those I share my cinematic tastes with. Quel dommage!

There were two surprises for me this round. Firstly was Boosch, who sadly has decided to keep quiet abou his reasoning lest he gets a barrage of criticism about why he likes it. Fear not, mighty Boosch, you were on a roll this round. Public Enemy, New Order, U2, Bruce Springsteen.... guess you should thank Dennise for me! And then there was the other major surprise: W. Man, I get that you like country, but your taste veered toward the corny to me. But this round not only did you pick one of country music's best (Hank Williams) but you also showed your range of taste, with some great tunes from Eric Clapton, RAtM, CSNY, and Ray Charles. I'm looking forward to the next round for both of you guys.

Becs and Geez, I think I'm going to have to start calling you Beczer, and just posting one comment for both song. Seriously guys, get a room (a music room, that is). Barca and Ron B both had ups (Queen, Blur )and downs (Muse, 2pac), and Tranny has his usual mental metal (although there were definite improvements. Sorry to say, Shrykester, that this round was a bit of a dud for you, in my humble opinion. When Edelweiss is one of the highlights, you know things aren't going too well ;)

UDM and Ozzy.. well... you know.

Only one person chose a song from my list, Boosch's Ashes to Ashes. That still leaves 11 songs already picked to appear in my Top 40 songs.

Highlights from the last round in terms of new songs to me were:

Depeche Mode's Blasphemous Rumours (Leetsu)
Black Sabbath's NIB (NSpan)
Hank Williams's Your Cheatin Heart (W)
The Rolling Stones's 2000 Man (NSpan)
The Dead Kennedy's Holiday in Cambodia (Leetsu)

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: The Award of Most Cutting Response by Geezer to a Song or General Taste has been cancelled due to poor weather.

And finally, a preview of my next 10 songs, in chronological order:

A tender 2003 ballad from a female-led rock group
A 2001 single from a popular guitar band who altered their sound drastically
A 2001 album track from a post-rock instrumental act
A 1995 acoustic ballad from a troubled singer-songwriter
A 1985 single from a celebrated musician
A harsh 1980 single from an experimental and confrontational post-punk group (NSFG)
A 1977 album track from a post-punk act
A 1970 metal classic
A 1968 Motown hit
A 1966 song from a beautiful singer


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