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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #100-91

Posted: February 12th, 2020, 1:29 pm
by JohnErle
numbersix wrote: True, but that's because for you there are only two music categories: Steve Earle and non-Steve Earle. And all my songs fall into the latter category.
It's true that I divide music into two categories, but you got the names wrong. There's Stuff I Like and Stuff I Don't. Everything else is just a label, and I hate labels. My favourite music quote of the millenium is "Any band who knows what genre they're in has already failed." So true. I just wish I knew who said it.

Or, I suspect a lot of my picks so far eschewed the traditional verse-chorus-verse structure and maybe sounded similar then. Not sure why that is, but it won't be like that the whole journey. Some are 10 minutes of chorus.

That's not the issue, or Explosions In The Sky wouldn't have made my list. Your early picks all felt too grim and repetitive and loooooong. A song that's a 10-minute chorus wouldn't shock me because so many of your picks felt like 10-minute intros to songs that never got started.

The good news is that your Bloc Party pick offered some of the variety I felt had been lacking in your early choices. A different Bloc Party track from the one I chose, but at least it had a little giddy-up.

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #100-91

Posted: February 12th, 2020, 1:35 pm
by JohnErle
A quick recap of the round while I have a moment:

My favourite new-to-me song was probably Sleigh Bells, while my favourite old-to-me song that didn't make the cut was Gideon. MMJ will appear later on my list but I never really considered that song, which is actually better than I remembered. I did consider Off The Record from the same album, but it's the early MMJ stuff I love best.

A couple of other bands will appear later on my list, and there's been one overlapping song so far. Oooh, the suspense!

Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #100-91

Posted: February 12th, 2020, 4:13 pm
by silversurfer19
Rounding out the first round of comments:

Chien - Christine And The Queens. Yeah, she get pretty huge over here in the UK a couple of years ago. Its not really a style that appeals to me, but I can see why she has become such a phenomenon. And live she seems pretty great too having seen her performances on TV.
JohnErle - I think I own a Cut Copy record. Had not heard this one before though, but a great kind of 80s vibe to it I thought.
Geezer - Red City Radio - sorry, nothing there for me this round.
Leestu - I like a lot of Animal Collective, not listened to Strawberry Jam before but this didnt really do anything to make me want to immerse myself in it.
NSpan - Yeah, I discovered The Toadies through your Top 100 Songs list all those years ago. Loved them, but this didnt really hold a candle to it. Which was a shame as I think I built myself up for it a little too much.
Ron - Neon Indian are a band I have heard of but never actually listened to before. I liked it, probably alongside the Tame Impala song it was my favourite of yours from this round. Good stuff.
Screen - Yeah, Alanis just isnt for me. Never liked her voice, but glad she has had such an impact on you.
Shryke - Ditto above.
Six - I LOVE that first record from Bloc Party. And this is a great song. Such a shame they never followed up on the momentum built up after this, I think they wanted to do something that was a real departure to show that they were not a one trick pony, but really, they had hit such a right note first time round I think they should have just refined their sound a little. A shame.
Tranny - Yeah, this had a kind of Mars Volta vibe, and I enjoyed it a lot. Completely new to me but it had a nice oscillating rhythm to it.

And so my favourite from each contributor for the first round:
Chien - The National, Bloodbuzz Ohio (though a nod to the Angus and Julia Stone track)
JohnErle - Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Lies), best new song from Betty LaVette
Geezer - The Gaslight Anthem and Blink 182
Leestu - Bright Eyes, The Vines and LCD Soundsystem
NSpan - Spindrift (though the Anais Mitchell Why We Build The Wall was a great new one for me)
Ron B - Tame Impala and Neon Indian
Screen - Chelsea Moon and Garbage
Shryke - Its all about OutKast, and Eminem surprisingly (my 18 year old self would be horrified!)
Six - Ice Age (Dirty Beaches best new stuff)
Tranny - FKA Twigs and Dance Gavin Dance - both new and both really interesting in their own way.