Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #50-41

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #50-41

Post by Geezer »

I also thought for damn certain that Get Lucky was JohnE. Had I just switched him and Chien, I'd have won. Blast!
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #50-41

Post by Shrykespeare »

JohnErle wrote:
March 31st, 2020, 7:09 pm
Shrykespeare wrote:
March 31st, 2020, 6:55 pm
No, Six, no more Nickelback. Or Smash Mouth. Only one more Disturbed left.

I'm sure I can come up with something else for y'all to hate on...
I've got some extra special snark saved up for your next Joe Satriani pick.
Well, you've got approximately 1 minute before I post it.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #50-41

Post by Shrykespeare »



Miossec, Brest (2004)

Miossec comes from Bretagne, the most western region of France. Brest is the town he grew up in, at the far west of Bretagne, a gloomy town where the wind, the grey and the boats are living in a melancholic harmony. This is a song about his hometown, his memories there, the people he left. There is melancholy in it, but when the chorus arrives, it still rocks. The whole song plays with the words using vocabulary that either rhymes or sounds like Brest.

“Do you hate me now, because of the day I left Brest ? The harbor, or what’s left of it, the wind in the Jean Jaurès street. I know we almost made it, we had survived our youth, we could have devoured what was left of it, even in the middle of the rain”


The Gaslight Anthem, Handwritten (2012)

The song immediately following "45" on the album of the same name, showed an unbelievably strong 1-2 punch in Gaslight's 4th album. The rest of the album, while good, doesn't quite live up to the unbelievable highs that those first two tracks delivered. Like I described 45, another perfect rock and roll song.


Steve Earle - The Galway Girl (2000)

We've entered the Steve Earle portion of the countdown, which means this shit's about to get real. Don't worry, I'm not about to go all Anais Mitchell on you, but from this point onwards most of the artists I'll highlight have a lot more than a few good tracks to offer, so I highly recommend doing a deep dive into any of the artists that show up repeatedly in my top 50.

With an artist as prolific and brilliant as Steve Earle, where to begin? Why, you start with the one most likely to annoy Six, of course. This song has an interesting history because, in a roundabout way, it became Earle's biggest hit since Copperhead Road. He wrote and recorded it in 2000 with some help from an Irish fiddler named Sharon Shannon, who, many years later, recruited some pasty-faced git named Mundy to record a watered-down, bland-as-fuck cover version that became one of the biggest hit singles in Irish history, proving that Steve Earle understands Irish music better than most Irish people.

Also: Steve's Last Ramble, Dominick St.


The Airborne Toxic Event, Sometime Around Midnight (2009)

I still remember the first time I heard this song when Geezer posted it in one of our previous countdowns (thanks Geezer!). I was blown away immediately. The straightforward, honest lyrics tell a story that puts me in his shoes, and I’m feeling what he’s feeling, even though I can’t say I’ve been in that situation before. Both the music, and the vocals, start peacefully, but slowly build until the passion can’t be contained anymore, matching the timing of the story in the lyrics.

Because we had this song just a week or so ago, here is an acoustic version which still displays the power of the song and showcases the emotion of the vocals.


Got a Girl. Last Stop (2014)

One more from DtA and MEW.


Boy and Bear, Harlequin Dream (2013)

Sleek sounding guitar accompanied by some drifting vocals and it does indeed feel like a dream sometimes.


AlunaGeorge, You Know You Like It (2011)

This is the original, not the more popular remix.

I love the beat. I also love the unique style of AlunaGeorge's electronic R&B (before that was a trend).


Joe Satriani, Sleep Walk (2002)

My wife and I love this song. It’s our favorite song to slow dance to in our living room, and you know, that counts for a lot. It’s a remake of a 1959 guitar riff by Santo & Johnny (who may or may not be familiar to you old souls, cough cough NSpan cough cough). Joe proves that he doesn’t have to shred to prove what a virtuoso is with the guitar – sometimes he can go gentle, and it’s just as beautiful.


A Silver Mt. Zion, God Bless Our Dead Marines (2005)

Godspeed You Black Emperor spent their career writing music about an imaginary upcoming apocalypse. After 9/11 they must have felt redundant, as the band went on hiatus. Some of them formed A Silver Mount Zion, who tried to focus on solidarity during scary times. This track is a 3-part suite, the first a political lament, the second a more personal dirge on loss, and the final an attempt to dream of a brighter future as the vocals stagger and layer over each other. It’s a powerful experience live, but even on plastic it’s pretty potent.


Remember Sports, Up From Below (2018)

Following a name change (adding Remember to their title) and almost break-up, Remember Sports arrived back with their third record Slow Buzz for Father Daughter Records. Both lyrically and musically it is a very nostalgic record, filled with lo-fi fuzz, and lyrics focused on looking back at past relationships. Up from below is my favourite track from a great album, it's directness hitting you hard, as Carmen Perry's cascading lyrics recall memories of high school and lost love, while the propulsive drumming and grunge guitars keep your attention. Essentially, it's the perfect soundtrack for a coming of age movie, and one I can listen to on repeat despite my old age over and over again.


Danny Brown, XXX (2011)

There wasn't an artist that I did a bigger 180 on during the 2010's than Danny Brown. The first time a friend of mine showed me "Monopoly", I angrily demanded that he shut it off after about 30 seconds. Stopping songs before they end is typically a huge pet peeve of mine that I tend to avoid at all costs, but Brown's exaggerated, high-pitch flow had me seeing red to the point where I had to cast this cherished rule aside for the sake of my sanity. A few months later, I decided to sit down and listen to Brown further and after a brief adjustment period, he won me over and became a favorite of mine in short order. The title track from the dense 2011 release about where his life was at the age of 30 is a lightning quick introduction to the sharp wit, singularly oddity and no-holds-barred honesty that has made Brown an indie rap superstar.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #50-41

Post by Leestu »

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #50-41

Post by silversurfer19 »

Round 50 thoughts

Ha! At least I got 1 right, and even then I was second guessing Geezer's pick! Total shots in the dark, this round, but really enjoyed so much of it. A very mainstream round with lots of songs with a fantastic beat.

Chien, Daft Punk - I admit I didn't actually know this was a Daft Punk song, although in hindsight it is pretty obvious, just always just assumed this was Pharrell. Lacks a little of their usual verve but still it's very well produced and very radio friendly (seems to be a trend in the round).

Geezer, The Killers - Highly doubt this will be the last time we see this on the countdown, it is a song that has filled many a dance floor over the years and I will admit I have been known to partake in such an activity when combined with a dash of my favourite alcoholic beverage...

JohnErle,.. Trail Of Dead - When compiling my own countdown I did have a look at the Trail of Dead to see if anything would make my list. Their best record in my opinion is Source Tags and Codes which obviously this belongs to, that is a great little rock record, and this one the best from it - it has an awesome riff running through it. Unfortunately they didn't make the cut in the end, but nice to see them represented on here.

Leestu, M. I. A - Never really invested in M. I. A but this is a great song, takes The Clash sample and creates something entirely fresh and of itself from it, mixing cultures and styles in ways I could never have imagined. I only discovered the origin of the lyrics to the song a little while ago, with the aftermath of the Trade Center terrorist attack affecting her ability to gain a visa in the country and the overall image of immigrants and refugees in the US. Makes the guns and cash register sounds all the more effective knowing that.

Nspan, The Rapture - I confess I have only really listened to Echoes which is a fantastic and varied album from the band. Should probably listen to them a little more, even if this song didn't really match anything from their debut on first listen. Still, it was a lot of fun with a great best to it.

Ron, Eminem - Great guitar line to the song, underlined by a nice piano and excellent production. Certainly my favourite song from Eminem.

Screen, Modest Mouse - Delighted to see this pop up again, and I suspect a couple of you may have had me down for this one. Great song that balances the weirdness of the band with their ability to craft a song that is more radio friendly.

Shryke, Jason Derulo - Can honestly say I have gone my entire life until this moment never listening to a song by this guy, despite the fact I understand he is pretty huge. Not a fan of this music so unsurprisingly this didn't click with me.

Six, FKA Twigs - Again, this is new for me from this artist, and once again I'm impressed. She has a great voice, and the production is immaculate in crafting a kind of dreamlike, ethereal song.

Tranny, Outkast - As mentioned earlier in the countdown, this is a good song, but nowhere near as good as Hey Ya, which would be the only Outkast song I considered.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #50-41

Post by Chienfantome »

Mystery round was a real tough one. There were so many possibilities. The only one I was close to certain about was FKA Twigs for Six. The others I got right were Geezer, NSpan and Leestu.

Overall an interesting set of songs. I love Mr Brightside by The Killers (it's a great karaoke song !), and I've listened to it a lot. The only song I'm really into by The Killers.
Trail of the Dead, I really didn't see that coming from John. Probably my second least favorite song from this round, didn't know that band, and that listening didn't do much for me.
Leestu, MIA, that's a fantastic song, surprising, groovy, what's not to like ?
NSpan, The Rapture : Not bad at all, I'm not overly familiar with The Rapture, but sounds pretty good.
Ron, Eminem : that was one of the hardest songs to attribute, got it wrong. I love the guitar, that sweet piano, and once Eminem starts his flow it's like an unstoppable machine, I love it.
Screen, Modest Mouse : I didn't know that band up until a few days ago, and I must say that's a very good song.
Shryke, Jason DeRulo : Like Surf, I must confess I only knew the guy by name and had never listened to one of his songs, and when I listened to that one, I dont feel like I've missed something I would have liked.
Six, FKA Twigs : the minute I saw her name among the mystery songs, I thought "Well that one's probably Six", and when I listened to the song, which I didn't know, that only confirmed my suspicion. It's quite a song, I'll definitely come back to it. Quite haunting.
Surfer, QOTSA : I'm not much into QOTSA, and probably don't know much their music, because I really thought I didn't like it but when I listened to this, I thought it was really good.
Tranny, Outkast : pretty pleasant, although nothing I'd listen again.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #50-41

Post by numbersix »

And into the 40s

Chien: This did nothing for me.
Geez and Leetsu: Both okay anthemic songs in the key of Springsteen.
John: Oh. This fucking song. For sure it's a million times better than Mundy's version (Mundy almost had a career in the 90s with one good song, then just became the last name on the billing of every Irish music festival). But I associate Sharon Shannon with that twee sound of traditional Irish music and just can't past it. Also, this song is played in every fucking bar in Galway for the tourists, and as I'm there at least once a year I've learned to shut my brain down when it comes on.
NSpan: For the best Dan the Automator to the worst. This sounds like someone using midi instruments to write a mediocre pop song. Did not do it for me.
Ron: This wasn't bad. They could lose that sax solo though (
Screen: I enjoyed the blippy bloppy Gameboy music, and the vocals were nice. Lyrics a bit bland.
Shryke: Sorry dude, but I'd choose the original or The Shadows version anytime over this. The original is great, and has been in so many shows and films, notably Twin Peaks, Quantum Leap, La Bamba, 12 Monkeys, The Conjuring, and the Irishman.
Surf: Never heard of them. Very 90s indie rock. It was nice. Cute, even.
Tranny: Danny Brown is one of the few hip=hop artists I pay attention to. I only have his last 2 albums but enjoy them immensely (uknowwhatimsayin was my #105th song of the Millennium). Cound't find anything from Atrocity Exhibition to put in my list, but it's an incredible album. I need to explore his back catalogue more. I really like this. Not was warped and weird as his later stuff, but decent nonetheless.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #50-41

Post by Leestu »


The I Love It

Modest Mouse, Float On - I cannot fault anyone for choosing this as my song, but - spoiler alert - Six's instincts were right, it's too early for I went for Surfer here...fantastic pick, and in a way I'm not overly surprised - quite a few people I know who don't get into MM, or much indie rock at all for that matter, love this song - that's how good it is, it is broadly appealing to all sorts of music lovers

OutKast, Ms. Jackson - glad we now have a song in common - after today it's just Shryke, Nspan, and Chien to go now...I guessed Ron here

Eminem, Lose Yourself - not enough to make my list but it's a classic, the rhymes, the flow, the passionate power, and the storytelling...went For Chien song...and he doesn't seem to be anti rap

The Awesome

FKA Twigs, Two Weeks - I got this right because I've been paying attention over the years and remember Six liking this when it was first released...I agree with everything Six said about this song, and I love her sometimes hushed, sometimes powerful, high vocals here, definitely a strong point of the song ...haven't loved anything she's done since although her experimental nature means it's usually interesting and I'll always give it a shot

Queens Of The Stone Age, Feel Good Hit Of The Summer - I gave this to Tranny...such a great rocking song musically even if there's not much to the lyrics, but that's the point - it's just about feeling good

The Excellent

... And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead, Relative Ways - first listen...stoked to get this one right...I just didn't see any other song that could be John's...although I was (rightly as it turns out) worried about it being heavily compressed (even if I still don't quite get what that means, I thought this might benefit/suffer from it)...anyway I've only heard a few songs of theirs here and there but I really enjoyed this and want to hear more...adding the album

The Killers, Mr. Brightside - one of the one's I got right...just had a feeling it was Geezer's because of the anthemic, party-like, group singalong nature of it, (which are exactly the reasons I still like this song after years and years of it being overplayed)

The Good

Rapture, Don Gon Do It - first listen...again couldn't see any other song being from Nspan and I remembered he said he liked The Rapture...personally I'm not sold on them yet but I do need to explore them more because I think they, and this song, could grow on me

The Okay

Jason Derulo, Cheyenne - another one I got right...for a genre I don't really get into I didn't mind this...liked the falsetto, and for some strange reason the dancing in the video appealed to me, which shouldn't matter but does help me enjoy the song

Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams, Get Lucky - At first I didn't like this song, a bit too poppy for me, but over time it's undeniable breeziness grew on me. Still not a song I really like but I don't mind when it comes on the radio, or someone else's playlist. I gave this to Screen I think as a leftover because it could have been a few of you so whoever was left

Wow! 7 songs excellent or better...this really was a great round.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #50-41

Post by silversurfer19 »

Round 49 thoughts

A bit of a letdown after the quality of the last round.

Chien, Miossec - A little rockier than I have come to expect from yourself, Chien, pleasant enough but almost completely forgettable already, I'm afraid.

Geezer, The Gaslight Anthem - Anthemic Springsteen-seque sound? Of course its a Geezer song. Didn't really deliver though really, just kind of plodded along.

JohnErle, Steve Earle - Yeah, a little too Irish for my tastes. I get the feeling if Geezer slowed down half his songs on his record player, they would sound like this. I didn't have Steve Earle down for writing something like this, so I hope there is a big leap in quality with the remainder of times he is featured considering the adoration you show towards him. At the moment I'm not buying the hype.

Leestu, The Airborne Toxic Event - Think I prefer the other version, but this is a good song, just didn't think it was this popular.

Nspan, Got A Girl - Not the kind of song I'd expect from you have posted previously, and didn't really do much unfortunately.

Ron, Boy and Bear - Quite enjoyed this, nice vocals and mood to it all. Never heard of them before but think they would be a nice band to listen to during the evening relaxing in isolation.

Screen, AlunaGeorge - Can't say I'm familiar with either version, nice raspy vocals but otherwise didn't really click.

Shryke, Joe Santriani - A very familiar song with many, many versions on it. I prefer The Shadows version the most, I feel, it's the one I heard first and still hasn't been eclipsed. I suppose it's nice to hear Santriani when he is not in show off mode, just a nice classic guitar sound, so that's a bonus.

Six, A Silver Mt. Zion - In terms of post rock, I have always favoured the likes of Mogwai, Explosions or Godspeed over these, just as a go to for that style of music I usually end up with one of those three bands. So naturally I'm not overly familiar with the band and this was new to me. Wasn't expecting the sea shanty sound, nor the vocals at all in fact. And the vocals aren't that great to be fair. The supporting vocals were better but otherwise I think I will just stick to what I know. My daughter was far more savage too - 'I hate the voice, there were too many voices and not enough music'. A critic at 7!!

Tranny, Danny Brown - Really liked the music, had that 90s hip hop sound I seem to recall. Seemed to cut a little short though which was disappointing.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #50-41

Post by numbersix »

silversurfer19 wrote:
April 1st, 2020, 6:56 am

JohnErle, Steve Earle - Yeah, a little too Irish for my tastes.
silversurfer19 wrote:
April 1st, 2020, 6:56 am

My daughter was far more savage too - 'I hate the voice, there were too many voices and not enough music'. A critic at 7!!
Double ouch :D

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #50-41

Post by Leestu »


The Excellent

A Silver Mt. Zion, God Bless Our Dead Marines - first listen...this worked for me...a really interesting listen...thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing

The Great

Joe Satriani, Sleep Walk - first listen...I only know the original, which is a very nice piece of music, and reached number one on the billboard charts in USA by the way, and the excellent Modest Mouse version where they add some lyrics, but this is quite a beautiful version with a cool sound

The Very Good

Miossec, Brest - first listen...are they (he?) like the French Coldplay, or is it just this song?...I really liked this

Remember Sports, Up From Below - very indie lo-fi and I'm cool with that

Danny Brown, XXX - I too am a completist when it comes to listening to music, if I start a song, or an album for that matter, I hate it if I can't finish it for some reason...his voice does take a bit of getting used to but I love it now...this song is too short, I prefer 30 from this album, and a few others from his other albums over this but it's still cool to see Danny Brown here

The Good

The Gaslight Anthem, Handwritten - first listen...not bad...vocals are the strong point, musically it's decent if a bit too standard rock n roll for me

The Okay

Boy and Bear, Harlequin Dream - it's nice enough but forgettable, I didn't recognise it by name because I had forgotten it...Boy and Bear do have a couple of songs I really like though

Steve Earle - The Galway Girl - first listen...I don't think I've heard either, or any, version of this before, but it didn't stand out to me over genuine traditional Irish music, which I do enjoy at fact his country twang sounded a bit out of place to me

The Rest

Got a Girl, Last Stop - first listen...I'll pass, thanks

AlunaGeorge, You Know You Like It - first listen...not for me at all

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #50-41

Post by Chienfantome »

Leestu wrote:
April 1st, 2020, 7:38 am
Miossec, Brest - first listen...are they (he?) like the French Coldplay, or is it just this song?...I really liked this
I never thought of Miossec (a man, not a band) as the French Coldplay, no, but maybe I don't know enough Coldplay :lol:
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #50-41

Post by Chienfantome »

Round 49, it' strange how round 50 was very different. I know on my part that I explicitly reversed two songs, because otherwise Volver by Benjamin would have been round 50, and you would have guessed right away it was my choice...

Anyway, 49.
The highlight of this round for me was The Airborne Toxic Event chosen by Leestu, first listen, fantastic discovery, definitely my kind of song. That Silver Mt Zion piece chosen by Six was quite infatuating too.

Below those two, I enjoyed Got a girl chosen by NSpan, Boy and Bear chosen by Ron. Remember Sports was alright, although I won't come back to it. Joe Satriani, yeah, but I don't think it adds much to the original stuff. The rest did nothing to me.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #50-41

Post by NSpan »


Miossec, Brest (2004)
Moving. When it picked up a bit, I thought it might be too much--but it really works. Good pick.

The Gaslight Anthem, Handwritten (2012)
Pretty good for the genre. Though this type of music oftentimes sounds a bit "samey" to me.

Steve Earle - The Galway Girl (2000)
Steve Earle is an artist I've been meaning to check out more. This track is more proof that I'm missing out.

The Airborne Toxic Event, Sometime Around Midnight (2009)
This rocks. It's reminiscent of... some band I can't put my finger on. Pulp maybe? Silversun Pickups? ...regardless, I liked it a lot. (Also, I might actually prefer the acoustic version)

Boy and Bear, Harlequin Dream (2013)
Dreamy, indeed. I loved it.

AlunaGeorge, You Know You Like It (2011)
Not really my style, but a fun track undeniably

Joe Satriani, Sleep Walk (2002)
Easily one of my favorite Satch tracks. Good pick, my friend!

A Silver Mt. Zion, God Bless Our Dead Marines (2005)
This is very good. I own most of their music, I need to get around to actually listening to it.

Remember Sports, Up From Below (2018)
Loved it. Want more.

Danny Brown, XXX (2011)
Haha, I liked it despite it being so oddball. Dug the lyrics
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #50-41

Post by Shrykespeare »


Ron B - Harlequin Dream - This is marvelous. Given enough listens, I might grow to love it. I also might have to dive into Boy & Bear! Can you recommend their best album? 8.5/10

Leestu - Sometimes Around Midnight - Great song. I like this stripped down version, but not as much as the original. 7.5/10

Geezer - Handwritten - It does sound rather Bruce-ish, doesn't it? Excellent song. I like this more than 45. 7/10

NSpan - Last Stop - Not bad. Reminds me of some of Sheryl Crow's stuff. 6/10

Screen203 = You Know You Like - Not bad. Not great, but not bad. 6/10

Chien - Brest - Decent melody, guy has a good voice. I wonder how the Strokes would do in an English version of this song? (Get it? Brest-Strokes? ... forgive me, it's 6 am where I am) 5.5/10

Tranny - XXX - At least it was short. 5/10

Surfer - Up From Below - Didn't care for this. 4.5/10

JohnErle - Galway Girl - Wellll, doggie. If this is typical of Steve, I don't think I'm going to like much of your selections. Will they all make me picture dancing leprechauns? We'll see, I guess. 4.5/10

Six - God Bless Our Dead Marines - Wow, you're really testing our patience with some of these songs. Just for this, I should send you the bagpipe version of the Saber Dance... 4/10
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