My top 10 of 2011

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My top 10 of 2011

Post by Aquamann2001 »

Breaking Bad
Game of thrones
Curb your enthusiasm
Parks and recreation
Boardwalk empire
The Walking Dead

Honorable mentions
Storage Wars
Spartacus gods of the arena

Sons of anarchy and how to make it in America are in my blind spot right now I have to start both from season 1.

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Re: My top 10 of 2011

Post by W »

No particular order:

Breaking Bad
How I Met Your Mother
The Walking Dead
Boardwalk Empire
Sons of Anarchy
The Big Bang Theory
The Office
South Park
The League (when I catch up)

There's 11...
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Re: My top 10 of 2011

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Some good picks, i still havent seen much of community, workaholics or parks and recreation but id like to see them soon. And i never clicked with the office or entourage but ive seen prob 3 seasons between them.

Heres my top
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones
South Park
Family Guy

thats it but if you count what else ive seen this year,

The Wire
Freaks and Geeks
Frisky Dingo
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Re: My top 10 of 2011

Post by frendo »

1. Sons of Anarchy - Straight up best thing on TV. Possibly will become the best thing EVER on TV. A biker club drama that's a Hamlet adaptation. Brilliant. This season was probably the best. There were a number of episodes, back to back, that literally left me with fingernail indentations in my palms, and a racing heart. Just amazing storytelling.

2. Friday Night Lights - Man, what a fantastic show! What a great ending. Most of all, what amazing characters! Most years, this would be #1, but with SOA...

3. Weeds - Almost didn't watch this after the horrific last season, but this season brought it back to greatness and then some. Fun, yet dramatic, it expounded on things while going back to the suburban style it started in. Great to see it return to form.

4. Dexter - Still awesome. Season was a bit weird with the whole incest thing, but still simply great. A serial killer as hero...who woulda thunk it?

5. The Good Wife - A drama that just keeps getting better. No real violence, yet suspense abounds (which doesn't happen too often). Great to see a law show that has characters you really CARE about. One of the best casts on TV just keeps on giving.

6. Curb Your Enthusiasm - Downright fascinating in it's ability to just make you CRINGE in embarrassment. Larry David is a mad, neurotic genius.

7. Parks and Recreation - This year, P & R has become the best thing on the Thursday night lineup, since the addition of Rob Lowe and Adam Scott. Funny, funny, funny. And one has to think..they just hit their stride. What will the future hold in store?

8. Modern Family - Great once again! Not much else to say that hasn't been said a million times already.

9. The Office - Managed to still be great after the departure of Steve Carell, which not many expected. James Spader is an excellent addition that makes up for Carell's absence, while adding fresh blood. Ellie Kemper was a great, and welcome, addition as well (if you haven't already, check out her short Blowjob comedy skit...).

10. Community / How I Met Your Mother - The weakest season so far for Community, but still great. It would be impossible to hit the greatness of season 2, so I guess a small downfall was inevitable...still a smart and funny show though. How I Met Your Mother makes the list for being one of the few things that both me and my mother can enjoy watching together. Also, for being able to go so long and still be relevant (the episode regarding the use of social networking when it comes to dating was one of the better, if not only, takes on how virtual life has changed human communication).

Note: Didn't see Homeland, Boardwalk Empire, or Breaking Bad, all of which I heard were amazingly good. Also, if Eastbound and Down had a season last year, it would have probably been in the top 4 for sure...
Last edited by frendo on January 13th, 2012, 1:53 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: My top 10 of 2011

Post by NSpan »

frendo wrote:Ellie Kemper was a great, and welcome, addition as well (if you haven't already, check out her short Blowjob comedy skit...)
Woah. I saw that sketch years ago. Had no idea it was the same girl.
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Re: My top 10 of 2011

Post by Buscemi »

Weeds should have been killed years ago. This was a show that was only supposed to run four seasons but it's limping along its eighth season. If Showtime wasn't so obsessed with it (I believe them renewing it cost them Arrested Development), it would have ended long ago.
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Re: My top 10 of 2011

Post by numbersix »

Agreed on Weeds. I gave up on Season 4, and even then it was becoming a complete bore. Same goes for the Office, when the last season just wasn't funny.

That said, I haven't seen a lot of new seasons. Just finished Misfits Season 3 (underwhelming), and of course watched Game of Thrones (the best new show around) and Breaking Bad (not as good as before, but still excellent).

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Re: My top 10 of 2011

Post by Brockster »

In order:

1. Game of Thrones
2. Dexter
3. Homeland
4. American Idol
5. Late Night w/ Jimmy Fallon
6. American Chopper
7. Gigolos
8. Storage Wars
9. So You Think You Can Dance
10. The Voice

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Re: My top 10 of 2011

Post by numbersix »

Homeland is starting on local TV tonight. Worth a watch?

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Re: My top 10 of 2011

Post by Brockster »

Great show...I hate Claire Daines and I still liked it.

Six, I see you like Game of Thrones...have you read the books?

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Re: My top 10 of 2011

Post by numbersix »

I haven't, Brock. I've heard they're pretty good but fantasy novels aren't really my thing (except the His Dark Materials trilogy). I'd rather just watch the show!

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Re: My top 10 of 2011

Post by Brockster »

lol...well, they aren't your typical fantasy novels...much better than the show. I'd def recommend them if you ever get the time to read them.

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