The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Six/Avatar - One of the very few films i watched 3 times in cinemas! By the 3rd time i regretted my decision almost instantly wishing i had brought some acid or something. But im not amazed by this movie, nor am i disappointed by it, though i do understand its over rated.

Boosh/The King of Kong - I really enjoyed this the only time i saw it, enough to make my top 100! But after that (thanks to you) i learnt the movie was staged and i thought less of it.

Walleye/Gremlins - I tried watching it once, but didnt get far. I think ill watch it over Xmas and get back to you

Chien/Divines - Never heard of it, what a surprise!

John/Some Like it Hot - Saw it once and thought to myself: 'this is over rated' Glad someone thought so!

Tranny/The Nightmare before Christmas - I like the stop/motion type animation but overall i think its over rated as well
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by numbersix »

Ron B: I enjoyed it at the time, but I've largely forgotten it. So has most people, so not sure if I'd put it in the Over-rated category now. But at the time, maybe.

Boosch. Oh god, this film. You could spend weeks lost in argument about what was real and what wasn't. The good guy says it was all true, the guy portrayed as bad says it wasn't, the makers insist he's lying, etc etc. All docs push a certain narrative. Maybe this takes a step too far, I'm not sure, but I do remember it painting the bad guy in a good light at the start. Kinda. But if you're going to attack a doc for fabrication, pick pretty much anything by Michael Moore.

Walleye: I have fond memories of this film. I should watch it again to see if it stands up. But you gotta admit that a Christmas movie about monsters invading a town that's somewhat family friendly is a pretty cool thing. You just don't get anything like that.

Chien: The fact that it got buried in Netflix's global stockpile (beyond a theatrical release in France), and that only you and I and some critics in Cannes have seen it, doesn't make it too highly rated. I'm sure you could have picked bigger targets, Chien! That said, this film is flawed and Girlhood is a way better film dealing with simialr themes.

John: I like this film. Great pace, Lemmon and Curtis have a great energy. The fact that people regularly say it's the greatest comedy of all time does make it slightly over-rated, but I'd rather it was this than something truly bad.

Tranny: This is just fun. Strange, quirky fun.

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Chienfantome »


Ron, Revenge of the Sith : I like it, despite its many flaws. I'm not sure I would call it overrated, but still.

Six, Million Dollar Baby : I KNEW there would be some Clint on your list !!! ;)

Boosch, The Sixth Sense : I had seen it twice in theater, but I don't think I've rewatched it since. Excellent memories of it, even though the film relies too much on its twist. I don't really consider it overrated.

Walleye, Toy Story 3 : Magnificent film :evil:

John, Star Wars : I don't even want to comment. I'll just pray for you, even though I'm an atheist.

Tranny, The Incredibles : I really enjoy it, but I'm always surprised by how many people consider it the best Pixar. IN that sense, I can agree with it being overrated, but it's still a damn fine film.
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Chienfantome »


Ron, Up in the air : Haven't sen since theater. Enjoyed it then.

Six, Avatar : Amen.

Boosch, King of Kong : Haven't seen.

Walleye, Gremlins : Ooooooh, one of my childhood's favorites !! Haven't seen in ages, but I'm sure I wouldn't consider it overrated even if I rewatched it.

John, Some like it hot : One of my all-time favs !!!! So brillaintly written and acted !! I'm starting to be worried about you, John !!

Tranny, Nightmare Before Christmas : I barely remember the film, haven't seen since the 90's.
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Chienfantome »

numbersix wrote:Chien: The fact that it got buried in Netflix's global stockpile (beyond a theatrical release in France), and that only you and I and some critics in Cannes have seen it, doesn't make it too highly rated. I'm sure you could have picked bigger targets, Chien!
It may not be a big target, but believe me, in France, the film was a huge deal, so as a French, I cannot overlook it as one of the most overrated. The Caméra d'Or !!!! Damn !!!
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Walleye413 »

Haven't seen too many this round, but interesting choices.

Up in the Air may be mostly forgotten, but in my memory the last 15 minutes or so of Clooney's performance was stellar. Real depth and heartbreak and more from him. So if that's all I remember, I'd have to say it holds up for me.

Avatar - very curious when this was going to show up. Interesting from a "perfect hollywood script" standpoint, I quite agree. It checks all the boxes and does it well. But oh my it sure didn't deserve that much hype. Doing a formula well isn't worthy of that kind of praise.

Million Dollar Baby was not my favorite Clint movie. I don't have many of them, to be fair, but yeah, this one is definitely overrated.

And the rest I've seen bits of, but never sat all the way through them. Maybe that proves the point - because they're all "big" movies that I've never wanted to spend my time watching.

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by undeadmonkey »

Up in the Air - Anna Kendrick was great in this and Clooney was at least not annoying. That's a win in my books

Avatar - in 2009 it was overrated. is it now, does anyone care? i guess we'll find out when the sequel comes out.

Some Like It Hot - I thought it was hilarious and i loved seeing that Marilyn Monroe could actually act and wasn't just a 50's version of Paris Hilton.

The Nightmare Before Christmas - I found it forgettable, so yes, good choice.

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by JohnErle »

Up In The Air - Apparently I rated it 8/10 when I watched it, but I can't remember a single thing about it apart from Vera Farmiga's body double. Probably a little over-rated at the time.

A Nightmare Before Christmas - It's the only movie I know of that can qualify as both a Halloween and Christmas staple. It has a unique place in film history, but it's probably just a tad over-rated.

Avatar - If anything, I think the backlash against Avatar has been excessive, so it's probably a bit underrated by cineastes. I haven't seen it since it was in theatres, so if I saw it now when its technical achievements won't seem so ahead of the curve, I might change my mind.

Toy Story 3 - Definitely overrated.

Sixth Sense - It doesn't hold up to repeat viewings once you know the ending, so it was a blast the first time through, but overrated all these years later.

Incredibles - Loved it when I saw it, so I say no.

Kink Of Kong - Virtually all documentaries show a selective version of the truth, and this one is largely forgotten, so I'd hardly call it over-rated.

Gremlins - Is it really highly rated still? It's a fine piece of 80s nostalgia and a pop culture reference point, not much more.

Chien - I hope you start picking some films people outside of France have heard of. It's hard to insult you when you pick films none of us have seen. ;-)

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Chienfantome »

JohnErle wrote:Chien - I hope you start picking some films people outside of France have heard of. It's hard to insult you when you pick films none of us have seen.
I did pick Pirates of the Caribbean and the Harry Potter films. You may not want me to pick films you know ;)
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by numbersix »

JohnErle wrote:
Chien - I hope you start picking some films people outside of France have heard of. It's hard to insult you when you pick films none of us have seen. ;-)
Hahah. Said it better than I ever could

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Ron Burgundy »


Ron B

War of the Worlds (2005)
imdb rating: 6.5 from 359k votes
This movie has the rare honor of putting me to sleep in cinema. Bonus raspberry points for having an incoherent Tim Robbins. Also, the only Spielberg film that i dont like. Was nominated for 3 oscars.
My rating: 2.5/10

Six (#6)

12 Years A Slave (2013)
There’s a major problem in liberal art in which they have trouble seeing making “worthy” stories as being patronising. In the case of race, it’s when films take a “look at these poor, poor people” viewpoint. And this film is so guilty of that. Having a story about an African American slave being brutalised for over a decade is blunt, obvious, and pointless. Does anything think slavery was good, or kind? And what’s worse, this film cuts out a lot of the biography in which Solomon struggled with his identity, and turned on the dumber slaves because he was more educated. Instead, he is simply reduced to being a victim and not a rounded character, and that in itself is a form of racism.


Pitch Perfect (2012)
Why?: Basically a two-hour episode of Glee, this film creates a whole fantasy world where acapella groups are some big deal (maybe in Pentecostal schools cut off from reality) and led to people actually emulating the characters and giving Anna Kendrick a top single (as well as sequels are basically the same but bigger). I’m sorry, but putting aca in front of everything just makes you sounding annoying and makes a mediocre and forgettable college comedy unbearable.


X-men 2
Other than Nightcrawler (who is the best thing in every single scene) I feel like this movie always falls just short of it’s potential. It’s good, but then just misses the landing in scene after scene. For that, it earns a spot on my list.


Avatar (2009)
Pocahontas in space. Might sound cool on the paper, but that’s all it is.


Annie Hall
I guess you had to be there. I've liked other Woody Allen a lot more than this.


Adaptation (2002)
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by numbersix »

Ron B: It's actually my favourite spielberg film of the last 15 or so years. I've watched it loads of times. Amazing action. So tense, so well made. Some amazing scenes (the burning train, the bodies in the water). Loved the storyline and the characters, including shell-shocked/batshit-crazy Tim robbins. This is how blockbusters should be made.

Boosch: Haen't seen it, never will. Is it highly rated? Popular maybe. Also, the bar I wanted to go into last night was closed off because of a Pitch Perfect 3 premiere party, so now I'm angry at the franchise. This time it's personal, PP....

Walleye: Yeah, people see it as the best in the series, but I felt it couldn't handle all the characters and developed some too quickly (like fireboy, or whatever his name is). Not a bad superhero movie, but definitely flawed.

Chien: Good call.

John: Bad call! One of my favourite films of all time. The wit, the honesty, the sentiment. The Marshall McLuhan scene. The subtitled pretentious conversation scene. It's a Top 20 of all time flick for me.

Tranny: I kinda enjoyed it until I realised it was a film that was calling its audience a bunch of idiots. Being John Malkovich is a billion times better.

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Walleye413 »

Ron I think War of the worlds is 3 movies. I think it has an amazing beginning. Truly amazing, the set-up, the tension, the effects. All the way to the Ferry scene. And then the Psycho Tim Robbins stuff happens and it's a different movie, and I hated it. And then then the ending happens, and everything is happy and hunky-dory and I thought that was so incredibly lame. 3 movies, but sadly stitched together as 1 so from that standpoint you are totally right!

Boosh, I love the Pitch Perfect movies. The first one was hilarious. My whole family laughed throughout - intentionally so. The second one wasn't as original, but I thought the first was clever and must disagree with you there.

And after that - I'm 0-fer for the rest. Managed to avoid all these other overrated movies and after your reviews I think I'm glad I did (Well, except I saw Avatar of course. I am an American :) )

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Buscemi2 »

I really should have proofread my entries. I thought this is what Grammarly was supposed to help me with.
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by JohnErle »

War Of The Worlds - I've said before that the movie grinds to a halt when Tim Robbins shows up, so I guess I'm not the only one who thinks so. Apart from that I loved it and it was in my top 100 of the millennium, so I vote under-rated.

12 Years A Slave - So the black men who wrote and directed this are self-hating racists? I don't think so. I didn't like Michael Fassbender's scenery chewing, but apart from that it's a fine drama. And "Slavery was bad" may seem obvious to you and I, but not to the Trumps, David Dukes, and Roy Moores of the world, so it doesn't hurt to have a movie like this every few years. Also, "War is hell." Amirite, Christopher Nolan?

X-Men 2 - Agreed. Almost every year a superhero movie comes out that fanboys proclaim as the greatest superhero movie ever. This was one of many. I thought it was a good superhero flick, but a little overrated. Everyone knows The Last Stand was the best of the original trilogy! Duh-doy!

Adaptation - I kinda liked it, but agreed, a bit.

Avatar - Chien, I thought I told you to stop picking these obscure French movies!

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