Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by Chienfantome »


Shryke - Terminator 2
I knew last time wasn't the last time we'd heard about a James Cameron film ;) Well, I think you all know how I feel about this one. Great entertainment, very enjoyable, but nothing more for me than this. Oh and I don't like the happy end, but I've already said it before, right ?^^

Surfer - Harold and Maude
It is only days ago that I listed Harold and Maude myself, Surfer, so it's with great pleasure that I see you list it too. It's an amazing film, so funny, so unexpected. A film so uplifting, you are right to say so. I was not surprised to see Bud Cort appear in a Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, as for me Anderson's film are reminiscent of Ashby's film.

greenarrow - Early Summer
I still haven't seen it, and Six is right to point out how similar your tops are, it's amazing.

transformers - South Park
What a brilliant piece of comedy this film is. I remember the jubilation of watching this film in theater. My friends tell me I am not a discreet laugher, and I guess it's the kind of film I disturbed my neighbor with a lot while watching it :lol:

Ozzy - Man on the moon
Jim Carrey is absolutely mesmerizing as Andy Kaufman. It's one of his most fantastic performance, if not THE most. Good film too !

Ron B - Moon
This is clearly one of the great sci-fi films made in the past decade. It takes an unexpected route, a route audacious and fascinating. Sam Rockwell is unbelievably good in it, at least as good as the actors that were nominated for an Oscar last year. Great, great film.

Buscemi - House of sand and fog
I remember when it was released in the US, but strangely this never was released in France. I haven't seen it. I have to say that the subject does not really have me craving to see it.

Six - A clockwork Orange
It still is one of the classics I have yet to see.

Banks - My cousin Vinny
An enjoyable flick. Really not the kind I'd ever put in a Top 100, but enjoyable yes.
Pesci is very funny in it, and it's always great to look at Tomei^^

Barca - The Shining
It's a Kubrick round ! The great director he is crafted with The Shining a very disturbing film that feels both very scary and undeniably attractive . Nicholson gives chills. Great work that I haven't seen in wayyyyy too long.

Geezer - Saw
Oh come on !!! 5th appearance for Saw already ?! I can't believe it. Anyway, it's watchable, totally watchable, but so, so unremarkable ;)

leestu - In the heat of the night
Ha ! Another classic I haven't seen yet. Damn, there really are too many of them !

W - Monsters Inc
Like all Pixar films, it's good. No, in fact this one is a great one, definitely. I haven't seen it in a while, but I remember being impressed by the visual quality of it. Funny trivia about this film : in France, Mike has been renamed Bob. And I really don't get why.

NSpan - Rushmore
Wes Anderson is one of the most interesting American directors working today. Rushmore is not my favourite of his, but the fact I haven't seen it since theater does not help. But it's a great film, the film that introduced me to him.

UDM - Good Will Hunting
Gus Van Sant has made some much more smart, and unexpected, and brilliant film, but in the end, yes, Good Will Hunting is a good film. It goes down the easy way narratively, but it's got good characters (and great interactions between them), good writing, and what needs to be said through it is said.

JohnErle - Zodiac
I listed it vey early on in my own top. Fincher is becoming one of the most reliable american filmmakers, each film, lately, is a great film. And Zodiac clearly is a great thriller. So dense, so sharp, so fascinating. A pure joy and excitement to watch.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by silversurfer19 »

Chienfantome wrote: Surfer - Harold and Maude
It is only days ago that I listed Harold and Maude myself, Surfer, so it's with great pleasure that I see you list it too. It's an amazing film, so funny, so unexpected. A film so uplifting, you are right to say so. I was not surprised to see Bud Cort appear in a Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, as for me Anderson's film are reminiscent of Ashby's film.
I know, I found it funny that NSpan listed Rushmore on the same day as I picked Harold and Maude, and he also recognised the influence of Anderson. They obviously share their slanted views on comedy, I kinda wish I'd made room for an Anderson film of my own on here, and Fantastic Mr. Fox may well have been the one to make it (though Darjeeling Ltd, Rushmore and The Royal Tenenbaums are all very much favourites too).
Chienfantome wrote: greenarrow - Early Summer
I still haven't seen it, and Six is right to point out how similar your tops are, it's amazing.
I don't really think it's that much of a surprise really. Helena doesn't really like what most stereotypical girls like, and we've pretty much lived and breathed movies together for over 9 years, during which time we've watched more than we had ever done so before. I find that if you watch movie together your impressions of a particular movie rub off on the other and vice versa. It's very rare nowadays that I come out of a movie with a different opinion on a film, we either both love it, or both hate it. So during this time we've obviously grown to love a lot of similar movies, but noticably the movies we watched prior to meeting, we have rather different views on (mainly her liking for Merchant Ivory movies and my love of zombie/horror movies).

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by Chienfantome »

It's really not that common that a couple share so many favourite movies, Surfer. I know some couples, and most of them, if you asked them to list their favourite 100 movies, I bet there wouldn't be half of the similarities you and Helena share. It's great.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by silversurfer19 »

Like I said, Helena isn't like many girls, we share very similar interests in almost everything, from music, movies, design and books. While I know my brother and his wife watch movies separately most of the time (or one half watches while the other is engrossed), we always watch movies together. I'm not suggesting she's some kind of perfect mirror of me (heck she annoys the hell out of me some times [have to make sure she doesn't read this page tonight...] with her innane need for cleanliness), but I am kinda lucky we share so many things. but having said that, music and movies are so important to me I highly doubt I'd have even gotten with her if we didn't at least share most of our tastes.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by silversurfer19 »

I think I threw up a little myself when I read that back over...

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by silversurfer19 »


Shrykespeare: Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) – Firstly, I can't say I know anyone who would actually prefer Titanic or Avatar over Cameron's Terminator movies, they just don't come close. And secondly, while I agree with you regarding how kick ass the Patrick/Arnie face off is, I think I actually preferred Conner in the first movie, with a little more naivety and innocence regarding her reaction to the Terminator. Becoming a kick ass heroine, while working well for the plot, just didn't appeal to me as much as her humanity of the first movie. Kinda feel the same with the Alien series, the realistically terrified Ripley was always more appealing to me. Still great movie, (9.5/10)

thegreenarrow: Early Summer (1951) - Obviously as Helena's doppelganger I love this too. (10/10)

transformers: South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut (1999) - When this series first came out I purposely avoided it, as most of the idiots I lived around loved it for mainly being a cartoon with swear words. I didn't get the satire until I looked into it myself, and it is quite brilliant. Think I prefer Team America more, but it's still a hell of a lot of fun. (7.5/10)

englishozzy: Man on the Moon (1999) - Hmm, I don't know if I ever believed I wasn't watching Carrey, as although he is very good in this, I think it was always very much a Carrey movie. Thought Truman Show would have been more popular than this as a Carrey movie, but both are very good. (7/10)

Ron Burgundy: Moon (2009) - One of my favourite movies from last year, it has the same barren qualities as the first Alien movie, especially with it's sets, and Rockwell is fantastic. It also draws quite a lot from 2001 too, so two of the very best sci-fi movies forming your inspiration is always a good start. We have this on DVD but haven't gotten round to watching it since our first viewing in the cinemas last year yet, should get around to it. Don't know if I'd rate it above Sunshine yet though. (8.5/10)

Buscemi: House of Sand and Fog (2003) - Very well acted movie, though the ending was not a surprise at all, could see that coming a long time before. Probably one of, if not my favourite Kingsley movie, he truly is quite menacing but at the same time you relate to him too. (7.5/10)

Chienfantome: Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) – This one's really starting to build up some momentum as we get higher up the chart isn't it. Very good adventure movie, never turn down an opportunity to see it. I don't think there has been a series of movies which have evoked so much joy from me in such a long time. Only Star Wars rivals it. (9.5/10)

numbersix: A Clockwork Orange (1971) - Still a brutally poweful movie after all these years, will never be able to forget so many of those iconic scenes from the movie (almost like Kubrick brainwashed them onto us himself!) (10/10)

Banks: My Cousin Vinny (1992) - I don't actually know if I've seen this all the way through. It's been so long since I've seen any of it though I don't think I could possibly form an opinion on it though. Will keep an eye out for it if it is on again though. (N/A)

BarcaRulz: The Shining (1980) - Another Kubrick classic, and well worthy of it's position in the countdown. I wonder how many Kubrick films will end up in the top 20 compiled list and how his movies will fare in comparison to Spielberg and Hitchcock? (10/10)

Geezer: Saw (2004) - It was fairly original for its time, and I won't say I wasn't impressed by it, but single greatest ending of a movie ever? Not a chance in hell. (7/10)

leestu: In the Heat of the Night (1967) - Got to watch this a few months ago after wanting to for so many years, and was not let down. Poitier is brilliant, as is the script. Riveting till the last, so tense and full of suspense. Nod doubt in a few years this may crack my own top 100. (9/10)

W: Monsters, Inc. (2001) - Certainly one of my favourite Pixars, probably sits just behind Toy Story. Great animations, hilarious and thrilling. Everything you could wish for in an animation really. (9/10)

NSpan: Rushmore (1998) – For the most part I've throughly enjoyed most of the new 'indie' movies, they offer something a little different to the usual Hollywood fare and Anderson certainly stands as one of the leaders of the revolution. This is a particular favourite of mine, and introduced me to the marvel that is Jason Schwarzman. (7.5/10)

undeadmonkey: Good Will Hunting (1997) – Yeah, still need to see this. (N/A)

JohnErle: Zodiac (2007) – Good to see this getting a little respect on here, it seems to always be criminally overlooked when people look at Fincher's best work. (9/10)

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by NSpan »

I can only chalk it up to negligence as to why Zodiac isn't on my own list... D'oh

That said, I lost a bit of respect for its originality/uniqueness when I saw Memories of Murder. I can't imagine Fincher having not watched (and rewatched) that film before going about creating Zodiac.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by silversurfer19 »

I have no doubt. Coincidentally we watched Mother again last night. I'm pretty sure Korea is fast becoming one of the most interesting outlets of modern cinema, with Joon-Ho Bong and Chan-Wook Park spearheading the movement.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by Geezer »

That's because Zodiac sucked, Surfer. As with just about every other movie Jeke Gyllenhall has been in. I don't even think he's a terrible actor, he just picks really, really terrible films to be in.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by silversurfer19 »

I'm pretty sure your one of the very few people to be of that opinion Geez. Zodiac was certainly one of the finest movies released this century. Having said that, Gyllenhaal has certainly picked some bad movies recently.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by Shrykespeare »

Movie #38

Geezer - Saw - When I was compiling my list, I was almost convinced that I would be the only one with Saw on it. Perhaps there would be one or two others that had it, really low. But to have it on five other people's lists is just awesome. Our 12th overlap. (9/10)

Raiders of the Lost Ark - not much else to say. Our fourth overlap (and our second this thread alone, which equals the number of overlaps we had in our first 60 films! (9/10)

Banks - My Cousin Vinny - God, I loved this movie. I can't say enough about Pesci or Tomei to do it justice. It's held up amazingly well. "Win some, lose some..." (8/10)

Ron Burgundy - Moon - I saw this in 2009 as kind of an "oh, okay, I'll see it just to fill out my 100 requisite films of the year"... and I freakin' loved it. Rockwell is awesome, and even Spacey's disembodied voice had an eerie HAL quality to it. I'm anxious to see what Jones does down the line (I'm looking forward to Source Code). (8/10)

Buscemi - House of Sand and Fog - Don't remember much about the film, other than I liked it. (7/10)

W - Monsters Inc. - Was that "musical" scene in the movie?! I don't remember it! Definitely at the bottom for me as far as Pixar movies, though. I liked it, but it was too cutesy-poo for me. (6/10)

BarcaRulz - The Shining - Another film that's gotten a lotta love. (6/10)

JohnErle - Zodiac - Well, I don't think the film SUCKED as Geez does, but I didn't love it either. I felt it dragged in a few places and was rather anticlimactic. (6/10)

numbersix - A Clockwork Orange - It's a very Kubrickian day, huh? (5/10)
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by silversurfer19 »

Shrykespeare wrote:Movie #38

JohnErle - Zodiac - Well, I don't think the film SUCKED as Geez does, but I didn't love it either. I felt it dragged in a few places and was rather anticlimactic. (6/10)
I'm pretty sure Fincher wasn't going to change history THAT much just to make a more entertaining finale. I mean, I know about creative licences, but having Gyllenhaal find concrete proof of who the Zodiac killer was and getting him busted would be going a bit too far I think....

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by undeadmonkey »


Shrykespeare - Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) – hmm, cameron might of had a chance to be the most picked director on here, except he just doesn't have as many movies as spielberg. I wonder if anyone is going to choose avatar or titanic too??

Ron Burgundy - Moon (2009) - I liked it, like i've said before, but i'm not exactly itching to see it again. I guess i didn't get that much out of it as you guys did.

Also i must say i'm surprised at how many 2009 and 2010 films are on some people's list (not just talking about you Ron). I can understand loving a new movie, but how many times have you seen the film, are you sure you're going to feel about it the same after seeing it 5 times? (just so no one misunderstands me, i'm not saying it negatively just questioningly, heck i have one 2009 film on my list as well. but i've seen it four times already and i love it still. Although i purposefully put it lower on my list because it's so new)

Chienfantome - Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) - I wonder what would be todays equivalent to the indiana jones movies, if there is one? (national treasure seems an almost complete knockoff, or am i wrong?) question for you guys who love this so much, i know most of you were disappointed in the 4th movie, would you guys see a fifth?

Geezer - Saw (2004) - never would of guessed this to be in our top ten, or anyones top ten, gosh i hope it's not in someones top ten.... six? ;)

W - Monsters, Inc. (2001) - too be honest, i always felt like it kinda ripped off the Ahh! Real Monsters show, Or at least that was the inspiration. but still this movie is great too

NSpan - Rushmore (1998) – I've seen parts here and there but not enough to comment on it, hope to see it all one day and in order.

Haven't Seen

silversurfer - Harold and Maude* (1971)

thegreenarrow - Early Summer (1951)

transformers - South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut (1999) - I wouldn't watch this to save my life, i hate the show

englishozzy - Man on the Moon (1999)

Buscemi - House of Sand and Fog (2003)

numbersix - A Clockwork Orange (1971)

Banks - My Cousin Vinny (1992)

BarcaRulz - The Shining (1980)

leestu - In the Heat of the Night (1967)

JohnErle - Zodiac* (2007) - one of the only fincher films i haven't seen, always hesitant to start it because its so long

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by silversurfer19 »

undeadmonkey wrote:Also i must say i'm surprised at how many 2009 and 2010 films are on some people's list (not just talking about you Ron). I can understand loving a new movie, but how many times have you seen the film, are you sure you're going to feel about it the same after seeing it 5 times? (just so no one misunderstands me, i'm not saying it negatively just questioningly, heck i have one 2009 film on my list as well. but i've seen it four times already and i love it still. Although i purposefully put it lower on my list because it's so new)
This came up a while back too. I guess some of us are of the opinion that a movie needs to stand the test of time to become a true favourite, while others are listing what their favourite movies are right now. I guess it's a matter of personal opinion. I don't have a movie earlier than 2008 on my entire 110 movie countdown, but I know a few have a movie only 6 months old on their list.
undeadmonkey wrote:Chienfantome - Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) - I wonder what would be todays equivalent to the indiana jones movies, if there is one? (national treasure seems an almost complete knockoff, or am i wrong?) question for you guys who love this so much, i know most of you were disappointed in the 4th movie, would you guys see a fifth?
I kinda think the genre has moved on due to CGI, those days of great adventure movies worked so well due to their live action effects, such as Ford being literally dragged against a wall by a tank. Nowadays actors don't get to do this, and the adventure genre has therefore been cast against all other action movies and comic book movies (which is really where the genre has gone now). Or maybe Harry Potter and LOTR could be seen as its successor? And despite my overall dissatisfaction of the last movie and my reservations over the next one, I know I'll go and see another. It's FREAKIN INDY after all.

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