The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by numbersix »

Ron: I can see how people wouldn't like this film. It's just walking and talking. But it does capture a sort of understated romance so it works for me.

Boosch: I think there are other Fincher films held in higher regard that don't deserve it (Benjamin Button, Social Network, Gone Girl), but this is an average film at best.

Walleye: I think it holds up. It's a benchmark film, but even beyond that it still feels fresh and unique today.

Chien: I've little interest in musicals, modern or classic. Is it the Paris setting that irks you most?

John: This is supposed to be a list of films you think are over-rated, not a list of films whose balling on will send me into a Hulk-like fury ;) This is a thousand times better than North by Northwest. I love the style, I love the psychological depths it delves into. My favourite Hitch.

Tranny: Yeah, this is probably his least liked film of recent years, but it's still over-rated. There's another draft of the script floating around the net that was for Spielberg to direct that was way better. Didn't have a frikkin space library.

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Buscemi2 »

There are Fincher-obsessed people who insist The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a masterpiece (the same with Gone Girl, of which I've been told by fans that I'm wrong for seeing it as a two and a half hour Lifetime movie). As I've said before, had any other director made this film, people would fully see it as the disaster that it is. Fandom blinds people (look at the Ridley Scott fans that insist Alien: Covenant's good).

And I'm convinced Spielberg's Interstellar would have been terrible. The ideas in the script he would have filmed sound like most other Spielberg films and I prefer that he be doing films like Bridge of Spies and The BFG instead of rehashing E.T. and Close Encounters like most filmmakers would. But it probably would have been better than Spielberg's American Sniper (of course, that one would have still been the exploits of a racist liar from any director).
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by JohnErle »

Before Sunrise - The original was charming and romantic. The sequels are definitely over-rated.

Dragon Tattoo - There are people who rate this highly? The studio certainly didn't, since they couldn't be bothered to finish the trilogy. The Swedish version was much, much better.

Pulp Fiction - If this doesn't inspire a cameo appearance from Geezer, nothing will. Tarantino is wildly over-rated in general, but this is one film of his that deserves most, if not all, of its praise. Somewhat over-rated.

Vertigo - If my picks of so-called-classics like Vertigo anger Six so much, maybe it's because deep down inside he knows I'm right. ;-) This is the kind of film that becomes sacrosanct after a few decades, and then that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you dare to say it's not all it's cracked up to be you risk not getting invited to the next cinephile circle jerk. I'm anti-social and stubborn enough to not give a rat's ass so I call 'em like I see 'em. Vertigo ain't all that.

Interstellar - Nolan = over-rated.

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by transformers2 »

JohnErle wrote:Dragon Tattoo - There are people who rate this highly?
*raises hand*. I liked it better than the Swedish version actually.
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by numbersix »

JohnErle wrote:
Vertigo - If my picks of so-called-classics like Vertigo anger Six so much, maybe it's because deep down inside he knows I'm right. ;-)

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by JohnErle »

numbersix wrote:
JohnErle wrote:
Vertigo - If my picks of so-called-classics like Vertigo anger Six so much, maybe it's because deep down inside he knows I'm right. ;-)
The Chamber Of Secrets - Under-rated. ;-)

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Ron Burgundy »


Incase you aint divided enough yet, here's the next lot :)

Ron B

Donnie Darko
imdb rating: 8.1 from 638k votes. Metascore: 88
How? Or Why? Is this rated in the top 250 imdb films of all time list?
The plot makes no sense, my suspension of disbelief doesn't really apply here because the whole thing is too bizarre to comprehend.
My rating: 3/10

Six (#6)

Garden State
Manic Pixie Dream Girl? Check. Comedy actor trying to be dramatic? Check. Indie soundtrack? Check. Story about an actor facing his past? Check. Inane, pretentious dialogue and laboured sense of importance? Oh you better fucking believe that’s a check. It’s films like this that ruined indie cinema last decade.


The Witch (2015)
Why?: Once you get past the old English gimmick, you’re basically left with a bad 80’s movie transported to the 1600’s. The characters are idiots, the plot is minimal (it’s another five minute plot stretched feature length as no one has a brain), and the twist is hard to believe. Also, for a film that’s supposed to be feminist, the women are all depicted as deceitful or moronic. A better title for this would have been “Dumb Puritans”.
Better movies: The Virgin Spring, The Company of Wolves (period horror), The Crucible (Puritanism)


Braveheart (1995)
This should have been the first sign that Mel Gibson had a thing for violence. It’s an epic movie, with some stirring speeches and impressive scenes. But when do you cross the line between portraying the violence vs. glorifying it? This movie finds that line and blazes on past it.


Baby Driver (2017)
I love Edgar Wright, and I enjoyed the film quite a bit, but I got out of it thinking "Yeah, fun little thing", but I honestly can't rave about it as much as almost everyone else is. The film is cool. Too cool for its own good. Everyone is overanalyzing the greatness of how the music and songs fit the scenes they are into, but it feels to me like too many people think music was never as carefully put on the screen as with this film and thinking it's a masterpiece thanks to it. To me Baby Driver is a fun film, but it's gonna be far from my Top at the end of the year.


The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
It's very good, but it's been the #1 film on IMDB for a decade running, and that's the definition of overrated.


Beetlejuice (1988)
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Im watching Full Metal Jacket now, any movie that has zingers like "what you're 5'9, i didnt know they stacked shit that high' in the opening scene, cant be over rated, just a wicked movie. Also hands down the best performance by Matthew Modine, R Lee Ermey and Vincent D Onofrio they've ever done. Scenes like the pillow soap bashing "just a bad dream fatboy" are seriously top notch and forever mimicked never topped.

Six/Garden State - It really is an arty piece of crap. I remember hiring this in the blockbuster days, and didnt enjoy it. Subsequently skipped almost all Scrubs.

Boosh/The Witch - My dad hated this, and to a point, i agree with him. But theres idiots everywhere in the ol days, so i dont think its gripping with realism. Its not bad, and for me, not over rated

Wallsy/Braveheart - Ahh, it is slightly over rated, i dont think it would appear on too many best of list nowadays though.

Chien/Baby Driver - I only watched this recently, and i was slightly disappointed. So, im neutral with this appearing here.

John/Shawshank - Just because its No.1 on imdb (which is there for a variety of reasons) doesnt mean shit, i think its a deserving no.1 movie, i mean- who doesnt like this?

Tranny/beetlejuice - Nah, dont think so, its fairly original. I certainly wont turn it off if it pops up on TV
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Walleye413 »

I thoroughly enjoyed Baby Driver. Yeah, it might be getting a little too much love, but this year movies were so rote and unoriginal that I'll give it a pass. This was one of the most interesting and engaging movies I watched all year.

Shawshank? Seriously, who doesn't love Shawshank? If any movie is deserving of the #1 spot it's this one. A modern era classic with the best plot, directing, and acting you're gonna see. You're going to movie jail for this one.

Bettlejuice - does not hold up! Totally agree on this, I find so much of it silly and the animation is awful. Like truly awful.

Garden State - Yeah have to agree with you on the movie - but you're missing out if you don't watch Scrubs. That's one of the funniest and most sincerely heartfelt shows I've ever watched.

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Buscemi2 »

Baby Driver was less of a movie and more of an ad for Apple. And it could have stood to be 20-30 minutes shorter (as well as having a different ending).

I will never get the love for Scrubs. Braff is a charisma-less lead and the jokes either came off as cliche "interns are stupid" jokes or jokes with no punchline.
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by numbersix »

There was nothing heartfelt about Scrubs. That "here's the message" VO at the end of each episode was so maudlin.

Ron: I think it still stands up. An amazingly rich world, with great atmos and visuals, all tied into a teen's questioning of his own value. That said, Kelly's subsequent films does show that maybe we were too easy going on this film.

Boosch: I love it, one of my favourite films of last year. The characters are less "idiots" than products of their mindset. Like a puritanical version of Do the Right Thing.

Walleye: Yep, I had it before. Although I don't hate it because of the violence that it glorifies - it's more the awful characters.

Chien: I think this film is mostly liked rather than loved, so I wouldn't put it in an Over-rated list. It lacks the smart wit of Wright's previous films, but it puts the director of every blockbuster to shame with its great pacing and technique.

John: 100% agree. Generally good does not mean the best.

Tranny: This movie is so fucking strange, and twisted, and silly, that for all its flaws you gotta appreciate the ambition.

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by transformers2 »

Ron: A trippy, mesmerizing and powerful experience that has stuck with me since I first saw it during my early high school years, but I completely understand why it's commonly viewed as overrated.

Six: Haven't seen

Boosh: While it took a little while for me to get over the Old English, it's atmosphere is suffocating and the last 20 minutes are pretty much perfect. No issues with how it was received among critics and the film snobs of the world.

Chien: One of my favorites of 2017 and my favorite Wright movie since Shaun of the Dead. Everything from the characters to the story to the chase scenes to the way music was utilized delighted me to no end.

Walleye: Corny as hell, over-the-top violent and I love the shit out of it. It's Best Picture win was a real head-scratcher though.

John: Kind of ashamed to admit that I've never seen this.

As for my #11, Bettlejuice is a movie that I avoided for years because of my hatred for Tim Burton''s "zany" style. I figured I'd finally give it a shot because I was writing a piece on Michael Keaton's filmography around the time Spider-Man: Homecoming came out and it had been almost a decade since I'd given any of Burton's quirky projects a chance. This became a decision that I soon regretted. Everything from the dumb humor to the band of obnoxious characters to his cutesy portyal of the underworld was completely insufferable and reminded me exactly why I've harbored such a deep disdain fo Burton's style most of my life.
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by JohnErle »

Donnie Darko – It's a good debut film, probably a bit over-rated by its cult audience, but if it's in any way responsible for the new sub-genre of horror that has nothing to offer except dudes in creepy masks, then I wish it had never been made.

Garden State – All I remember about Garden State is that scene where Natalie Portman hands Zack Braff a set of headphones and says “You HAVE to listen to this band. They'll change your life!” Then he listens to a few seconds of The Shins (over-rated) and nods politely because he's trying to get laid. That's how I felt about Garden State any time someone raved about how great it was. I just nodded politely because I was trying to get laid.

The Witch – You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. Horror doesn't get any better than this.

Braveheart – It's wonderful to see all the hate for Braveheart around here. There's still more to come, I promise.

Shawshank – A film can be very good, even great, but still be over-rated. Hence my pick of Shawshank.

Beetlejuice – It didn't blow me away back in the 80s, but I re-watched it a few years ago and loved it way more than I expected. It probably could have used a little less Keaton, though.

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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by Ron Burgundy »


Ron B


The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)

imdb rating: 7.8 from 498k votes. Metascore: 70
I still dont know how/why this was made into a movie. Its got 2 strong leads attached and whats even more disappointing: its made by David Fincher.
My rating: 3/10



Betty Blue (1986)

Considered a classic of French cinema, all this does is have the same old conservative message that a woman who is sexual is actually KRAZEEEEEE.



Prisoners (2013)

Why?: More idiot plots. This overlong thriller from the consistently overpraised Denis Villeneuve seems to only exist to glorify torture and religious fundamentalism. The one-track plot only lasts two and a half hours due to the dimbulb characters refusing to acknowledge that the disabled character (another problem is that the film treats the disabled as acceptable targets) might not have been the kidnapper. For a movie that tries to make us support the decisions of a family in crisis, it only made me ask myself “Who would agree with these assholes?”
Better movies: Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (brutal crime dramas), Polytechnique, Incendies (Villeneuve)



Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)

Another visually impressive movie that I just didn’t get. Del Toro is a mad genius, but this one was lost on me.



The Raid 2 (2014)

The first was a very cool action film, one of the most memorable of the last few years. The sequel was praised as a worthy successor, but to me it was almost unwatchable. The director seems to take the audience into craving for violence with it, and that made me particularly uncomfortable.



The Departed (2006)

Martin Scorses's most disposable movie finally wins him an Oscar.



Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
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Re: The Fantaverse 25 Most Over-rated films list

Post by JohnErle »

Benjamin Button – Agreed. Fincher is hit and miss, but this turkey was sandwiched in between two masterpieces, Zodiac and The Social Network, and got more attention from the Academy than most of his films, so it's probably his most over-rated.

Prisoners – Agreed. I'm not sure you were meant to sympathize with Jackman, but it was definitely too long and I felt unclean after watching it. It's an ugly, depressing film.

Pan's Labyrinth – It's been ages since I've seen it, but I didn't think the hype was warranted when I saw it.

Mad Max: Fury Road – Oh, hell no! I loved every second of it.

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