ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's Countdown

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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's Countdown

Post by Buscemi2 »

Yeah, Mixed Nuts is pretty bad. I watched it a few years back on Tubi after remembering it from renting it on VHS many years ago and it didn't hold up at all.

The original only got a few festival screenings in the US before fading into obscurity (well, until TriStar got the remake rights). Surprised Kino Lorber or Cohen Media Group hasn't picked the original up for a Blu-ray or VOD release.
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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's Countdown

Post by Chienfantome »

10. The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
What can I say about The Empire Strikes back that hasn’t been said already ? It’s the best Star Wars film ever made. I remember back in the spring 1997, when the original trilogy was re-released, I was 15 years-old, and one of the best cinemas in Paris screened it, one of my favorite screens here. I was right in the middle of the screen, and it blew me away. Back then I would have put it number 1, probably. Such an exciting adventure.

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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's Countdown

Post by Chienfantome »


Boosh: Once Upon a Time in America (1984)
The 80's produced a few monuments of cinema. This is one of them.

John: The Falcon and the Snowman (1985)
Never seen that one.

Ron: Scarface (1983)
Again, hated this one.

six: Raging Bull (1980)
I always had a hard time with this one. But I realize I probably haven"t seen it since my 20's. I need to rewatch it. but it's far from my favorite Scorsese, that's for sure.

StarLord and Tranny : The Shining (1980)
A fantastic film.
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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's Countdown

Post by Chienfantome »


Boosh: Blade Runner (1982)
What a film. My favorite Ridley Scott film for certain.

John: The Changeling (1980)
I'm not sure I know what this film is, I'm intrigued.

Ron: Amadeus (1984)
Here's one I saw when I was a teen and was pretty impressed by it, but I never had the chance to watch it again since. Definitely need to.

six: Brazil (1985)
About the same comment as Amadeus'. A film I really need to rewatch cause I have great memories of it.

StarLord: Predator (1987)
Meh, never been a fan of Predator.

transformers: Better Off Dead... (1985)
Never seen it.
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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's Countdown

Post by Chienfantome »


Boosh: Cinema Paradiso (1988)
Strangely, I've never seen Cinema Paradiso. I've been meaning to catch it forever, but never have.

John: Full Metal Jacket (1987)
I cited it, so obviously, love it.

Ron: Blade Runner (1982)
Just wrote about how it's the best Scott film for me.

six: Die Hard (1988)
You can't do any better in terms of action films.

StarLord: Ghostbusters (1984)
A great childhood film. Love it.

transformers: RoboCop (1987)
I'm always interested in Verhoeven cinema, but I've never been a fan of Robocop.
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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's Countdown

Post by Chienfantome »


Boosh: E.T: the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
And another one I haven't seen since childhood and really need to rewatch.

John: The Name of the Rose (1986)
I used to love this one, even though I'm not much of a Annaud fan. Haven't seen it in a long time.

Ron: First Blood (1982)
I've always been uninterested in the Rocky movies, and I can't say I like the Rambo sequels, but First Blood is a very good film.

six: Do The Right Thing (1989)
On my list too, great film, Lee's best.

StarLord: RoboCop (1987)
Another Robocop occurence, still not a fan of it.

transformers: The Untouchables (1987)
Glad I'm not the only one citing it, great choice.
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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's Countdown

Post by Chienfantome »

9. Au revoir les enfants (1987)
Goodbye, Children. This may not be Louis Malle’s most known film internationally, but it’s probably his most personal, and important. It is hard not to be devastated by that tale of childhood and friendship during WWII. In a catholic boarding school, jewish children arrive to be hidden from the Germans. It’s actually a pretty simple and straightforward story, but it is told with such honesty, such delicacy (the film is actually based on an episode of Malle’s own childhood), it’s impossible not to get carried away by it. I remember watching it the first time when I was a kid about the same age as the protagonists, it marked me for life.

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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's Countdown

Post by numbersix »

Excellent film that almost made my Top 30

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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's Countdown

Post by Chienfantome »

8. Back to the Future (1985)
I remember the first time I watched Back to the Future. I was about 12 or 13 and my sister and I used to do some cat sitting for our neighbors, who had a big VHS collection. They had the Zemeckis trilogy and we watched it that way. It didn’t take long for us to record it on VHS ourselves so we could watch it over and over. I love both sequels, even if the third is less ambitious and fascinating, but the original is a Hollywood film that nears perfection.
Here's the original French trailer dubbed in French.

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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's Countdown

Post by Chienfantome »

7. The Right Stuff (1983)
I love films about space, be them sci-fi, documentaries, or the portrait of space conquest that is The Right Stuff. It’s a fascinating story that manages to be exciting in what it tells, like a true adventure film, and at the same time depict a slice of History with a distinctive style. And it does so with great characters that fill the film, especially Chuck Yeager, the only one who doesn't want to be an astronaut, and turns into a romanesque character. I had the chance to watch it on the big screen a few years back, and it was extraordinary.

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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's Countdown

Post by Chienfantome »

6. As Tears Go By (1988)
Wong Kar Wai. The man hasn't done much in the last 15 years or so, but his career til 2046 is outstanding. In The Mood For Love is in my Top 5 all-time, but the films he made before, Happy Together or Chungking Express, notably, are almost just as impressive. And of course, As Tears Go By. The film that started it all, his debut. Maggie Cheung and Andy Lau star in a mix of HK noir and romance in which you find many premices of Wong's cinema. I'm the first shocked to realize I don't have many Asian films in my Top films from the 80's, it's probably the only decade I don't have a good handful of Asian films amongst my favorites. But As Tears Go By could not be absent.
As I don't have a trailer with English subs, I have a great clip without dialogues, that uses a Cantonese version of Take My Breath Away that appears in the film. Wong loves using cantonese versions of Western songs in his films. And it works beautifully here.

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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's Countdown

Post by numbersix »

Interesting. I have the Criterion WKW boxset and this is the only one I haven't watched. So it's as good as his subsequent films?

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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's Countdown

Post by Chienfantome »

To me, In The Mood For Love is his best, and behind is Chungking Express, As Tears Go By and Happy Together.
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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's Countdown

Post by Chienfantome »

5. Die Hard (1988)
Do I really need to tell you how fantastic Die Hard is ? It's the perfect action action movie, that has inspired many copycats that never made it as great as McTiernan. I've seen it a hundred times and could watch it any day with the same pleasure. Here's the French trailer with French dubbing. Willis has always had a great French voice, Patrick Poivey, that helped make him a popular actor in France.

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Re: ShrykeVerse Top Movies of the 80's Countdown

Post by Chienfantome »


Boosh: The Shining (1980)
A classic I also cited.

John: Airplane! (1980)
I think I haven't seen it since childhood. I loved it then.

Ron: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Of course.

six & Starlord & Tranny: The Terminator (1984)
I already said it, I really like the Terminator films, but they are far from my top. Like any Cameron film. Sorry guys.
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